The World Conquest: Giving Birth To Become A God

Chapter 22 Adding Concubine

Chapter 22 Adding Concubine

Maximus sat on a blanket spread out in the backyard, surrounded by his children.

The warm sunlight bathed them, creating a serene atmosphere.

In his arms, he held two newest addition to his family two beautiful babies with cat-like features, born just a few days ago by his third and fourth wife.

He named them Lyla and Lydia

His other children gathered around, their eyes filled with wonder as they looked at their tiny sibling.

They giggled and cooed, eager to play with their new baby sisters.

Maximus smiled, feeling an overwhelming sense of love and joy.

As the children counted their brother and sister, they counted a total of six little ones, Making him smile at their funny antics.

His family was expanding, with the imminent arrival of more children from his first and second wives who became pregnant again.

He gently rocked the baby in his arms, whispering words of love and care.

As he watched his children play and the newborn babies cradled in his arms like an angel.

Maximus couldn't help but think about the situation that is happening in the now-ruined kingdom.

But for now, though, he was content to sit in the garden, surrounded by the people he loved most in the world.

His children's laughter and the gentle gentle care of his wives were the only mattered to him at this moment.


Maximus tossed and turned in his bed, feeling lonely and restless.

The emptiness of the room weighed heavily on his mind.

With his third and fourth wives recently giving birth, and his first two wives being pregnant, he found himself lonely in his bed.

The absence of their warmth and presence left him feeling a void that he hadn't experienced before.

As he pondered his predicament, a thought began to form in Maximus's mind.

Perhaps it was time to expand his harem and add more women to his household.

Not only would it alleviate the loneliness he felt, but it could also provide him with additional strength.

In the past, Maximus never bothered to add more women to his harem.

He had always been selective and never found high-quality women who truly captured his attention.

As for the gold points gathered by the system when he had a wife which is now 220 gold points per day.

He did not need that already as just the gold coins from wine and food sales from his city is more than that.

After all, although there is a war going on, food is a necessity in life. And nobles can't do without wine.

When he sold wine to Lord Marcus and Lady Diana, the wine shot up becoming famous among the nobles.

The originally 10 gold coins per wine become ten times more expensive.

Now for wine alone he can sell, 20,000 gold coins a month which is more than 600 gold coins plus the food.

Moreover, his inherent laziness had prevented him from actively seeking out potential additions to his household.


Maximus stands out of his bed, as he reached for the intercom, an inconspicuous piece of alchemy item amidst the lavish decorations.

With a push of a button, he called for Phantom, the esteemed leader of the Phantom Group, to meet with him the following day.

Alchemy and Mechanical Item is not prevalent in this place, so those who were unfamiliar with it, just raised some eyebrows.

Moreover, when he took out these little items, he reason that it was his invention in his pastime.

After all, he was a Tier 2 Great Mage, so they have no doubts.

Moreover, Maximus had taken precautions to ensure loyalty and secrecy among his people.

Each of his trusted subordinates had willingly signed a loyalty contract infused with powerful magic, binding their allegiance to him.

This ensured that those who used items that he took out from the system, were not spread and caused doubts among the people

Although he heard that alchemy and mechanical items were common in the central continent.

Here in Sunburnt Plateau, it was a rare existence considering that there are almost no magical resources in this area for these magical items to thrive.


In the early morning, Maximus met up with Phantom, the leader of the Phantom group, in a secluded room of his estate.

As they sat across from each other, Maximus wasted no time getting to the point.

"Phantom," Maximus said in a low voice, somewhat embarrassed.

"I have a task for you. I need you to discreetly scout for potential candidates to join my harem."

"I understand, my lord. I will do my best to scout any potential candidates that fit my lord." Phantom nodded, with his expression unchanged.

"Excellent. I will await the result of your search. I trust your judgment, Phantom." As a smile crept across Maximus' face

They delved into a detailed discussion, strategizing on what type he liked and how to distinguish their character.

Maximus emphasized the importance of their mission, and ensure enough confidentially before he finalize this matter.


As Princess Emma stepped out of the carriage, she took in the sights and sounds of the bustling city.

It was vastly different from her own home in the faerie imperial city.

She watched in fascination as a group of people walked past her, unbothered by her beautiful features, at most stealing a few curious glances.

As Emma stepped out, she was greeted by her attendant, Jane.

She was wearing armor that made her look like a warrior, her face stoic and unbattered.

Emma smiled at her old friend, grateful for her company and protection during their escape.

She knew that she couldn't have made it this far without her.

As Princess Emma and her attendant Jane walked down the street, they marveled at the lively atmosphere and the beautiful clothing worn by the people of the city.

The streets were clean and bustling with activity, in stark contrast to the smelly and dirty streets in the Imperial City.

"Jane, this city is so lively," Emma said, looking around in awe.

"Everyone is dressed so beautifully, and the streets are so clean. "

"Yes, Your Highness," Jane replied, nodding in agreement.

"The people here seem to be living quite prosperous lives. It's a stark contrast from the poverty and despair of the places we passed through before. It's surprising that the war hasn't seemed to affect this city."

They continued to walk, admiring the various shops and stalls that lined the streets.

Emma was drawn to the beautiful clothes on display and couldn't help but feel the desire to acquire some for herself.

"Jane, do you think we should buy some new clothes while we're here?" Emma asked, eyeing a beautiful dress displayed in a shop window.

"Of course, Your Highness," Jane replied with a smile.

"We do need to replenish our supplies anyway, so it's a good opportunity to pick up some new clothes as well."

Emma and Jane made their way into the shop, the bell above the door ringing as they entered. The shop was filled with colorful dresses and outfits that caught their eyes. Emma walked towards a rack of dresses, her fingers running over the soft fabric. She pulled out a flowing blue dress, admiring the intricate embroidery on the sleeves.

"This is beautiful," Emma said, holding it up to her body. "What do you think, Jane?"

"It suits you well, Your Highness," Jane replied with a smile.


Emma nodded, walking around the shop as Jane followed her.

She spotted a red dress with gold accents, pulling it out to take a closer look. The dress hugged her figure perfectly, and she twirled around, feeling the fabric brush against her skin.

"This is perfect," Emma said, a wide smile spreading across her face.

Jane nodded in agreement, "It is stunning, Your Highness."

As they continued to browse through the shop, Emma found more outfits that she loved, including a green dress with delicate lacework and a simple white tunic with intricate beading.

After they bought their favorite clothes, they came across a vendor selling fresh fruits and vegetables.

Emma didn't recognize some of the fruits but they look appetizing.

"Look, Jane, they seem to have unique fruits!" Emma exclaimed.

"Yes, We'll get that as well," Jane replied as she rolled her eyes.

They spent the rest of the morning wandering around the city, shopping to buy supplies and trying new foods.

As they walked, they discussed their plans before going to the City of Berunn their next stop before going to the central continent.

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