The Wife of Hades

Chapter 130 - Princess Or Evil Stepsister

Chapter 130 - Princess Or Evil Stepsister

Finally, he nodded and turned to the worker, "I'll give you another chance."

"Thank you, Mr. Mo! Thank you, Mrs. Mo!" The worker buried his head in his arms as he bowed down to the two of them and An Luxia smiled faintly before she was pulled out of the room by Mo Han.

She wanted to ask him what was wrong but she didn't, because she knew he wouldn't tell her the truth.

They went over to the dining room and ate dinner together. At the dining table, Mo Han seemed to be in a slightly better mood as he ate his plate of food. However, after he finished, he did not ask for more like usual but instead told her that he would be going to get some more work done.

"But it's late already. When are you going to sleep?"

  "You go sleep first. I'll join you soon. Half an hour." He smiled at her and then left the dining room, leaving An Luxia alone at the table.


An Luxia sighed and looked at the bit of food still in her plate. She then stood up and left, leaving the dining room as well as she returned to the bedroom.


An hour later, Mo Han left the office and entered the bedroom to find the lights still open. However, the little figure on the bed was already asleep as her eyes were shut.

Mo Han immediately froze as he slowed down and walked gently over to the bed, carefully covering her entire body with the thin blanket before sitting down on the edge of the bed next to her.

He carefully lifted one hand up, brushing her hair aside gently as he looked at her. She moaned softly like a little kitten as she turned around, facing the other side.

Mo Han sat there, watching her for what seemed like forever, so long that An Luxia woke up.

When she opened her eyes, she immediately saw him and sat up, "You're finally done?"

She looked at the clock and saw how late it was and frowned, "Hurry and go to bed."

Mo Han nodded and stood up, "You go to sleep again. I'll get ready for bed."

Then, he went and closed the lights before entering the restroom. A few minutes later, he joined An Luxia on the bed, and she was asleep again, so he carefully pulled her into his embrace, closing his eyes as they went to sleep together.

One slept well throughout the entire night whereas the other was drowned deep in his ocean of thoughts, unable to sleep soundly.


The next morning, An Luxia and Mo Han ate breakfast today. As they ate, An Luxia proposed going on a date together, but as she did, she received a phone call from her mom.

"Xiaxia, where are you?" Qi Lanyu whispered quietly, causing An Luxia to raise one eyebrow in confusion.

"I'm at home, eating breakfast with Mo Han."

Qi Lanyu gasped, "At this time? An Luxia, it's almost 11 already, and you just woke up?!"

"Hehe, don't focus on the details, okay, mom?" An Luxia chuckled and continued to eat, putting the phone on speaker mode so she could put it down onto the table.

"Do you want to come over for lunch?" Qi Lanyu asked, still in the soft voice. Then, she added, "Did you know, your brother got a girlfriend! He's bringing her over for lunch. . . Well, they are here already. You should probably come."

Upon hearing this, An Luxia immediately frowned. She was about to reject the offer immediately to show her attitude, but then she thought about it. Although Yu Xinyi was her friend, she still had to think about her brother!

What if his girlfriend was a very kind and lovely woman?! Then, maybe. . . just perhaps, just slightly, maybe she would accept her as her sister-in-law. After all, it was what made her brother happy, right?

However, it was going to be hard, since An Luxia already had a prejudice against her brother's girlfriend. She looked up at Mo Han, who was deep in his thoughts again, and responded, "Okay, I'll be there soon. Wait for me."

Qi Lanyu let out a breath of what sounded to be relief, "Okay, okay. I will be waiting for you."

"Goodbye, mom."


An Luxia hung up the call and looked at Mo Han, "Did you hear about what had just happened?"

Mo Han looked up, breaking out of his stupor, "What?"

  An Luxia sighed, "My brother got a girlfriend and brought her over for lunch. I'm going to go back home to eat with them. Do you want to come with me?"

Mo Han thought about it for a few seconds, "It's okay. I think it will be better if you go alone. I'll eat lunch at home."

  An Luxia sighed, not surprised by the answer, "Okay. Then, I'll be quick."

  After eating breakfast, An Luxia returned to her room, calling Yu Xinyi as she picked out an outfit. She had to look gorgeous today! If her brother's girlfriend wasn't as pretty as she was, then it would be minus one point!

Her brother was so handsome and tall, so only the most beautiful woman was fit for her brother! Although Yu Xinyi didn't really fit that standard herself. . . . whatever!

  "Xinyi!" An Luxia screamed when the call went through, "Guess what?"

"What?" Yu Xinyi replied sounding depressed as her voice was still slightly hoarse from crying too much yesterday.

An Luxia paused, unsure of whether she should tell her best friend or not. Finally, she decided that she had to tell her, "My brother brought that evil vixen home today to eat lunch, and my mom asked me to go back and eat with them. I'm going to meet the evil vixen soon!"

There was a pause on the other end of the phone and An Luxia thought Yu Xinyi was going to start crying again, but surprisedly she didn't. Instead, Yu Xinyi screamed loudly and forcefully, "An Luxia, you have to wipe your eyes clean and open them as big as you can!"

Then, she sighed helplessly, "Even if I can't be with my Prince Charming, at least he should be with a princess. Ah. . ."

"Yu Xinyi, are you just going to give up that easily?! Wait for my phone call later, okay? Or you can just come to my house to wait for me to return! I will tell you if she is a princess or the evil stepsister!"

Yu Xinyi didn't say anything and merely groaned as she said goodbye and hung up. An Luxia sighed and put her phone away, picking out a light pink dress that really accentuated her thin waist.josei

Then, she straightened her hair and put a pink headband on, applying a light but girly makeup before leaving the house.

Before leaving, she made sure to kiss her husband goodbye. Although Mo Han still seemed a little weird, he seemed to be a little better than yesterday.

However, An Luxia was still confused. What exactly had happened when she was gone at the coffee shop yesterday? She frowned as she left the office, closing the door behind her and slowly walked out of the house.

She got into the car and the driver knew where the An house was already, and they arrived within half an hour. An Luxia immediately saw her brother's car parked outside the house when she arrived, and she checked her makeup in the mirror once more before straightening her back and walking over to the door.

When she rang the doorbell, the first person she saw was her mom. When her mom saw her, Qi Lanyu let out a breath of relief as she pulled her daughter into the house, not saying anything.

An Luxia could not read through her mother's reaction and expression, but she had a weird feeling from how her mother had greeted her.

Her mother's footsteps were hurried and she did not say anything to An Luxia as they walked down the hallway. An Luxia could already hear laughter and chattering coming from the living room as they walked, and they finally entered the living room as the laughter died down.

When she entered the room, she saw her dad seated on the couch, and across from him, was her brother and another woman.

An Luxia immediately narrowed her eyes when she saw the woman. She seemed to be around the same age as An Luxia, probably a little older.

She had straight long, black hair that fell down behind her back like silk. Her skin was as pale as an angel, glowing in the room, and she had a slim figure that also resembled an angel.

Her eyes were large and pure, and her face also reminded An Luxia of an angel. Everything about her seemed pure and innocent, and the way she grabbed onto An Yuchen's hand was also soft and gentle. 

When An Yuchen saw his sister, he immediately stood up from the couch with a smile, and the woman also stood up, "Xiaxia, you're here!"

An Yuchen grabbed onto the woman's hand, "Let me introduce you to my girlfriend, Hu Yiyi."

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