The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 840

Chapter 840

Chapter 840: Elendor [4]

“Where have you been?”

“Had to take out the trash,” said a lesser worried Igna. The dirtied shirt and brownish-red stain drew the intrigue of fellow bystanders.

“Sure,” returned a not so impressed Dyu, “-look,” from their metal seats, he pointed to a suspended block, a television. On it was news reports and witness accounts on the recent shooting, an interview with the inspector said, “-the fight against the darker side of society is one where everyone participates. You, citizens, who sit and do naught, have a say in how our society advances. We’re glad to say, the leaders behind the incident are in custody. My division will make certain they pay for their crimes.”

“Vague, isn’t it?” narrowed the lawyer.

“Yeah, super,” shrugged Igna.

“Read this,” said Dyu, a word-filled table laid onto Igna’s lap, ‘-wise words written by Dyu,’ a massive smirk wrote across the latter’s face, “-read,” flash across the bold smiles.

‘King Juvey, what can I say, the man’s a living legend. Someone strong and powerful, a tyrant, war stories plague the annals of history, the campaigns the man’s led, from a few dozen to hundreds of thousands, it’s safe to say, the king’s a competent leader on the battlefield, despite the troublesome way he acts, the uncaring nature to another sex and race, very close-minded till strength is added to the equation. Wise words to him are the same as rambles, lest the ramble exits a man he respects’ mouth. I’ve worked quite a few times in dealing with the repercussion of his actions. Most often, the strongest of men are also the kindest, not him, I looked into the entourage, was told stories by prior maids, none had anything better to say. Depending on how he views a person, the relation may be awesome or awful. Luck would have it, Juvey cares for intellect, he treats wits and strength the same – the perfect candidate will always embody those talents. I’m sure you’re excited to meet him, Xen,’ Igna pulled, glancing at Dyu and the front, “-what’s this?”


“Don’t like it?”

“Not a matter of liking or not, what is it?”

“It’s what I wrote to pass the time. I was worried about the battle, worried it’d be compromised. You know, rumors are often based on truth.”

“I understand,” the head shook, “-you’re worried. Fret not, comrade, I’m not angered easily.” Yonder, at the joining of corridors, an overwhelming presence approached. Many bystanders, including nurses – exchanged whispers and gossip. Before a remark left Dyu’s lips, the heaviness stormed to stand behind Xen with arms crossed, “-we meet again.”

The lawyer’s face dropped, “-look, it’s the king, he’s addressing another person.”

“Must be another noble,”

“I know.”

“Hush, the king’s known for snapping heads.”

“He’s so terrifying.”

“-m-Majesty,” formed on Dyu’s mouth

“Hello again,” he pulled from the seat and stared the epitome, “-everyone’s saying you’re the king, are they right?”

“Xen,” exhaled the king, “-you are strong. Between followers of warrior’s way, we’re bound by duty and a greater purpose. I’m indeed the king, Old Cray is the name I earned on the battlefield.”

“Old Cray,” he said, “-pleasure.”

“No need for formality,” a stare at Dyu, “-how is Scorpio?”

“In surgery still,” added the lawyer, before anything else said, the broad back turned from the seats, the knees clicked and he dropped, “-too bad we’re not mentioned on the news.”

“Right,” shrugged Igna, “-you’d have blocked the view.”

‘What the fuc-‘ crossed Dyu’s eyes, he reached for Igna’s arms, “-what are you doing?” a cold grasp choked eavesdroppers.

“Whilst you’d be a frame,” he quipped.

“I’m afraid my frame wouldn’t last seconds holding thy stature,” two cold glares turned on one another, the frowns cracked till smiles, “-ha-ha-ha-ha,” they laughed, especially Old Cray. “Tell me, Xen,” breath gathered, “-when are you interviewing for the job?”

“I don’t know, my friends in the operating room.”

“I see, explains why you know Scorpio and Dyu. Between you and me, I’m the employer,” he whispered.

“I see. Majes-”

“Old Cray is fine.”

“Ok?” josei

“Yes, Old Cray, we’re comrades, are we not?”

“Sure, Mister Old Cray?”

He frowned, “-fine, fine, Old Cray it is. Tell me, why the search for a butler, did the last one not suffice?”

“I’m looking for a fresh breath of air, someone exciting and with a personality. Those around me aren’t much talkers, they fear power and I admit, it’s boring more often than not. Then there is you, a random fellow, a traveler from Hidros, an adventurer. The inspector told me about the deal, I’m impressed, using drugs on an officer to get away from their grasp, tis bold and genius, or borderline stupid, either way, the choices never fail to impress,” the beard stopped, he looked on at the passing injured, a gleam scanned the pupils, “-Scorpio submitted his suggestion last. There are ten people in total, including you, the tournament starts in two-to-three days. Under normal circumstances, he’d give the information of what to do and expect.”

“Seeing he’s in the hospice?”

“Yeah, I understand,” a notification halted the conversation, the voice grew distant, a few minutes later, Old Cray arrived with the news, “-Xen, here are thy choices, come with me to the palace and get ready or stay here.”

“Old Cray, I appreciate the offer, but I refuse. I’ll stay until Scorpio gets better, it’s my way of saying thank you for the opportunity. I want to be there for him, that’s the duty of a friend.” A nurse scurried into the waiting room; the heavy auras blasted her into an unsteady balance.

“Nurse, how is Scorpio?” asked Dyu, the mention called onto the king and Xen’s attention.

“He’ll be fine,” she said, “-time heals,” a relieved exhale carried onto Old Cray’s smug expression, “-still going to wait?”

“I guess not,” he shuffled to the nurse, “-when will he be cleared to have visitors?”

“I can’t say, perhaps in a few days? He’s still unconscious.”

Without wait, Old Cray made for the entrance, “-meet me outside when you’re done,” a phenom down, Dyu finally lashed into grabbing Igna’s shoulder, “-how the hell?”

“Skill my friend,” he smiled, “-or pure luck?”

“Stop, I haven’t seen the king act so brazenly to anyone before.”

“Of course, you didn’t, he’s acting. A man of his caliber respects two things, loyalty and strength. Pass my warm regard to Scorpio, I have an interview to get to,” grip around the case handle, “-been a pleasure, Dyu.” Hence marked Igna, now by the moniker of Xen’s arrival to Elendor. In a twist of fate, in wanting to let loose and get revenge for a fallen comrade – Old Cray so happened to be in the vicinity. If it’d been another employee, his majesty would have batted an eye and left the wounded to die.

7th of February wrote on the phone, shyly under the massive 00:34, the constructions eased into a line of flatlands shielded by trees. The car stopped at the eastern entrance, the door unlocked, “-Xen,” said his majesty still inside the car, “-I’ve informed the guards of your participation. Things are different here, you earned the right to address me informally, we’re comrades. I trust you understand how to excise caution.”

“If tis about me showing off or revealing our relation, it won’t happen. What’s the point of employing someone who runs their mouth. Old Cray,” he turned, “-from now onward, we’re nothing save a king and a potential candidate to serve. My liege, I wish a very blessed night of sleep on thee.”

“Smart as is strong. I approve,” the teeth shone in confidence, “-may the goddess of luck bless thee, Xen,” the engine’s purred into the distance, leaving Igna alone under the starry-cold sky, ‘-he said goddess, Old Cray’s not entirely controlled by the church. Makes sense they’d allow the attack dog liberties.’ It took strides to cross the muddied path, two absurdly strong guardsmen had rifles around their shoulders. *Clop, clop, clop,* the path rose into the distant roof of the dome-roofed palace.

“State your business, stranger.”

“Xen, I’m here for the tournament.”

“Tournament,” glances were exchanged, “-very well,” identification was confirmed, took quite a while, and in the cold interrogation.

“All checks out,” the gates buckled, “-welcome to the Elendorian Palace, Xen. As a participant of the tournament, you’re in line to be the head butler of his majesty, which here, places you quite high up the worker’s hierarchy. Expect to be treated with respect until the strength runs low.”

“Nice way to say you’re good long as you don’t lose.”

“Snarky remarks,” shrugged the guard, “-we’ll see how long the attitude lasts.” A loud echo marked the closing of the gates, instruction said to make for the retainer’s quarters. Soon enough, he marched, éclair instantly went on the offensive and infiltrated their servers. Camera access and markers laid on the interface, ‘-the chips are people marked on the system as important. There’s a hidden dungeon under the castle, prince, and princesses of conquered lands. Why am I not surprised,” he sighed over the intercom, “-congratulations on making contact, my lord. The Queen’s also tracked on the system – I’d have never expected the device if we escaped. Do what is done best.”

The scent of manure rose on the fields, there laid the training area and a mixture of recent edifices – a vector path long the center ended at the gallows. Tall and imposing, he breathed a sigh and watched, on it laid the remains of a soldier, the uniform read, “-Ryan Antone.”

“I heard he died a brutal death,” said a female voice.

“Pardon?” the originator settled inside the shadow of a shed.

“Poor guy thought he’d get away with giving orders to King Juvey.”

“What did he do?”

“The King’s quite the mischievous leader. After punishing a maid for making a decision over his head, he sentenced her to be assaulted by countless of his men. Ryan suggested the idea in jest. However, Scorpio intervened and stopped her torture, tis then, after hearing Antone didn’t finish his job – Juvey ordered his torture and death over the phone. He’s my best work,” the figure ambled into the light, “-the name’s Lessie, I’m a cousin to the king and torturer of the family.”

“Torturer,” before him was a lady, scarred and burned, a mask tied around her mouth, the eyes bicolored by human intervention, the state of the skin spoke of acid burns. Shark black piercings knitted her expression, the nose bridged perforated from one side to the next by an arrow-shaped jewel. Her limbs were skinny and yet, the force in her step wasn’t to be taken easily – the choice of attire, black and very open. Fishnet stockings ran till her thighs, over which laid shorts. Her choice top was but a loud hoodie, “-are you the last participant?”

“Enough about me,” he suavely moved, “-tell me more about you?”

“Stop,” said her green and white eyes, “-getting close to me won’t gain anything in the long run. To think by mentioning my cousin’s name, people suddenly find me attractive,” her medium-length hair swayed, “-I appreciate the thought.”

“And I appreciate the sentiment,” he smiled, “-I don’t care about the title, what I’m interested in,” the large pupils opened at her equally bicolored eyes, “-is the way you torture people,” he smirked, “-do they talk easily?”

Her long lashes lit, to which she grabbed his collar and pulled, “-are you into torturing people?” she whispered menacingly.

“You bet I am,” he whispered, she pushed and suddenly changed, her foot crossed coyly, “-I don’t buy it.”

“Believe what you will,” he turned to watch the hung man, “-he was subjected to Judas’s chair, wasn’t he.”

“Yeah,” hands in her hoodie’s front pocket, “-everyone’s into that damned chair. Obsession with having a sharp object up their asses, cousin was quite adamant.”

“Lessie, I know we’ve just met,” an affectionate glow lit her brittle hidden frown, “-I’d like to see you at work.”

A rush of electricity twinkled across her spine, “-are you sure?”

“I’d be honored,” he bit his lips, “-to see a master at work... I’ll do anything.”


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