The Wife of Hades

Chapter 135 - Hu Yiyi's Story

Chapter 135 - Hu Yiyi's Story

He was cut off when An Luxia lifted the small rectangular device to her mouth and said, "Hu Yiyi!"

The person on the other side of the room shook with a start in the chair when she heard the words ringing in her ears, almost as if there were speakers inside the room.

"Who are you?! What do you want?! What are you doing?"

  An Yuchen tried to reach for the device but the two workers standing at the very back of the room grabbed onto him and "escorted" him back onto his chair.

"Brother, just watch." An Luxia said angrily. After finding some more information about Hu Yiyi, she was more furious at Hu Yiyi and her brother.

She had such a good eye for her partner, so what happened to her brother? He really needed to get his eyes checked.

"Who am I?" An Luxia spoke, her voice changed into a men's voice through the voice changer, "Remember the boy you were with in high school? Chen Ru?"

She had figured out the name of the boy she had seen Hu Yiyi with when they were in high school. Apparently, they were dating but then Chen Ru went to jail for trying to save Hu Yiyi from a group of older guys in a bar. He had accidentally killed someone with a glass bottle. . . 

And then, when he asked Hu Yiyi to stand up for him in court to testify that he was defending her, she refused because if the news that she was in a bar when she was underage spread, then her angelic image would be ruined and she would be punished as well.

Hu Yiyi of course remembered, because it was the first person she had "did" it with, "You - It's you!"

She always knew that he had something against her, and he was furious at what happened several years ago. After he had entered jail, she had lost all contact with him until -

"What are you doing?! Let me go! It wasn't my fault!"

An Yuchen wanted to say something, but he was also curious to see what An Luxia was trying to do. What were they talking about?

  "Not your fault?! You caused me to go to jail!" An Luxia's dramatic side was slowly coming out again as she began to act, "Because you were in a bar underage and got yourself caught up in a group of old men, you caused me to be sent to jail for your own mistake!"

An Yuchen and An Ping's eyes widened at these words, and Qi Lanyu was also surprised. However, their surprise only deepened when Hu Yiyi did not say anything against this and instead went along with it, "Chen Ru, that was over ten years ago! Plus, you. . . you were the one who had accidentally killed that person."

An Luxia's lips curled up grimly as she noticed her brother starting to realize what was going on. She scoffed, "Hu Yiyi, let's not talk about this anymore. I am not here today to get mad at you anyway. I am out of jail now, so let's be together."

Upon hearing this, Hu Yiyi looked like she wanted to jump out of her chair, "No! Never! I have a boyfriend already!"

  Hearing this, An Yuchen seemed to suddenly remember this fact as he tried to tell An Luxia to stop again, but An Luxia continued, "Boyfriend? Who? How could you be with someone when you had. . . when you had s*x with me already eleven years ago!"

An Luxia felt a little uncomfortable talking about it, but she had to finish her act.

Hearing this, An Yuchen gasped as he fell back down into his chair, unable to believe this as he looked towards Hu Yiyi, waiting for her to say that this wasn't true. Eleven years ago. . . She wasn't even 18 yet!

However, Hu Yiyi only replied, "That was eleven years ago! I. . . Just pretend that was a mistake!"

"Mistake? Ch! How many men have you slept with already?"

  Hu Yiyi's face turned slightly red at the mention of this, but she continued, "I don't care! I have to be with my boyfriend!"

  "Why?" An Luxia stepped forward as she reached the topic she wanted to talk about, "There is no way you love him, right? You don't even know what love is."

  Yu Xinyi clenched her fists together when hearing this, and she glanced at An Yuchen, who to her surprise, did not look very sad but instead more angry.

Why wasn't he sad? Shouldn't he be sad and disappointed when hearing that his girlfriend did not love him? Unless. . . Unless, he did not love him either? Yu Xinyi's mouth opened slightly but she quickly pushed this thought away as she focused back on Hu Yiyi.

Hu Yiyi was getting mad and annoyed as well as she began laughing hysterically and looked straight at the glass in front of her, having a feeling that the person was behind the glass by now, "Love? Of course I don't know love! But he can give me what I want!"

"My boyfriend now is good looking and rich! You don't even know how rich he is! You will never have that much money in your life, especially after going to jail!" Hu Yiyi said in distaste, "He is a surgeon. His annual salary is something you will never see in your lifetime."

  An Ping, Qi Lanyu, and An Yuchen all got angry when they finally heard the truth, the real reason for why they were here today. An Yuchen had forgotten to get mad at An Luxia about this "illegal" plan, because he was furious at Hu Yiyi right now.

However, only he knew that the anger he was showing on the outside was actually not very strong on the inside. Shouldn't he be more angry and sad? But why did he not feel very angry, but instead. . . maybe some sort of relief? Or. . .

An Luxia put down the device after hearing this, because she knew that this information was enough. Enough to reveal Hu Yiyi's true self. . .

She turned to look at An Yuchen, wanting to say something but not saying anything in the end when she saw his expression. His face was dark and although he did not look as mad as An Luxia had imagined, it was still pretty bad.

"Hello?! Chen Ru, what do you want?!"

An Luxia did not know what to respond and she did not have to, because the next second, An Yuchen jumped up from his chair and said gravely, "Open the door."

An Luxia looked over to the worker at the back of the room and nodded, and the worker opened the door. An Yuchen marched out and entered the room Hu Yiyi was in, and Hu Yiyi's face when she saw An Yuchen was definitely a sight you did not get to see every day.

Her mouth fell open and she looked like she had just saw a ghost as she opened and closed her mouth but no words came out, "You - Yu - I -"

  Trying to keep her act up, she quickly reacted as tears began rolling down her eyes, "Yuchen, have you come to save?! Hurry and help me! Someone is trying to kill me!"

However, An Yuchen no longer believed in her fake act and he maintained a distance away from her as he simply said, "I heard everything you said."

  Hu Yiyi's face collapsed as her shoulders sagged, knowing her chance was completely gone by now, "CHEN RU!!!" She screamed madly.

"You did not! Chen Ru, come out here! How dare you! How dare you?!" She began kicking at the chair hysterically and before long, the unstable chair lost its balance and fell down onto the ground. She continued to kick, completely losing all of her angelic image.

An Yuchen knit his eyebrows together at this sight, disappointed and disgusted but not very sad, "Hu Yiyi, I am disgusted."

He did not know what to tell her and after several seconds of merely staring at her, he turned around and left, returning to the original room. An Luxia exchanged a quick glance at Mo Han and sighed. 

"Brother, it's okay. It is normal to mistake a person's true image. . ." An Luxia did not know what else to say, "Let's go home."josei

  An Yuchen nodded and stood up, also surprised that he wasn't as dejected as he had expected to go through his first "break up", although this break up was a little more dramatic than he had expected.

Together, all of them left the room and as they did, Mo Han trailed behind them. After they had gotten out of the warehouse, Mo Han told two of his workers to bring Hu Yiyi out and sell her to some bar in a faraway country or just throw her into the mountains.

"Yes sir." The two workers got to work right away and they dragged Hu Yiyi out, as she was still screaming. When they pulled her out, the An family was just getting onto the large car.

An Luxia and Yu Xinyi were at the end, and An Luxia was about to get on when she heard the screaming. She turned around and saw Hu Yiyi still trying to escape, but it did not work. However, the next second, she suddenly turned around and bit one of the men's arms like a crazy dog.

The man obviously did not expect her sudden attack, for he let go and Hu Yiyi took this opportunity to lunge towards them, her eyes filled with red as she pulled out one of her earrings, which was dangly and had a very long hook in the back. 

An Luxia gasped as she noticed that she was coming at them and before she could react, Hu Yiyi went for Yu Xinyi since she was the only one still standing on the flat ground. The sharp silver backing dug into Yu Xinyi's open skin on her arm. 

--- Author's Note

hello readers ~

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