The Wife of Hades

Chapter 151 - Faint

Chapter 151 - Faint

There was a loud bang that filled the air as Mo Siyan let out his last breath and closed his eyes forever.

Mo Han stood up, straightening his back as he saw the blood oozing out of Mo Siyan's forehead, covering his face and the green grass underneath. He did not care at all even though he was his "father" and he turned around, walking back to An Luxia, who was still holding onto Shen Liya.

"It's going to be okay. Let's go back," An Luxia comforted Shen Liya, although tears were filling her eyes already. Shen Liya knew that her time was up as well, and her breathing was slowing down as her eyelids began getting heavy.

A faint smile appeared on her face as she blinked slowly, her voice tired and light as it was sucked into the wind, "I. . . I finally took revenge for my parents."

  Those were her last words before her arm that was inside An Luxia's hand dropped until the ground, her eyelids shutting as her body fell into An Luxia's arms, laying in the thick patch of grass.. 

An Luxia could not hold the tears in anymore as they rolled down her face, landing on Shen Liya's body. Mo Han also stared at the dead body with a heavy heart. After all, Shen Liya did save them.

However, now was not the time. He grabbed onto An Luxia's hand, pulling her up, "I know you are sad, but we have to go back. I don't know if there might be more people here."

  An Luxia wiped away her tears and nodded, "Let's go."

  She looked back at Shen Liya's body and Mo Han had someone carry her body back as well, not wanting to keep it here with the other dead bodies.

After they had gone, Mo Han's workers set a fire to the entire building. 

Mo Han held tightly onto An Luxia's hand as they walked out of the forest, their backs facing the fire raging on behind them.


They got onto the helicopter in silence, and the surviving men all followed into the helicopters waiting at the edge of the forest.

An Luxia and Mo Han sat together, and Mo Han helped An Luxia put on her seatbelt as she stared out the window. An Luxia knew that she should be happy right now. She wasn't going to die and Mo Han could stay with her! 

That was the news she had been dreaming about for the past few months, thinking she would never be able to hear it. However, it has happened!

However, she was not able to lift her mood up. Knowing that she should be happy, she was still sad and unable to believe it. Everything had happened too fast. Shen Liya decided to help them and she was saved! She had taken the cure!

  But. . . Thinking back to the pile of dead bodies surrounding the building, it made her heart clench up in pain as she thought about the fact that so many people had died just for her and Mo Han.

An Luxia closed her eyes, not knowing how long the flight would be back to Country Z. She did not fall asleep but she did not open her eyes for the entire time, until the pilot announced that they had arrived and would be landing, she finally blinked her eyes open.

Mo Han looked at her worriedly and held onto her hand. She smiled weakly at him as the plane began landing, the sound of the helicopter present even underneath the headphones.

After a few minutes, the helicopter finally landed onto the ground, and a few moments later, they were allowed to get off. An Luxia unbuckled her seatbelt and stood up, following behind Mo Han out of the helicopter.

She jumped off and onto the thick grass, looking around at her. It was her home country, but this place was not familiar to her. They began walking towards the car, which was parked a distance away as they had landed in the middle of a plane of grass.

An Luxia could hear a ringing in her head and it had been there since the fight had begun, so she did not think much about it. However, when they were a few feet away from the car, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her head and chest simultaneously, and the next second, she collapsed.

Mo Han stood next to her, and he reacted quickly, immediately catching her as she blacked out and landed in his arms.

His eyes widened, his first reaction was to think that the Trap had done something to her again! However, he quickly remembered that she had taken the cure already. So, was it something else?

  Maybe it was because she was tired or hungry? After all, it had been a long trip and he did not know how long she hadn't slept or eaten for.

He immediately lifted her up into his arms, running over to the car, "Hospital."

  Even if it was something small, he still had to make sure. He was not going to take any chances anymore after everything that had happened.


Half an hour later, they arrived at the hospital. As it was nighttime, there were not a lot of people waiting in line at the hospital. They were immediately rushed to the VIP section of the hospital.

After a while, Qi Yu also came after being called over by Mo Han, since he knew about the Trap the best after all the research he had been doing.

An Luxia was rushed into a hospital bed and a bunch of tubes and medical equipment were injected into her. Qi Yu did the checks on her and Mo Han stood right next to them, waiting.

"Is it because she hasn't eaten? Is it hypoglycemia again?" Mo Han asked, a hint of hope in his voice. 

However, Qi Yu shook his head, "It doesn't seem like it is a lack of energy."

He reached for an IV, injecting something into it and connecting it to An Luxia, "I'll inject some nutrition into her," he exclaimed.

"If it is due to a lack of sleep or energy, she should wake up within half an hour." Qi Yu sat down, waiting as Mo Han also kept a close attention on An Luxia.

Ten minutes passed by. . . Twenty minutes. . . It seemed like eternity to the both of them as they watched her lay there not moving at all. Half an hour had gone by.

Qi Yu looked at the clock on the wall and then at the IV bag which was slowly beginning to get empty. He furrowed his eyebrows together, standing up and beginning to do other checks on An Luxia.

"Mrs. An," he called, "An Luxia!" He suddenly screamed, receiving a frown from Mo Han. However, An Luxia did not give any reaction back, and this caused Qi Yu to knit his eyebrows together.josei

Mo Han watched as he began conducting a series of health tests again, and afterwards, Qi Yu looked towards him confusedly, "Why is her heartbeat unusually fast?"

  Mo Han frowned and stood up, looking over at the monitor to see that An Luxia's heartbeat was indeed speeding up, and it was getting very weirdly fast.

"Are you sure she took the cure for the Trap?" Qi Yu asked softly.

"Yes, she took it, unless. . ." Mo Han thought of the possibility that Shen Liya had given them the fake cure, but it did not seem likely. She seemed to be quite genuine and even now, she was dead, so there was no way he could figure out whether she got the right cure or not.

Or, Mo Siyan was a sly fox, so it was likely that he might have put a fake cure inside his office. Mo Han slammed his fist onto the edge of the bed, his eyes narrowing as he did not know what to do.

He did not know whether the cure was right and if An Luxia's condition was really a result of the Trap, then she did not have much time left.

Mo Han remembered Mo Siyan's warning about how after nine months, the victim will suddenly faint and then die in 12 hours. 12 hours! Mo Han jumped up, pacing around the room worriedly.

An Luxia's heartbeat was beginning to slow down again, but that also wasn't a good sign. What could he do? He couldn't stand here and do nothing and just wait. What if the cure was actually a fake? Then she would be dead in 12 hours.

Qi Yu watched as Mo Han walked around the room and he also did not know what to tell him. What could he say? Even though he had been researching the Trap all this time, he also did not know much about it.

He did not know anything about the cure or how to tell if the victim was cured or not, "Was the cure a medication or injection?"

  "A pill," Mo Han replied, stopping as he stared out the window into the darkness of the night. There was still no sign of An Luxia waking up and he had no other choice.

He turned around and looked at Qi Yu, walking towards him, "You stay here, understand? Keep an eye out on her and contact me right away if she wakes up. I don't know, but try to do something that will wake her up. Also call me if anything starts to go wrong."

  Qi Yu nodded, "What about you?"

Mo Han grabbed onto his suit jacket, looking at An Luxia one last time before he grabbed his phone and began marching out of the room, "I'm going to go back to Country A."

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