The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 809

Chapter 809

Chapter 809: New Beginnings

On the 6th of December, when the crown swapped owner, a young babe was born to a wealthy family inside the Shadow Realm. His memories of birth were of the life she had lived, the consciousness traveled, and in the few minutes the mind was able to process a large amount of information, he knew, life would be peaceful. Upon the transfer, the mind reverted to infancy, and the process of growth and restart began for the Queen.

Night laid on the capital, a heavy feeling of confusion had grasped the street and households by force. Their ruler, the stability most had known to understand and live with, was pulled from below their feet. Unable to stand on firm ground, there was much sliding and clambering, perplexion rattled the Arcanum – no announcement was made save the speech her majesty gave. The castle was on orders from Raulf, who had been away till a few hours ago.

“Gallienne,” Igna stood on a terrace overlooking the eastern side of the castle, which also where Aceline previously ran towards. The flowerbeds and grooves gave an air of solitude, without the sun to add to their color, the dullness was reminiscent of him. A shiver went from the open hole in his torn shirt, ‘-I can sense her presence,’ he inhaled, ‘-may you have a great life.’ Footsteps shuffled till the archway, “-stop hiding in the shadows,” he said with much truth, lights had yet to be turned inside the corridors – thus the allusion to a vacuous cave into nothingness.

“You sensed me?” the footsteps closed onto the balustrade where Igna drew support from, “-I can’t believe she’s dead,” said an unhealthy voice.

“I can’t believe it either,” replied Igna, “-your wife was an amazing person. We all grieve her death,” he turned and gave a half-smile, “-I can promise one thing, she’s in a much better place, not heaven or hell, a place where she can fully rest and relax, a place where she can live her life as anything she wishes, I personally guaranty her happiness.”

“Where does this come from?” the want for answers begot but a silent fading smile, “-I’ll take the words for it,” he turned and used the balustrade as a seat, “-mind if I smoke?” he unpocketed a blue-box muddled by stripes of yellow and red.

“Go ahead,” to which Igna reached subconsciously, “-oh right,” the hand grabbed at a whiff of air, ‘-my jacket’s torn.’


He took notice and offered a cigarette, “-here,” both puffed – the passing wind made short work of the cloud, “-I truly hope the kingdom moves in a better direction. She was always afraid of Arda and what move they would make, in a way, her mindset of Hidros not being a united entity never changed. Tis the flaw which comes with age, can’t teach an old dog new tricks.”

“No, I think it’s amazing how she kept calm under the growing political climate. The fate of countless millions rest in my hands,” he inhaled and exhaled, “-honestly, it won’t matter, not until the nobles are on board. Piers, I have a favor to ask.”

“Sure, what is it?”

“Starting for now, I want you to work as a spy.”

“A spy?”

“Yes, I want information about potential revolution amongst the nobles and people,” he stopped and shook his head, “-no, never mind, I was lying. Truth is, I want you to take a break from the castle life. Take a trip, expand thy horizon, do things you couldn’t – it’s my way of repaying the faith you’ve had in the queen. Visit family, I met your brother not long ago inside Alphia, lady Sophie’s doing great with her auctioning company.”

“I see,” he puffed, “-I appreciate the feeling, still, I’m not leaving the unstable climate in your hand. It would be running away; I can handle the noble families. My lovely wife entrusted the kingdom to you, I will follow her example and entrust my fate to you. Show me the world she wanted to create, Igna Haggard, show me what the legendary dynasty is able to do!”

Said night, none at the castle ever thought of sleeping. The throne hall was altered, priests from the Syhton religion were present to wish the queen a pleasant afterlife. Chants and hums echoed the hall akin to a cathedral – she was given the last shower and dressed in her ruling attire. The news ignited across the capital, the queen died – Igna made sure the attention to be solely on her majesty’s last moments and the life she had lived till the day she died. Contrary to King Blaine Riverty, she would be buried without a public appearance, as in her coffin wouldn’t head into town. josei

The next day rose, Igna remain steadfast close to the coffin – where many were defeated by the heaviness of no sleep, he vehemently stood guard and watched. Death for him and his family wasn’t a great deal, the boon of immortality was trivial to them – yet when the death occurred in other families – especially one of such prestige and power, he could but observe the toll a death had. Queen Sely departed from the mortal realm a few years back, her situation was peaceful, they said she took her last breath surrounded by family. To open a new door, one had to close those of which were open and even left ajar. To said extent, choosing to remain in the shadows proved efficient, none bothered to care about the kingdom, for many loved their queen.

Curtains were drawn at 10:00, the final prayers and chants were spoken. The final moments before burial were broadcasted live, the apostle of Syhton, Sharon, took to the microphone in her ritual robe, “-the death of a friend, the death of a family member, the death of a person who we wished draw breath is the proof of their life. We think at what they’ve done and smile at the moment spent as one. Queen Gallienne, as a ruler and as a person, was very resolute – this paved the way for a better life,” she paused, “-Queen Gallienne will be remembered, forever and ever.” Influential figures took a turn and spoke, they gave their feelings and expressed last words of which were hidden deep within their hearts. Piers and Eia opted against speaking in public, to them, they had already spoken their last words to her.

At noon-sharp, the coffin rose to be taken at the Cathedral of Stars, the place whereby many pilgrims make the long trip to have an audience and pray in the company of the apostle. Many grieving bystanders swarmed the street headed towards the grave – barriers were placed, the roads were shut, many shouted good wishes through the iron gates. Flowers were flung, petals were thrown off roof-tops, the feeling was bitter-sweet. At 13:43, her coffin was placed inside the family crypt, her place, cupped in the middle of King Blaine and Queen Sely. Dust and spiders were common sights; Sharon read texts from her holy scriptures; Igna, Piers, Eia, and Courtney were the only four allowed within the crypt as said resting place was most often dangerous.

“May you rest in peace,” they said, the ceremony concluded. Eia fell onto her knees at her mother’s side, Piers could but console her through warm pats on the back.

“Is it certain the curse of undead won’t affect her?”

“No,” returned Sharon softly, “-the prayers and spells cast won’t allow for the evil taint to awake her eternal slumber. The doors have been shut, Hidros will soon feel the fear of not having a foreseeable future. Igna Haggard, from the bottom of my heart, I wish for thy success. Take heed, a good ruler is one who is sharp and unyielding,” on those words, she took up the degraded stairs – pebbles fell from the hand lain stone bricks.

“Let’s go, Eia,” said Piers, her slumped shoulders rose listlessly, there held no spark of life within her pupils.

“A sorry state for a princess,” commented Courtney, “-she’s gone.”

“Yeah, I agree,” returned Igna, “-mother, the future will be a hard fight.”

“I understand, you’ll have my full support,” she said very confidently, “-what will it be, king of Hidros?”

“Not now,” he said, “-there is much to be done before. First order is the public,” a finger to the earring, “-éclair, are preparations readied?”

“Yes, my lord,” he answered. Many news stations were given the footage of Gallienne’s last wish, she said plenty o’ difficult things, first being the succession. The gut shouted of the troubling noble faction, instead of appealing to them, Igna thought for a harder path, one where he cares for the people instead of the world, the answer to her uncharacteristic question. Shortly after, at 15:32, under the shadow of King Blaine’s commemorative statue in Rosespire’s town square before it grew into a city, men in dark suits nonchalantly created a bubble. The grandness of the space proved a boon. Various vehicles from multiple news stations drew their cameras and waited at the scene, rumors of a public appearance roared across the Arcanum. From said baseless rumor, a crowd of a few hundreds gathered – at 15:45 – a relatively known figure thrust at the feet of the statue.

“Good afternoon, people of Hidros,” said he boldly – spells carried his voice across the capital, “-my name’s Igna Haggard, before addressing matters, I’d like to take a moment of silence for our beloved queen,” the silence was unparalleled, he opened his eyes to a bigger crowd, “-I stand before thee as a humble citizen of our kingdom. The untimely passing of our ruler has left her grand seat open. As is known, our society isn’t much equal, and still isn’t. I don’t argue against inequality. The saying of people being born equal is wrong and flawed – decrepit and woeful the situation may be, there’s the opportunity to rise through the ranks. This, my friends, is what sets us, Hidros, apart from the rest of the world. Arda’s gone through a lot, I’ve tried my best in helping the citizens, to show for it is a booming kingdom. I won’t stand and make promises, the Empire has caused much trouble in the world, our friends, the empire of Alphia, fights a war against the oppressing faction of the Wracia Empire. No one is out of their reach, the Argashield Federation ended prematurely for the reason of a betrayal, the kingdom of Elendor played us fools and masterminded our falling out. The safety and stability of our citizens are the utmost priority. The empty throne will be filled by me, I made a promise to Queen Gallienne of truly bringing Hidros to prosperity. Nothing is black and white; the ambers of war will fly our way. You and I have to make a promise here and now, as the Devil of Glenda, I swear to protect the continent from invaders – if anyone dares to lay a finger on us, I will take the battle to them. The Riverty bloodline will end after my marriage to Princess Eia. I don’t expect to be accepted, and frankly, it doesn’t matter. A ruler needs to be sharp and right to the point. I was given a goal, and I will make sure said goal is reached. You, the people, have previously had no say in how the government operates, this changes today, anyone with citizenship of Hidros, inclusive of Arda, Oxshield, Plaustan, or any provinces, will have a word in what is to be done going forward. A channel for public discussion is hereon created and dubbed the Gaien Council – I invite everyone to voice their ideas, if you have talents beneficial for the country’s growth, I invite thee. Hidros is a great continent, we’re multiracial, and I’d like to keep it so. For the betterment of the future, I, Igna Haggard, vow to make the kingdom a better place!” By the end of the speech, a mass of thousands gathered – knowingly or not, the name and title, Devil of Glenda, Igna Haggard, was and is one venerated as the hero who saved Hidros.

“Cheers for the new king!” cried a lonesome bystander.

“...CHEERS FOR THE NEW KING!” the reluctant crowd followed.

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