The Witch Hunter System

Chapter 130 Destination

Chapter 130 Destination: Redpine City

Sometime later, a magic tool was used to handcuff Istana Gleriath and seal her magic.

After basic healing was cast on Istana Gleriath, Ember Killian glanced at the witches and aura users gathered near the castle’s gate, not knowing what to do.josei

“Your lord has been captured and stripped of her lordship under my authority as the Grand Inquisitor! Do you all have a problem with that?!”

“No, Grand Inquisitor!”

After Ember Killian questioned them, the witches and aura users under Istana Gleriath denied it in unison.

Even if they had a problem with Ember Killian’s decision, they didn’t have the strength or courage to oppose her.

“What loyal retainers you have, Istana,” Ember Killian mocked.

However, Istana Gleriath didn’t respond. She remained silent and grew more gray hair by the moment. At the same time, her fair and smooth skin turned dry and wrinkly, turning her into an old lady.

Although no one truly knows the extent of witches’ lifespans, one thing was certain. Once their supposedly eternal youth ends, turning them into old hags, their days are numbered.

Istana Gleriath was precisely undergoing such a change.

Usually, such a transformation would have happened much more slowly.

However, the process was sped up by healing magic which boosted Istana Gleriath’s body’s natural regeneration, draining her limited lifespan quicker.

Shortly after, Ember Killian started arranging her people for the departure, loading Istana Gleriath and the wolf-men under the castle onto the magic airship.

“Are you thinking about Vaan Raphna’s possibility of surviving despite the death conclusion from the Senior Witches in your academy, Headmaster Astoria?” Ember Killian asked after noticing her pondering look.

“However…” Astoria Braveheart glanced at Ember Killian.

“You don’t have to worry about me. I won’t report him to Her Majesty for killing a witch if he is alive,” Ember Killian quickly shook her head before saying, “But if he did kill Isabelle, he still needs to be investigated. The way Isabelle died was questionable.”

“That being said, all the details point to the work of a dark organization, not to mention there more branches of the Assembly of Silent Night hidden in the kingdom. Vaan Raphna’s body could have been taken anywhere.”

“I wouldn’t pin my hopes on the words of a delusional hag, Headmaster Astoria,” Ember Killian stated.

Astoria Braveheart understood Ember Killian’s point and nodded.

It wasn’t easy to fake one’s death in front of multiple Senior Witches, not to mention with a gaping hole in one’s chest at that.

“Although I’ve sent the word out to track down all the remaining forces of the Assembly of the Silent Night in the kingdom, my people will still need my strength and leadership to eradicate the remnant forces.”

“So after returning to the capital to turn in the captives, I’ll be heading back out to do exactly that. What about you, Headmaster Astoria? What will you do?” Ember Killian inquired.

“I am hoping to hitch another ride with you to the capital, Marquis Ember,” Astoria Braveheart stated.

“More than a day has passed since my arrangement in the academy was made. The task I’ve passed to Senior Elaine should have been completed by now. Please wait for me. After I fetch the copy of Teacher Raphna’s notes, I will follow you to the capital to see Her Majesty.”

“If you are willing to wait for me further, I will follow you to eradicate the remnant forces of the Assembly of Silent Night. I might be able to learn more about Teacher Raphna from the higher-rank hunters of the organization.”

“At the same time, I think my strength will be of great help to you. What do you think, Marquis Ember?” Astoria Braveheart sought her opinion.

“It would be reassuring to have you with me, Headmaster Astoria,” Ember Killian welcomed her aboard the mission.

“The remnant forces of the dark organization have most likely retreated into Red Goblin Mountains if my information is correct. Your strength might be vital to this mission. Nevertheless, I still need to meet with my subordinates in Redpine City for a more accurate report on the situation.”

“You wouldn’t mind if we stop by Redpine City first, right?” Ember Killian asked.

“Not at all, Marquis Ember,” Astoria Braveheart shook her heart before asking forthrightly, “How can I have a complaint when I am getting a free lift?”

“Hahaha, alright. Then, let us meet at the airship in half an hour, Headmaster Astoria. That should be enough time to fetch what you want from the academy, right?”

“Definitely,” Astoria Braveheart confirmed.

Shortly after, Astoria Braveheart departed from the city lord’s castle and headed for Blackmoon Academy to see Senior Elaine.

After she disappeared from Ember Killian’s view, Ember Killian turned her attention back to the city lord’s castle to wrap up her business there.

“You over there, I believe your name was Eartha, right? You were the highest-ranking combat witch under Istana Gleriath, no?” Ember Killian inquired, singling out the witch from the mass.

“N-No—I mean, Yes, Grand Inquisitor! I am Eartha, the highest-rank combat witch under Lord Istana.”

Eartha was stunned before replying with a stuttering voice, unsure if she was in trouble or not, which caused her to nearly lie to Ember Killian’s face.

Nevertheless, Eartha chose honesty in the end.

“Good! From now on, you’re the new city lord. The Blackmoon Region is yours to manage temporarily until an official lord is assigned to the Blackmoon Region. Do you have a problem with this arrangement?” Ember Killian coolly asked.

Eartha was stunned again before her eyes glimmered with multiple thoughts and emotions in the next moment.

Fortunately, she had chosen to reply honestly. Otherwise, she would have missed out on a golden opportunity!

“No problem, Grand Inquisitor! It will be an honor to manage the Blackmoon Region for Her Majesty,” Eartha answered.

“Good to hear! I hope you do a better job than the previous city lord. Otherwise, you’ll be hearing from me again,” Ember Killian stated before instructing her people, “Let’s move out!”

“Yes, Grand Inquisitor!” Ember Killian’s people answered.

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