The Wife of Hades

Chapter 76 - Yu Xinyi's Childhood Crush

Chapter 76 - Yu Xinyi's Childhood Crush

Realizing that she was at the end of the article, An Luxia pressed her lips together into a thin line and closed her phone before walking into the classroom.

Once she stepped in, everyone turned to look at her, all with the same disgusted and judgemental stare. Many of them began talking, some in a soft whisper and others loudly so she could hear.

"Does she have no shame? How does she still have the face to go to school?!"

"I know right. I used to think that she was pretty, but now when I look at her, I feel disgusted."

"Pretty?! She was never that pretty, okay? I don't know why so many people are blind. Plus, she probably got plastic surgery."

An Luxia rolled her eyes as she walked down, not looking at anyone or giving any hint of response to their aggressive comments. Most of the people talking were girls and although a few boys also looked at her weirdly, they didn't say anything.

She wasn't surprised. Sometimes, she couldn't help but hate women although she was a woman herself. They were naturally more dramatic and jealous than males, and it was quite disgusting how they enjoyed putting other girls down for their own amusement. 

Wouldn't it be nice if all women supported other women? But obviously, that wasn't the case.

She sat down in the seat on the third row, and at once, everyone else that was sitting several seats away from her on the third row, grabbed their stuff and left, moving as far away from her as possible. 

She didn't care as she took out her stuff and began preparing for the upcoming test. As she studied, someone suddenly sat down next to her and slapped her on the back, "An Luxia!" 

She turned around, already knowing who it was by her voice, "Xinyi."

Yu Xinyi sat down next to her, turning around and scanning the people who were glaring at her as if she was some sort of monster, "What are you looking at?! Have you never seen two beautiful girls sitting together?!"

Although many of the girls wanted to talk back, no one dared to because they all knew just how scary Yu Xinyi could be when she got mad.

Seeing that no one was looking anymore, she turned around and glared at An Luxia, "How can you still be here studying calmly?! Did you see what happened on the school forum?"

An Luxia nodded, flipping the page, "I just saw. Why can't I be studying? There is a test soon. Did you forget about it?"

Yu Xinyi frowned, "Of course I didn't forget. But that post is disgusting! Whoever wrote it doesn't even know what is going on! How could they defame you like that?! I'm sure your hus -"

Yu Xinyi immediately covered her mouth and lowered her voice, "I'm sure Mr. Mo can figure out a way to kill whoever is behind it, right? Why don't you just do that?"

An Luxia chuckled softly, "Kill them? Who do you think my husband is? A murderer."

Yu Xinyi pursed her lips out and nodded, "Yes."

An Luxia scoffed and slapped Yu Xinyi on the shoulder, "Don't worry about it. I know who is behind it. She does know what is going on. . . But she obviously doesn't want to share the truth. So I guess I will have to do that for her."

Yu Xinyi shuddered slightly at An Luxia's sinister smile but she couldn't hide her curiosity, "Who is it? Tell me."

An Luxia turned to look at her and shrugged, "Li Yilan."

"What?!" At once, Yu Xinyi exploded as she jumped up from her chair, causing the entire classroom of people to look at her.

"Good morning, class. The test will be starting soon." The professor walked in and his eyes landed on Yu Xinyi, "Miss Yu, what are you doing? Sit down."

Yu Xinyi pursed her lips out as she grudgingly sat down, still in shock, "It was that b****? I should have guessed! I'm going to go kill her if I don't die after this test."

An Luxia chuckled softly and put away her textbook, getting ready to start the test.


After finishing the long two hour test, An Luxia walked out of the classroom with Yu Xinyi under the glares of several people, who were all saying similar things.

"How does she still have the courage to come to school after what she did? Disgusting!"

"Shut up, you ugly woman! What do you know?" Yu Xinyi tried to march over to the girl who had spoken, but An Luxia pulled her back.

"What are you holding me for?! Let me rip that woman's mouth off her face and then see what she can say!"

An Luxia was grateful that Yu Xinyi still stood by her side no matter what happened, but she couldn't help but also note that Yu Xinyi was very aggressive sometimes. She had to stop her from getting in trouble. 

"My brother likes sweet and soft girls," she reminded, and Yu Xinyi immediately stopped kicking and punching the air.

"Hmph! Xiaxia, let's go. We don't talk to ugly people like her!"

The girl's face was red with anger, "Who are you -"

"Shut up!" 

The girl immediately shut up from fear as she took a step back, marching away as she muttered insults to both An Luxia and Yu Xinyi.

"What do you want to eat for lunch? I'll call my mom so she can cook it for you."

Yu Xinyi was still mad at what had just happened as she marched on angrily, "Anything."

An Luxia grinned as they walked to the back parking lot together, where Mo Han's car was already waiting.

Yu Xinyi got into the passenger's seat and An Luxia sat into the backseat, where Mo Han was seated. He raised one eyebrow upon seeing Yu Xinyi, who quickly explained herself.

"Xiaxia said I could come with you two to the An house together to eat lunch." She smiled before turning back around, afraid to look too long at Mo Han.

Mo Han looked over at An Luxia, who also nodded, and then he told the driver to go to the An house first.


The front door was already open when they arrived at the An family's house. 

Qi Lanyu stood outside, wearing an apron and she smiled brightly upon seeing them, "Xiaxia, Xinyi!"

The four of them entered the house together to find An Ping and An Yuchen in the kitchen, cooking, and Yu Xinyi immediately volunteered to help after seeing who was inside the kitchen.

"Sit down, Xinyi," Qi Lanyu immediately said, "Let them cook."

Yu Xinyi grinned, "It's okay, auntie An. I am the guest here, so it is natural for me to help." Then, she quickly ran off into the kitchen.

"Uncle An, brother Yuchen."

They all knew Yu Xinyi, as she was best friends with An Luxia, and An Ping smiled at her, "Xinyi, what are you doing here? Go sit down with Xiaxia. Lunch will be ready soon."

Yu Xinyi quickly shut the door and walked over to the cutting board, "No, uncle An. I like helping."

She smiled sheepishly and began cutting the vegetables on the cutting board. Seeing this, An Yuchen immediately walked over, "Xinyi, I'll cut this. It's not safe with a knife."

Although what he had said was completely normal, Yu Xinyi's face immediately turned beet red as she pressed her lips together and tilted her head down so he wouldn't see her expression right now, "It's okay, brother Yuchen. I can do it."

"Listen to me. You go pour that dish onto a plate then."

Yu Xinyi finally nodded her head and carefully handed the knife to An Yuchen before walking over to plate the food. The three of them worked in silence, and Yu Xinyi couldn't help but smile like a complete idiot when she thought about the fact that she was cooking with An Yuchen right now! Ah, she could die right now and be content!

Of course, she completely forgot about the existence of An Ping, who was nonexistent in An Yuchen's presence.

However, their time "alone" didn't last long, as the door was suddenly pushed open.josei

An Luxia walked in, looking between the three of them as she stuck her head out from behind her father and looked at the dish he was cooking, "Mm. . . dad, that looks delicious! When is lunch ready?"

An Ping chuckled, "Soon, soon. Go set the table."

An Luxia smiled and evilly looked towards Yu Xinyi, who was standing there now since she had finished the task An Yuchen had given her, "Come set the table with me."

Yu Xinyi immediately widened her eyes, "What? Why?! No! I'm cooking here."

An Luxia raised one eyebrow, "Cooking? I see you just standing there. Come, come help me!"

She then pulled Yu Xinyi out of the room before she could object any further and together, they went to set up the table. 

"An! Lu! Xia! Couldn't you see that I was there with brother Yuchen? Why did you pull me out?!"

An Luxia tilted her head slightly as she took out six pairs of chopsticks from the cabinet, "Why don't you just tell him?"


"Why don't you just tell brother that you like him?" An Luxia looked over at Yu Xinyi, raising one eyebrow. Yu Xinyi had liked An Yuchen for basically all her life. Ever since she first met him when she had come home with An Luxia for a playdate in elementary school, she had started liking him.

Yu Xinyi scrunched her nose up and responded almost as if the answer couldn't be more obvious, "What if he doesn't like me back? Of course I can't tell him. . . yet."

An Luxia sighed and continued to set up the table, not sure what she should tell Yu Xinyi.

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