The wife of a powerful family: Huo Shao, how dare you flirt with me

Chapter 565

Chapter 565

Chapter 565: Chapter 569: My heart is cold


Everything before her eyes was pitch-black. Gu Ruochu felt as if her entire body was shrouded in darkness. She moved and realized that her hands were tied behind her back. Her hands were numb and painful.

Where is Cheng Xi?

The fear of being in an unfamiliar place lingered in her heart. Especially when she did not know where she was and where was Cheng Xi?

The ground was very cold. Gu Ruochu lay on the ground and did not move. She was only paying attention to the sounds around her.

There was no sound of children, only the sound of water dripping.

She had felt that something was not right when she was at the entrance of the hospital. She did not expect that someone would knock her out the moment she became suspicious. She was not that afraid, but the unknown always made her feel uneasy.

To dare to attack someone in such a public place like the hospital, she had no idea what kind of power the other party was.

In the midst of the silence, a rustling sound was heard. A man’s rough voice rang out behind her ear, “she’s not awake yet? ”

“No, this woman can really sleep. ”

A younger man’s voice sounded beside her, a little irritated, “what should we do if she doesn’t wake up? That child has already woken up? Fortunately, she’s not crying, she just doesn’t want anyone to touch her. ”

“What else can we do? We should continue to wait! ”

The voices of these two people were very unfamiliar. Gu Ruochu was certain that she had never heard of them before, so this should be the helper of the mastermind behind today’s kidnapping.

That child should be Cheng Xi.

He’s fine.

Gu Ruochu wanted to get more information, but the two men did not speak after they entered.

After waiting for a while, the rough-looking man grew impatient and could not help but speak up, “why did boss take on such a task? Aren’t you afraid of the Huo family’s revenge? One of them is Madam Huo, and the other is master Huo’s illegitimate child. ”

“What do you know Do you know that master huo is still in bed Or do you think the boss is willing to take that risk When the woman wakes up, we’ll threaten to sell her to the mountains and strangle her if she doesn’t tell us where Ning’s daughter is. When we find out where Ning’s daughter is, we’ll... . .”

The young man made a throat-cutting gesture. “We’ll do it or we won’t. Then we’ll hand her and the boy over to the men down there and ship them off to some remote place where no one will ever find out about us, the black bears. ”

The rough man quickly interrupted him and said in a low voice, “are you sure you’re not mistaken? Our boss clearly only asked us to pretend to kill the child and threaten this woman to tell her about Ning Qianjin’s whereabouts. He didn’t ask us to really sell the child and the woman. ”

“The plan has changed. The employer gave our boss another seven million to make this matter cleaner so that this woman will never be able to return to an city for the rest of her life, ” the young man reminded him “when the time comes, both of US brothers will be able to get a significant amount. ”

The rough man’s eyes widened when he heard this figure. The employer this time was really generous.

Who is the employer?

Gu Ruochu was wondering just what kind of vicious person had she offended. Aside from the Ning family, no one else seemed to have such a deep hatred for her. From the conversation between the two of them, it was clear that she might not be in an Cheng at all The possibility of her being in the suburbs was very high.

When she carefully recalled the words ‘daughter of the Ning Family’ , was she not referring to Ning Tangxi?

Gu Ruochu’s heart turned cold. Aside from Zhang Xuan and Ning Zongxuan, she could not think of a third person. Their words were enough to prove it.

Based on what these two men had said, they would use Cheng Xi to force her to reveal Ning Tangxi’s whereabouts and then sell her and Cheng Xi to a remote place.

By then, the sky would be high and the emperor would be far away. No matter who she was, she would only be able to stay in that mountain for the rest of her life. The more she thought about it, the colder her heart became. Gu Ruochu never thought that the Ning family would be so cruel.

Especially since Zhang Xuan was her biological mother by blood.

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Chapter 566: Chapter 570: She’s gone


Is there something wrong with the Ning family’s brains How could she possibly know where Ning Tangxi is Ever since the incident last time, she had not paid any attention to anything related to Ning Tangxi. Even if she had really gone missing, it had nothing to do with her at all.

Gu Ruochu did not know if Qi ru had noticed that she was gone. She could only think of ways to stall for time. At the very least, she had to stall for time to hand them over to her subordinates.

This was no ordinary kidnapping.

Not to mention that she did not know where Ning Tangxi was, even if she did, she would be sold to a remote area by these people.

The only person who did not want her to return to an city was Ning Zongxuan. He even added seven million to prevent her from returning to an city and wanted to sell her to a remote mountain village A man’s heart is more vicious than anyone else’s. He was simply afraid that she would take over the Ning family’s property.

Initially, she was not interested in the Ning family’s property. Since Ning Zongxuan wanted to provoke her, she would chase him out of the Ning family when she returned.

Zhang Xuan was also a fool. She had actually been tricked by Ning Zongxuan’s flowery words into making such a deal.

The more Gu Ruochu thought about it, the angrier she got. At the same time, she was thinking about how to create an opportunity to stall for time so that she would have a chance to leave safely.


At the same time, Qi ru received news of Gu Ruochu and Cheng Xi’s disappearance from the driver. She, who had always been quiet, was panicking. To think that an accident had happened to Ruo Chu at this moment.

“What are you still standing there for? Get someone to look for them! ” Qi Ru felt that something was not right. Logically speaking, if the other party wanted money, they would have sent them a text message asking for money as soon as they kidnapped them.

However, there was no response from the phone.

Her expression turned serious as she stood up and walked towards the door.

In less than ten minutes, almost everyone who could be contacted knew that Ruo Chu and Cheng Xi had disappeared. The other party had used this moment to attack Ruo Chu so they must be very familiar with the huo family’s current situation.

“What did you say? ruo Chu is missing! ”

Yang Xi stood up and her heart skipped a beat. She said anxiously, “an Shaosi, quickly get your men to find Ruo Chu! ”

“There’s no use in being anxious. My men are still searching. ” An SHAOSI’s heart sank. Their men had just searched but they had not found any trace of Gu Ruochu.

Now, they could only look for their underlings to investigate. Perhaps the people who had kidnapped Ruo Chu and Cheng Xi were from some random organization. josei

It was a pity that Nan Chen did not wake up. Otherwise, it would have been easier to send out some police forces to find them. The weather in an Cheng today was still rather bad. If it was too late, the tracking dog’s ability to find people would be greatly weakened and it would be even more difficult to find them.

The two people suddenly disappeared, and the more Yang Xi thought about it, the more afraid she became.

How could Ruo Chu have encountered such a thing?

She thought about it again, and her target was directly locked onto the Ning family. Other than Ning Tangxi and the group of people, who else would touch ruo Chu!

“Young Master An, go investigate the people of the Ning family. It must be the people of the Ning family who kidnapped Ruo Chu and Cheng Xi! ”

Seeing that Yang Xi was adamant, an Shaosi shook his head. “that may not be the case. Zhang Xuan is Ruo Chu’s biological mother. There’s no way she would really hurt her own child. ”

“What biological mother? How could she be such a biological mother? It’s not easy to find her daughter to compensate her, but she’s reluctant to adopt her daughter. She’s wavering like a fence-sitter. Who would want such a biological mother? ”

“I’ve already sent people to investigate. Zhang Xuan and Ning Zongxuan are completely normal from the beginning to the end. One is at home while the other looks normal in the company. ”

If he had found evidence earlier, he would have made a move long ago.

“I don’t believe it. Zhang Xuan, I can barely believe it. It’s not a matter of a day or two that Ning Zongxuan harbored ill intentions towards Ruo Chu. ” Yang Xi insisted that it was related to the Ning family, so naturally, an Shaosi was also thinking about it.

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Chapter 567: Chapter 571 is still trying to act tough?


“I’ve already sent people to keep an eye on Ning Zongxuan and Zhang Xuan. We’ll have the results soon. ”

“Soon? You’re telling me that it’ll be soon when they’re all gone! ” Yang Xi had a bad temper. An Shaosi glanced at her indifferently but did not intend to argue with her.

She thought that finding someone would be that easy

There was no one to discuss it with since Nanchen was still unconscious. Lu Fang was just a doctor and there was nothing he could do. It was impossible for him to rely on his own power now. He could only go to the huo family first.

News of Gu Ruochu’s disappearance had been sealed. An Shaosi had arranged for a special crew to film for Ruo Chu. The crew announced that something had happened to the director, so they did not find it strange. After all, everyone knew that Huo Shao was still unconscious in the hospital after his car accident.

Therefore, when Jin Ye came to the set, he did not know that something had happened to Ruo Chu. Chu Xinlan was still listening to the assistant director’s instructions to adjust the angle of the shoot. Gu Zexi had been visiting the set every day for the past month. On the surface, he was monitoring the progress of the shoot In reality, everyone knew that he was doing it for Chu Xinlan.

As soon as young master Gu came to the set, he treated everyone to coffee and lunch. On account of the coffee, the other staff members became even more enthusiastic. They almost hoped that he would appear on the set every day. Only Chu Xinlan couldn’t say what she was going through Most of the time, she didn’t know how to face him.

“Jin Ye is here to visit the director? ” The assistant director walked over enthusiastically. “unfortunately, the director has something to do today. I’m helping her with her scenes today. ”

“I’m here to see everyone. ” Jin Ye let his assistant divide the drinks and pizza. “everyone has worked hard. ”

“It’s not hard at all. ”

It was rare for the other staff members to enjoy such benefits. They also gathered around and chatted. No one paid attention to Chu Xinlan, who was on set. She seemed to be very uncomfortable today.

Gu Zexi took a sip of his coffee. There was a hint of anxiety and pity in his deep eyes when he looked at her.


Someone screamed. When Gu Zexi walked over with steady steps, her thin body was obviously unable to hold on.

“Are you okay? ” The assistant director was shocked. When he turned around, he saw the female cameraman lying on the honorable man’s body. He hesitated whether he should go over or not.

After a moment of hesitation, Chu Xinlan was already in the arms of the man with a heavy expression.

Jin Ye and Chu Xinlan were also familiar with each other. They were also shocked when they saw her suddenly lying on the ground. They thought that something big had happened to her body.

“Xinlan, do you want to go to the hospital? ”

“I don’t want to go to the hospital. I just need to rest for a while. Maybe I’ve been too tired recently. ” Chu Xinlan’s face was frighteningly Pale and covered with a thin layer of sweat. She struggled a few times in Gu Zexi’s arms. “Let go of me! ”

These three words clearly didn’t have any deterrent effect. They were meant for Gu Zexi.

“You’re still trying to act tough in this state? ” Gu Zexi’s originally refined aura exuded a strong aura, but Chu Xinlan struggled even harder. Her voice was very cold. “I said let go of me. I still have work to do! ”

Jin Ye knew that there was something fishy between them, so he didn’t get involved in it. He wasn’t familiar with Gu Zexi and would only occasionally say a few words. subconsciously, he felt that although this man was very gentle on the surface, he always gave people a feeling that he was difficult to approach.

“Gu Zexi, I asked you to put me down. Can’t you hear me? ” Chu Xinlan felt even more embarrassed when she felt a warm current surging up from below. How long was this man going to hold her like this.

Gu Zexi lowered his eyes and looked at her. There was a sense of alienation on his thin face. His face was Pale and clearly in extreme pain.

He finally realized that it should be his menstrual period that was in pain.

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Chapter 568: Chapter 672: Gu Zexi


He did not say anything more, but he finally put her down. Chu Xinlan heaved a sigh of relief. She stared nervously at his clothes and examined them, afraid that they would leave an embarrassing mark.

At the same time, Gu Zexi had already walked straight towards a female staff member. The aura of nobility and the cold feeling successfully made the staff member blush.

Was He walking towards her?

When Gu Zexi really stopped in front of her, the female staff member was elated and prepared to strike up a conversation, “young master Gu... i... ”

“Do you have a Tampon? ”

Her deliberately lowered voice sounded very magnetic, but her expressionless face showed a hint of discomfort and embarrassment.

She was awakened by his next light cough. The female staff member came back to her senses and stammered, “yes... ”

She always prepared a Tampon in her bag, but she didn’t expect that a handsome man would ask her to borrow it. Her face immediately turned red.

“Young Master Gu, wait a moment, I’ll bring it to you. ”

When she saw the man’s straight voice walking towards Chu Xinlan, the female staff member still hadn’t come back to her senses from the magnetic thank you.

So it was for her sweetheart.

Thinking of such a man asking for a Tampon, she must have felt very embarrassed. Thinking of the slight redness on the man’s ears, she was simply charmed.

“Here, go and change it. ”

Chu Xinlan was completely shocked by his behavior of asking another woman to borrow a Tampon. Her originally Pale face was stained with some redness. She didn’t care about the eyes of the people around her and directly walked towards the washroom.

Gu Zexi didn’t show any unusual behavior. Instead, he walked over to the director and said in a gentlemanly manner, “today, the cameraman is not feeling well. Your filming progress is not as good as mine. ”

The assistant director was also thinking about this question. When he heard that Gu Zexi wanted to help Chu Xinlan, he acted as if he had seen a ghost. “Young Master Gu, do you know how to film? ”

Of course, he wasn’t questioning him. He just felt that a rich young master had such special skills and was quite curious. He even offered to help them shoot a few scenes.

Gu Zexi nodded and skillfully fiddled with the filming equipment.

The director was stunned. Then, he told the staff to get ready and put on an apologetic smile. “Then I’ll have to trouble you, young master Gu. ”

“No trouble at all. ”

He did not expect Gu Zexi to lead the scene without any pressure. It was a surprise for the assistant director.

Jin Ye looked at the side of Gu Zexi who was seriously adjusting the angle. For some reason, a strange and familiar feeling suddenly welled up in his heart.

In his memory, there seemed to be a person whose silhouette almost overlapped with the person in front of him. At that moment, his heart suddenly started beating wildly.

He walked over and stood by the side. Even though Gu Zexi did not look at him at all and was only focused on doing his work, he was extremely cold.

“Young Master Gu, when did you learn how to take photos? ”

” ... ” Gu Zexi wasn’t sure if Jin ye had purposely come up to him to strike up a conversation. Seeing that he and Ruo Chu were on good terms, he answered briefly, “I’ve liked it since I was young. It’s just a hobby. ”

I’ve liked it since I was young.

“taking photos is a pretty good hobby. I like it too but unfortunately, I don’t have any talent. ” Jin Ye pretended to be relaxed and shrugged “I liked it when I was young too. I heard that young master Gu has a younger sister. It’s great to have a younger sister so that you can protect her at all times. Young Master Gu must have a good relationship with his younger sister, right? Girls Love to take beautiful photos the most. ”

At the mention of his younger sister, Gu Zexi’s face suddenly stiffened, and he did not say another word.

No one would continue the awkward conversation, but Jin Ye was unwilling to let it go. “has young master Gu ever taken a photo of his younger sister? ”

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