The Wielder of Death Magic

Chapter 842

Chapter 842

Chapter 842: Elendor [6]

Cries of woe and incertitude washed into the orangish evening. Locations changed, a landscape swapped, akin to a painting being replaced – the sunny, hot, and dry, Elendor, is replaced by Hidros, more specifically, Rotherham.

Loud lights trickled along the runway, a man and woman disembarked. “-Back to where it started,” said the prince of lust, “-holding straight, Kul?”

“Don’t underestimate me,” went to and fro, a tumultuous relation known as the great bond of the dog and the cat. The parked jet’s engine cooled to a stop, the cacophonous roar replaced by the chatter – the centerpiece, éclair, he leaned upon a convertible car, waiting for the guests to arrive.

“Old friend,” said Asmodeus, “-long time no see,” they shuffled onto the cleaner part of the hangar, Kul, dressed in very casual jeans and shirt, made no effort in bringing her charm. For the prince of lust, the galvanizing personality and flashy suit brought a sense of superiority.

“Long time no see,” said éclair leading into a handshake embrace.

“Don’t forget about me,” grinned Kul, a fist bump for the greeting.

“Considering the last time, I thought you’d prefer the shadows?”


“I’m over it,” she shrugged, reference drawn to Rachel and Rahe, “-heard there was to be a revolution.”

“Yes,” said éclair, “-let’s meet at a more suitable place.”

“Lead the way, prime minister.”

One of the three skyscrapers rose, nightlife was quite the show. Asmodeus had his forehead to the window, “-don’t stare too much, they might cry stranger danger.”

“Zip it, Kul,” he scowled, “-I’m only looking,” he turned to éclair, “-what is Rotherham, a place of study, commerce, or hotbed for the underworld?”

“All of the above,” he said bearing a smug grin, “-everyone has a place, Rotherham is a pillar of Hidros, second to Rosespire. Standard of living is high ever since the secretive millionaires moved in. We have,” the voice faded into a whisper, “-under the table agreements.”

“So much for under the table,” commented Kul, “-the advertisements, the brands; has Alphia written all over.”

“What can you do,” he jested, “-the bigger, the better, the more the merrier?”

“Fair enough, prime minister.” Lightheartedness lasted only so long – on entering the restricted underground parking, the atmosphere changed. Armed guards were stationed, the first skyscraper, property of Phantom and their activities, including an overseas office for Raven, the latter having been established in Alphia sure made a world of confusion. The lift rose, éclair had his face into the tablet. An entourage of powerful figures, the silvery-cell parted into a large, simplistic hallway. Colors were chosen in a mixture between black and white – decorations, sharp, blunt, and geometrically pleasing.

“Ladies and gentlemen,” said éclair opening curtains to a confined room, “-I appreciate the quick response.” In attendance were names linked to Igna. Asmodeus, Kul; representatives from Alphia and Raven. Alta, éclair, and Starix, representatives for Glenda and the king’s company. Prince Julius, newly appointed spymaster and CEO of Apexi.

“Mammon’s not here today,” said Asmodeus,” -business is a bit troublesome,” they settled.

“Right, shall we get it started?” inquired éclair, the air was tense, especially since the call was made urgently. An open, ‘-okay,’ said through the accepting gestures. He took the stage and stood, “-those gathered today are friends close to Igna, people, who know who he is, what he represents, and have devoted themselves to be his aid. Our climb to the top hasn’t been easy, and everyone here played a major part in helping the success. We’re split into factions, Politics, underworld, and business. Major roles have been laid on our shoulders, and yes, I know, Igna’s very eccentric. He makes a move, takes a fancy to a new idea, competes to reach the top, and leaves after achieving the goal. I know it all too well. Hence the reason why I called a meeting – Igna’s moved to a dangerous operation in Elendor. Details have been written on the files, read it at thy leisure.”

Julius rose an eyebrow, “-Prince Julius, you have something to add?”

“Yeah,” he stood, “-can we cut the bullshit?”


“éclair,” Julius stared squarely, “-you’re an idiot,” the collective room exploded into laughter.

“Being formal around friends isn’t such a good idea,’ interjected Asmodeus.

“Say what you need,” added Alta, “-we’re close friends,” the mockery shifted into lightheartedness.

“I feel stupid for trying,” he exhaled, drinks were brought on the table by attending retainers, mindless operatives without consciousness – part of research conducted by a slightly sociopathic researcher. The meeting divulged into a small party, music transmitted over the speakers, pleasantries were exchanged till another hurdle.

“Now then,” sipped Julius, “-tell us the important news.” Empty stomachs didn’t help conversations, a truth the prince knew on closely looking at the faces. Filled, seriousness automatically crawled to the foreground.

“It’s about the master,” he said, “-tis on the report, he wants to rescue the Queen.”

“The long trip might take quite the toll,” said Starix, “-a direct assault will break the armistice. Since we’re allies to Alphia, it’ll reflect badly.”

“Which is why,” the door opened, “-master left Vengeance behind. If he’s not back for the signing, he’ll be the replacement.”

“Vengeance,” they watched in awe, “-heard about him in stories, not in person,” commented Alta, “-how powerful is he?”

“Very,” added Julius, “-an army on his own.”

“Why gather us?” narrowed Kul.

“To officially say whose part of the inner circle and who isn’t. Master’s made many connections.”

“Who made the list?” wondered Starix.

“The master himself,” suggested Asmodeus, “-conveniently cutting Phantom.’

“Conflict of interest,” followed éclair, “-to be on the same page, we ought to be able to trust one another. What happens beyond these walls won’t affect the priority, we’re members to the Haggard family, the branch ruled by Igna.”

“Now that we know who’s a friend and who’s foe, what’s the plan?”

“That, my friend,” winked éclair, “-is after another round of drinks.”

Prince Julius stood idly, hand wrapped about a drink, “-I apologize for the sudden offer.”

“éclair,” they both watched down to the street, “-don’t mind it. I’d been thinking of a steadier lifestyle. Companies to manage and my wife’s mood swings, life is hard. I appreciate and welcome the offer, a stable life.”

“Also dangerous”

“You planned for this day, the connections, the network, the funds, you knew, didn’t you.”

“About what?”

“About becoming king. My cousin’s weird in many ways, I don’t expect to ever know what goes on inside that man’s head. Leaving lady Courtney and Elvira out is suspicious, what’s the matter, truly?”

“A mole,” he sipped, “-Raven’s clean from outsider influence, I trust Asmodeus, Mammon, and Kul, those three rule Odgawoan from the shadows. Experience is needed, the crowns at risk, and the danger is from the inside.”

“The queen,” he said softly, éclair save but nodded. Others approached and joined the conversation.

“Eia,” narrowed Alta, “-she’s been acting very suspiciously,” glancing at éclair, “-go on, tell them, prime minister.”

An angry subjective inquisition glared at him, answers, they wanted answers, “-was the talk about trusting one another a lie?” motioned Starix. The words hung at his mouth, a few mindless glances did naught, the pressure increased till the butler caved, “-I have good reason to believe Eia’s been unfaithful to the king.” josei


“Stop,” fired Asmodeus, “-don’t do anything stupid, Kul,” he grabbed her forearm.

“No,” a shove broke the grip, “-that little stuck up bitch’s cheating?” a murderous air rose at her feet, wings of black vaguely manifested – the same thought went across their minds – retribution, “-What then?” fired éclair, her hands stopped inches from the handle, “-and I ask this to everyone,” he glanced one after the other, “-will killing her bring anything of value?”

“It’s about the message.”

“Stop it, Kul,” said Asmodeus “-éclair’s right, we can’t act.”

“I’m as angry as you are,” he gritted, “-I saw my master rip his heart and forsake a life of comfort with a person he loved – he embraced the darkness in honor of Gallienne, he chose to reject compassion, satisfaction, for the sake of Hidros,” by the time they digested the thought, the voice of sanity settled before the doors, “-and you asked why I didn’t speak the truth. I knew emotions, the trust thee have to the master is strong, none wants to see him hurt,” a gesture to Julius, “-if master Julius wishes for lady Eia to be punished, then, by the orders granted by my master, I will obey the will of another Haggard.”

“No you’re not,” he returned, “-listen, Kul, Asmodeus – Alphia and Hidros are different. The game’s changed, move rashly and the throne may be in jeopardy.”

“Here’s a thought,” added Alta, “-the regime against the king’s gathering momentum. Kreston’s gullibility’s seeping into Dorchester, the wave is open to Oxshield. Nobles loyal to the Gallienne’s true heir, Eia, have started gathering. We can’t make a move before Alphia enters the field.”

*Dring, dring,* “-Pardon me,” excused éclair, hurdling from the crowd. Discussion resumed at his back; “-the opposing factions have made their move. The targets, the Gaien Council. Money’s changed hands. More information on the report.”


“Sorry,” the phone cut, “-we have trouble; the nobles are making their move. We’re headed to Rosespire. From today onward, those present here will work for the crown, we’re to safeguard the balance until the emperor arrives. Until then,” the door barged, “-we’ll wait until they show their hands.”

“Right on,” they followed.

Tomorrow came over yonder, *Thud,* ‘-an unfamiliar ceiling,’ crossed the mind, ‘-where am I?’ back straight, ‘-hay?’ the smell of turd and neighs rattled stables, ‘-damn, my clothes ruined, again,’ memories of yesterday rode on a silver-colored horse, ‘-martial arts,’ he clenched his fists, ‘-a new style for a new land,’ he thrust to a stand, made way outside where the sun-shone first thing, ‘-not cold.’

“The lad’s awake,” said distant chatter, “-we heard you’re representative for Scorpio?” around five stout men hurdled in a semi-circle, “-good thing we threw ya on the hay. Lady Lessie had the crap beaten out of her by the king. Should have seen her cry and beg for your life,” the middle-man spat, “-listen ‘ere, we’ve come to work,” he threw a bucket, “-better start with the horseshit, breakfast?” he paused, “-horseshit,” they laughed and left, the container rolled, ending at his feet.

“My God, the smell of shit might as well be a flower compared to the breaths out your mouth.”

“-What you say?” he glanced over the shoulder.

“What, can’t hear?” He bent, lifted the bucket and moved close to the gentleman, “-I said,” the bucket dropped, covering the lad’s visage, “-close your mouth and hide that ugly face,” *clang,* a flick rattled the man onto one knee, *clang, clang,* multiple taps had the latter drop, the metallic container rolled, “-listen here, boys, ” a stump crushed the circular container into a line, “-I don’t mind roughhousing,” from the vessel to the lad, “-be mindful of payback,” he rose his foot, “-it could hurt.”

Confused looks led into them picking the unconscious man who bled from the ears, “-let’s go, Onte,” looks of ‘-this isn’t over,’ sprinkled in his direction.

*Yawn,* he stretched and turn to the stables, “-that’s starting the day right,” he lifted the broken container and restored its form, “-might as well care for the horses.” He fed, groomed, and cleaned the majestic beast’s quarters – a ripped shirt served no purpose, to which he worked with only pants and suspenders over the chest. The ancient writings, runes, and symbols were a nice addition to the muscles.

“Hurry, hurry,” whispered a maid rushing from the stable.

“What is it, Claury,” said a middle-aged lady, “-we know you hate outside duty, what’s the complaint now?”

“No, no,” said the energic lass.

“Why are you in a hurry?”

She gripped and lifted her dress, “-just follow,” to which she scurried from the palace ground and into the worker’s area. A well-toned Igna glistened against the sun, ‘-should take care of that,’ he gently caressed the horses of which neighed in acceptance.


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