The Witch Hunter System

Chapter 202

Chapter 202

After rechecking the position of the wolf-men group, Vaan took out his bait, which was precisely the wolf-men meat he had previously chopped up and cooked.

He quickly stuffed them with Hungry Rage Flowers, a type of red-colored Gehenna plant known to produce feelings of hunger and anger in those that consume them. Then, he hurled them into several locations, including the goblin city and a few areas just outside of it.

He also hurled some of the wolf-men equipment and clothes to add some extra assurance.

Shortly after, he quickly left the area.

He headed for a group of large boulders found three hundred yards north of the goblin city, which was also quite close to the field of monster cages, and hid behind them.


A few moments later, a commotion was stirred inside the goblin city after the strong scent of cooked meat spread into its surrounding.

The smell attracted the nearby goblin patrols.

Even the goblins and hobgoblins with sharper senses of smell further inside the goblin city were also attracted to the scent of food outside.

As the goblins picked up the scattered cooked meat along the way, they were lured outside the goblin city.

Their numbers quickly increased to two hundred, and within moments, they started fighting over the limited amount of cooked meat.

However, their short scramble for food quickly ended when the bigger hobgoblins joined the fray.


The small goblins trembled with fear and made way for the hobgoblins.

Shortly after the hobgoblins reached the center, they snatched the food from the goblins, tossed whole pieces into their mouths, and chewed with great relish.

At the same time, Silver Hawk and the others gradually arrived with a horde of goblins not far behind them. Upon arrival, they quickly noticed the goblin activity in the area.

They didn’t think much of it at first, but then some leftover bones, including a human skull, were tossed to their feet, causing them to glance down and check.

“These aren’t goblin or monster bones… They’re human bones!” a Peak B-rank hunter exclaimed.

“And not just any human bones! Take a look at these scattered clothes and equipment! They belong to our people!” Silver Hawk mentioned as he stared at the group of goblins ahead with an ugly expression.

“Fuck these sons of bitches! Our weaker members had become food for these goblin freaks!” Dark Blade gritted his teeth furiously and barked, “I knew a Fallen Witch wasn’t good news!”

“No wonder the Fallen Witch told us to come here! She wanted us to become food for her goblin experiments! She wanted to strengthen them with the Rank 5 Demon Wolf Blood in our bodies!”

“We better fight our way out before we become their next meal!” another Peak B-rank hunter quickly suggested.

However, they were surrounded by goblins.

Not only was there a group of roughly two hundred goblins ahead, but they also brought a horde of three thousand goblins behind him.

Furthermore, there were most likely even more goblins in the goblin city!

“Wait! Don’t act hastily!” Silver Hawk quickly stopped the group from acting rashly and said, “Even for us, we can’t take on so many goblins at once!”

“What do you suggest then?! Just wait for them to eat us?! Fuck that shit! I ain’t waiting for that to happen!” one of the Peak B-rank hunters stated. “We need to get the hell out of here right now!”josei

Most of the wolf-men already felt unsettled when the goblin horde they gathered looked like they wanted to eat them.

Now that the wolf-men saw hobgoblins eating their people, there’s no way that they could ignore it.

“Dammit, just wait a minute! This could be a mistake! We should check with the Cave Master first!” Silver Hawk demanded some time before he quickly shouted, “What is the meaning of this, Cave Master?!”

“What’s with that tone? Do you have a problem with me?”

The Fallen Witch’s ghastly voice was heard shortly after Silver Hawk’s loud voice caught the Fallen Witch’s attention.

“Do I have a problem?!” Silver Hawk almost lost his temper on the spot. Still, another Peak B-rank hunter immediately exploded, “Fuck yeah, we have a problem!”

After hearing that, the Fallen Witch had no choice but to shift her attention from the front and see what was going on in the back of her territory.

“What is going—”


Suddenly, the hobgoblins roared uncontrollably before they stared at the wolf-men group with an insatiable hunger.

In the next instance, the hobgoblins immediately charged at Silver Hawk and the other wolf-men.

“Fuck! We’ll fight our way out!” Silver Hawk shouted.

The Peak B-rank hunters all drew their weapons and fought off the enhanced hobgoblins with Peak-level Rank 2 combat prowess.

Nevertheless, the Peak B-rank hunters had the advantage in strength and skills.

The enhanced hobgoblins never stood a chance, not even in their enraged states. They were quickly killed in a short instance.

At the same time, the other goblins did not know what was going on, but they quickly became furious after seeing the wolf-men killing their kind.

Kreuk! Kreuk!

The goblins voiced their rage.

In a short instance, the brief fight between the wolf-men and the hobgoblins evolved into an all-out war between them and all the goblins in the area.

“What the hell are you all doing!? Stop this instance!” the Fallen Witch screeched furiously at the unbelievable scene. “Sssi… I command you all to stop fighting at once! Listen to me!”

The Fallen Witch sounded more infuriated by the moment.

After all, they had a bigger threat knocking on their front door. And yet, they were stuck fighting among themselves.

Kreuk! Kreuk!

Silver Hawk and his group killed dozens of goblins in a few breaths, but they were still surrounded by thousands.

At the same time, the sound of their battle attracted more goblins from the goblin city. Even goblins from the field of monster cages were drawn over to the commotion.

The Fallen Witch’s ghastly and furious shrieks continued to resound throughout the pocket realm.

However, Vaan washed his hand of the chaos he created as if it had nothing to do with him and secretly made his way to the rock mountain lair.

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