The Wife of Hades

Chapter 79 - Phone Hacking

Chapter 79 - Phone Hacking

An Luxia couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed from the sudden physical contact, but she had to continue with her request, "Do you know how to hack into a phone?"

Mo Han's expression stiffened slightly in surprise, "Hack into a phone?"

An Luxia nodded, "It's okay if you don't -"

"Don't?" A corner of Mo Han's lips slid up into a grin, "It would be a joke if the king of the underworld couldn't even do the simple task of hacking into a phone. Who would you like to hack?"

An Luxia's eyes lit up in both surprise and excitement as she lifted her phone up and shook it left and right in front of him, "My beloved sister. . . Li Yilan."

Mo Han furrowed his eyebrows together slightly, "Your sister? You have a sister?. . . Oh right, you do! That would be easy."

He took the phone from her, leaving a confused An Luxia. How could he forget that she had a sister? Ah, maybe he had short-term memory.

She watched as he placed her phone onto the table and opened up his computer. He then clicked open some weird software with a pitch black screen and began clicking a bunch of weird buttons she did not recognize.

"You don't even need her phone to hack into it?"

Mo Han grinned, happy to explain to his little dumb wife, "Of course not! If we did, it would be too much work to possibly get a person's phone from the other end of the world."

He stopped typing and pressed enter, and the green and red letters on the black screen disappeared, leaving a completely empty screen. Then, after a few seconds, there was a buzz and the screen lit up. Both sides were still black but the middle was now replaced with a vertical screen of what appeared to be a phone screen.

An Luxia's eyes widened in surprise as she moved forward on Mo Han's leg, moving her body weight onto one of his legs as she turned to face the computer screen.

"This is her phone?" She asked, although she already knew the answer. 

"Yes, and you have full control over it. She won't be able to see anything you are looking at."

An Luxia's mouth fell open as she took the mouse from Mo Han and clicked it, opening up her phone's lock screen which showed a selfie of herself.

An Luxia's lips twisted in disgust as she quickly opened up the screen to stop looking at the picture, "She has no password?"

Mo Han raised one eyebrow as he leaned back against the chair comfortably, beginning to play with An Luxia's long hair, "She probably does, but the software was able to figure out what it was."

An Luxia clicked her tongue as she scrolled around the apps that Li Yilan had on her phone, "Ah, the Internet is so not safe."

Mo Han grinned faintly as he began to braid her hair simply.

It took a while before An Luxia found the app for the school forum, which was made by one of the students. When she entered it, she noticed that Li Yilan had not left the screen which was the post she had written. 

She left it for her and clicked into the section where one could see the posts she wrote. An Luxia had expected to see the post about her at the top, but to her surprise, the area was empty.

An Luxia's eyes widened in shock, unable to believe what she saw. She refreshed it but still, nothing showed up. 

No way. . . Could it be possible that someone else had written it and it was not Li Yilan?! An Luxia looked around the forum from her account once more, but she could not find any evidence that it was Li Yilan who wrote it. 

Mo Han, who was completely focused on his wife's hair, did not notice the change in expression on An Luxia's face. He only realized when he heard her call him.

"Do you think she would have two accounts?"

"What?" He replied, finally looking up, "What are you trying to look for? I can help."

An Luxia scrolled around the page more, still unable to find anything, "You know the post about me. I think she was the one who wrote it but it isn't showing up here."

Mo Han let go of her hair and leaned forward, wrapping one arm around her waist and placing his other hand onto the mouse, covering up her small hand. An Luxia tilted her head back slightly to realize that his face was right next to hers, and she quickly looked back, trying to focus on the screen.

"She did write it," he said.

"What?! How do you know?" An Luxia looked back once again, still not used to the close distance of their faces.

"She should have a second account. . ." He clicked a few times, and in a few seconds, his lips curled up into a small smile, "Here it is."

An Luxia stared in awe as Mo Han found the article quickly in this account's published section of the forum, and there was even an extra draft in this account's writing section.

"How did you know?!"

Mo Han smiled as he let go of her hand and rubbed her gently on the head, "Don't underestimate your husband."

An Luxia grinned sweetly at him, but there were more important things to do. She turned around and indeed, the email of this account had Li Yilan's name in it, but the username was different from her main account.

She took a quick video from her own phone that included both the account's email and the image of her posts from that account before hopping off of Mo Han's lap, kissing him on the cheek as compensation for his help, and quickly returning to her laptop. 

On her laptop, she excitedly opened up the school forum again to write a new post. Ch! Did Li Yilan really think she was that easy to bully?! What a dumb girl! She was lucky that she did not get those dumb genes from their biological parents.

She entered the place to write a new post, and simply wrote one line:

'Li Yilan, is your favorite hobby spreading false rumors about your biological sister?'

Then, she attached the short video recording and clicked post. Within a minute, there were already several comments beginning to appear under the post.

'Person 1: Oh my!! I knew it! When the first post came out, I was wondering who would have information about this, and thought it might be Li Yilan! Wow. . . why would she do that?!'

'Reply: Isn't it obvious? She obviously did it because she is jealous of An Luxia. That is disgusting.'

'Wow, I feel so bad for An Luxia. Not only did her biological family throw her away, but now, her biological sister is here now to cause troubles for her. They are so disgusting.'

An Luxia was happy with the result she was receiving from the post, and she closed her laptop with a smile, picking up her phone as she happily skipped out of the room, "I'll cook dinner today! What would you like to eat?"

Mo Han looked up, his eyes sparkling with surprise and excitement, "Really? Anything you cook! Do you need help? I can go help."

An Luxia immediately shook her head, pulling the door open, "It's okay. I'm good by myself."josei

Mo Han said he was going to help her, but it was more like hinder her cooking skills! She quickly left the room, shutting the door and making her way to the kitchen, where she cooked dinner.


Li Yilan finished her makeup by applying a thick layer of bright red lipstick onto her lips. She pressed her lips together, hitting them together several times before smiling at herself in the cracked mirror, which made her face look distorted.

Looking at the large crack made her slightly frustrated, and she angrily closed the lipstick, throwing it onto the messy desk as she stood up.

Just as she was about to walk over to her closet to look for the dress she would wear today, a ding stopped her. She looked back and saw her phone lit up as it signaled the arrival of a new message.

She looked at it and knitted her eyebrows together when she saw who sent it.

'Xu Xin: Yilan? Have you seen the school forum today?!'

Li Yilan was not in the mood to talk to her best friend right now, especially after what happened, and she quickly replied, 'Yes.'

'Xu Xin: How can you be so calm?! Did you see what that disgusting b**** said?! Your post is against you now!'

Li Yilan frustratingly twisted her lips together in disdain as she slammed her fingers on the phone, which was slow to react after slamming itself against the mirror. She would have to go get a new phone, but her parents would most likely not agree.

Just thinking about her messed up life made her even more annoyed!

'I know, okay?!' Li Yilan entered into the posting box, but her fingers quickly froze. She furrowed her eyebrows together and deleted the words, retyping, 'How did you  know I wrote the post?!'

She did not even tell Xu Xin that she was the one who wrote the post, so how did she know?! It took several seconds before she received another reply.

'Xu Xin: Did you not see An Luxia's new post?! She somehow got a recording that showed that the username of the person who posted it has your email! Now, everyone knows that you were the one who posted it. Hurry up and go look at the forum.'

Li Yilan's eyes widened in shock and she almost dropped her phone again. She quickly held onto it and opened up the school forum app to find that the most popular post had been replaced again.

It was a short post now, and the writer was An Luxia.

'Li Yilan, is your favorite hobby spreading false rumors about your biological sister?'

Her lips twitched as she clicked on the video below the simple line, and it showed the anonymous account she had used to post the article, and also the email she used for the account, which meant that this video must have come from her own account! 

Li Yilan's fingers trembled as she scrolled down to look at the comments that were increasing by the second. Her breathing quickened as she stared at her phone screen in disbelief.

An Luxia!!

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