The Wife of Hades

Chapter 114 - Going Back Home

Chapter 114 - Going Back Home

"What are you doing?" Mo Han asked.

"I'm going to stay here," An Luxia responded, "Until you can go back to Country A with me."

Mo Han frowned, "You still need to go to school. I'm fine, I'll be able to go back soon."

"Then that's good, because I don't want to miss too much school as well." She then put the phone up to her ear and waited for a while until she heard a voice from the other end.

"Hello, I am An Luxia, studying for my master's degree right now. I requested a break and I would like to extend it."

There was some typing from the other end of the phone until the person found her, "An Luxia, right? How long do you plan to be on leave?"

An Luxia looked towards Mo Han, who had his eyebrows tightly furrowed together, "How long?" She mouthed.

Mo Han did not say anything and instead said, "I'm fine, go to school."

An Luxia frowned, thinking that he sounded quite like her parents. Fine! If he won't tell her, she'll go find Qi Yu then.

Seeing that she was not going to give up, Mo Han finally said, "One month."

Technically, Qi Yu had told him that it would take at least two months, but he was not that frail. If she was going to stay here with him and miss school, then he had to recover quickly.

Of course, Mo Han was not going to complain. He was totally fine with being alone with his wife for a month, and even if she did not go to school, he could totally just take care of her forever.

"One month, but I might have to extend it later."

The person was obviously surprised at the answer, and there was no response for a few seconds, "You would have to send a form specifying why you are requesting such a long break, and this may affect your graduation requirements if you are missing so much school."

An Luxia frowned upon hearing this, "I can send the form over, but would it affect my graduation if I still take the tests?"

"That will depend on what classes you are taking."

An Luxia turned around and looked at Mo Han before saying, "Okay. Can you send over the form? I will return it as soon as possible."

"Okay, goodbye. Have a great day."

An Luxia ended the call and turned around and stared at Mo Han, who smiled back at her.josei


For the next few days, An Luxia had officially changed her occupation from a writer to a nurse. She fed Mo Han his medication, helped wipe down his body with a towel - which took quite a while for some "unknown" reasons, and prepared meals for him.

Meanwhile, Mo Han enjoyed this VIP service without any complaints. Within two weeks, Mo Han's injuries had healed greatly, and he was beginning to start walking already.

Even Qi Yu said it was a miracle because it would usually take normal people at least a month to be able to transition from a wheelchair to crutches. However, Mo Han had given Qi Yu a big fat eye roll and made it clear that he was not just some "normal person". 

A month later, Mo Han was basically completely healed except for the gash on his head, which still took some time.

An Luxia kept in contact with Yu Xinyi about the classes and the tests. She had very good grades and the professors had said that as long as she passed the tests, she would be fine.

This day was the day before when they would be returning to Country A.

Qi Yu entered the room and performed a series of tests on Mo Han, who was getting annoyed as he watched An Luxia study on the balcony.

Meanwhile, Qi Yu was in a very good mood as he hummed while performing the tests. He was finally going to go back home! He could finally stop enduring Mo Han's scary glares and commands.

After the tests, Qi Yu put away his equipment, "Go to sleep now. I'll see you tomorrow!" He said happily as he skipped out of the room.

Mo Han watched him with a disgusted expression as he clicked his tongue and got out of bed, slowly walking over to the balcony, "Baby, let's go to sleep now."

An Luxia closed her books and rubbed her eyes, entering the warm room. A few minutes later, the room was completely dark as the two of them went to sleep.


The next day, they were on the airplane back to Country A, in a private jet of course. Mo Han sat next to An Luxia, his eyes closed as the plane glided through the sky.

An Luxia looked at him and then at her packet of work before closing her eyes as well, leaning towards him and resting her head onto his shoulder as she fell asleep.

The plane landed and the two of them entered a car, finally back in Country A. Right after they landed, An Luxia received a call from her parents.

She had told them about what had happened, leaving out some details. She had told them that Mo Han got into a bad car accident while on a business trip, and they believed it. 

However, they were still very worried about her, since she had never left the country for such a long period of time. So, the first thing they did after returning was go to the An family's house.

Mo Han did not go because things might go wrong if they saw how Mo Han was bald and had a huge gash across his head.

An Luxia stepped out of the car and waved goodbye to Mo Han, who unwillingly went home first. 

The temperature in Country A had started warming up as it was April already and the flowers were blooming outside the house.

Upon seeing her daughter, Qi Lanyu immediately ran out and turned An Luxia around, checking left and right to make sure she was okay.

"Why didn't you tell us before leaving? We could have at least prepared."

An Luxia smiled, walking into the house where her dad was also waiting, "I'm sorry. I was in a little bit of a rush."

"Oh, it has been almost two months since I last saw you. Why do you look skinnier? Lunch is ready. Hurry and come eat."

An Yuchen was also home, and he glared at his sister, scolding her for leaving for so long. As the only one who knew about Mo Han's true occupation, he was obviously skeptical about the car accident story, but he did not say anything.

"What happened to Mo Han?" Qi Lanyu asked, "Was the car accident bad?"

An Luxia cleared her throat and nodded, looking down to avoid getting caught, "Yeah. . . The injuries were pretty bad. He's back home now, but he's still recovering."

"I made some chicken soup earlier. Bring some home later for him."

An Luxia nodded and continued to eat. After a long meal, An Luxia had to go home because Mo Han was getting a little impatient with his wife away.

However, Mo Han had to continue waiting because An Luxia had to go to school to report that she was back. 

At school, she walked out of the office after signing some documents and hearing about the test tomorrow, looking at her phone in search of Mo Han's phone number to call him.

As she reached the parking lot, she suddenly heard someone call out her name.

She turned around and was surprised to see Shen Liya, who she hadn't seen in a long time, "Liya, what are you doing here?"

Shen Liya smiled, munching on a large cookie, "I just finished my classes. Where have you been?"

An Luxia smiled and walked towards her, closing her phone, "Family emergency so I was gone for a while. How are you?"

"Good," Shen Liya smiled, and then almost as if she suddenly remembered something, reached into her bag and pulled out a small paper bag, which had another cookie inside, "Do you want a cookie? I made them myself."

An Luxia smiled and although she wasn't hungry, she could not reject her kind gesture. Plus, she was in a pretty bad mood after hearing about the test. 

"It's so good!" She exclaimed after taking a bite, preparing to take another bite when she suddenly received a phone call.

'Mo Han'

An Luxia pressed her lips together and looked up, "I'm sorry, but I have to go. I'll see you at school tomorrow."

Then, she quickly ran off afraid that her husband was in a bad mood. In the back parking lot, An Luxia immediately saw the familiar black car and she gulped before entering.

"I'm hungry," Mo Han immediately said when she got on, obviously unhappy that his wife had left him alone in the house.

An Luxia chuckled awkwardly and nodded, "I'll cook dinner when we get home."

A smile immediately appeared on Mo Han's face, "Okay! Let's go home!"

--- Author's Note

hello readers ~

Ahh thank you guys so much for all of your Summoning Pens! You guys sent over 200 of them *o* I am so glad that many of you like this story :) and I really feel bad looking at all those pens but not being able to release a bonus chapter ToT

My school started and I don't have much time now to write, and I can barely keep up with daily uploads :( I promise to release bonus chapters as soon as I can! Thank you guys so muchh <3

Have a great day!

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