The World Conquest: Giving Birth To Become A God

Chapter 328 Various Benefits

Chapter 328 Various Benefits

After obtaining the token, Latin quickly took his sister to find food.

While walking, Latin studied the token.

The tokens had different shapes and sizes.

For them, Latin picked up a necklace-type token.

Seeing no grooves and notches, Latin didn't know how to activate it for a while

Fortunately, the token seemed to sense his thoughts as a virtual panel appeared.

[Latin: Class 3 Citizen

Address: None

Properties: None

Profession: Non

School: Nonejosei



Thinking about it, descriptions of citizen classes appeared.

Class 3 citizens are the lowest tier of citizens, made up of various refugees who have just joined the empire like them.

Class 2 citizens are the second tier, made up of original residents who were born and raised in the empire.

Class 1 citizens are the first tier, which is made up of various officials and soldiers who made some contributions.

Then there are Star Citizens, who are made up of special people who made significant contributions to the empire.

Unlike the others, Star Citizen status is only bestowed by the Emperor and cannot be obtained elsewhere.

As for others, there are many ways to increase ranks.

Like fighting in the Battle Colosseum, inventing new things, accumulating wealth, having top potential, graduating from the academy, and many more.

Although he didn't know the meaning of most of it, Latin tried to keep it in his mind.

Glancing at his current citizen rank, he looked through the benefits that he would receive.

First, the housing.

Each class 3 citizen could receive an apartment for 25 meters in size.

There was also an option to combine the benefits of the same family, obtaining a much more spacious apartment.

Six of them could live in a 150-square-meter apartment, which is pretty spacious.

As for food and supplies, they were not free, like he thought.

Instead, they were directly given Moonlight Coins for expenses.

As a ten-year-old child, he was eligible for 1,000 copper credits per day.

Although he didn't know its value, it should be almost the same as copper coins.

It may not look like much, but this was already a lot.

Based on the previous standard, 1,000 copper credits were enough for ten days of food for a single adult.

As for why it was given daily, it must be because other people were irresponsible spending the money all at once.

Besides housing and money, there are various benefits, such as spiritual fields, business acquisitions, transportation discounts, etc.

However, what struck him the most was the free education.

Each citizen, no matter their age, was given free education regardless of the field.

Thinking of his weak strength, he clenched his fist in excitement.

Even the previous Westle Empire didn't have these benefits.

It didn't even have enough resources to provide education for the majority of its people, let alone for free.

While studying the token, he was unknowingly dragged by his sister to a food stall.

"Brother! We want this!"

"We want! We want!"

"This smells so delicious!"

"It looks so fluffy; it must be delicious."

"Brother, do we have enough money to buy this?"

Being asked questions one after another, Latin turned his attention to the stall in front of him.

The food being sold looked like cotton made of various colors.

Smelling such a fragrance, Latin subconsciously gulped.

"Excuse me, how much for those?"

"Candy Clouds? They are 30 copper credits each."

"Give us six." Hearing the price was cheap, Latin quickly bought one for each of them.

After getting the Candy Clouds, they took a big bite as it melted into their mouths.

"Yum! The green one tastes like delicious grass."

"This one tastes like meat."

"Sweet! Sweet! Sweet!"

"This one is weird; it cooled my mouth like ice."

"Mine also tastes weird; it's like there is an explosion in my mouth."

Seeing they were enjoying their snack, Latin found a place to sit as he continued to study the token.


Soon, a week passed by.

The first batch of immigrants was about to leave to go to the Moonlight Forest.

"Brother, are we going to board that big boat?"

"Yes, we are going to our new home..." Latin smiled, pinching their fluffy cheeks.

This week, using the daily subsidies given to them, he fed his sisters fat.

Looking at their bulging and red cheeks, he couldn't help but smile.

"Brother, don't tangle my dress; it's my favorite." One of his sisters pouted, seeing her dress a little tangled.

The daily subsidies given to them were too much, so in addition to food, he bought all kinds of dresses and toys they liked.

Not only was his sister well-fed, but they also became more lively and cute.

"Alright, alright, you don't love your brother anymore."

Soon, hundreds of millions of people began to board the ship.

With such a crowd, Latin became worried about their safety.lightsnovel

Fortunately, everything was orderly, thanks to the soldiers and officials.

Entering their assigned room, Latin took his sister to explore the ship.


After a few days, the ship quickly reached the Moonlight Forest.

"We arrive at the Moonlight Forest."

"Please leave the ship in an orderly manner and follow the subsequent instructions."

"Once again, welcome to your new home..."

After following the various virtual guidelines, Latin and his sister quickly disembarked from the ship.

Around them were other ships and a sea of people.

Taking out his token, he looked for the follow-up instructions.

"Let's see, our destination is the Spirit City..."

"Board a Car SC 385, Departure 17:00."

Seeing the instruction, Latin quickly took his sister to the automated vehicle park alongside the tier 9 ships.

With the guidance of the token, they quickly found their ride in a few minutes.

It seemed that it also took their condition and distance into consideration, allowing them to find their ride quickly.

The car was much bigger than he had seen from the soldier before.

Inside were thousands of people who seemed to be going to the same city as him.

Most of them were orphaned children like them or people with a scholarly aura.

Soon, the clock turned, and the car departed.

The journey was boring, but with the token to keep them entertained, they were not so bored.

Watching various movies produced in the Moonlight Empire, they couldn't help but sigh in amazement.

The Moonlight Empire was really a fairy place that they never dared to dream of before.

Looking at the smile and prosperity in the movie, they couldn't help but look forward to their new home.

Unfortunately, before another movie ends, a big warning flashes into the panel.

[3-hour screen time ended; please take care of your mental health and get rest.]

"No! I want to watch what happened to the big man!"

"I want more!"

"Bad Guy!"

"Wah-wah! Big Man is dead!"

"Brother, there is no more movie,"

As children, they were only allowed to play in the token for three hours.

It doesn't matter if they use other devices; the token would detect it and activate the basic mode.

Basic Mode is a bare function without any entertainment function.

Thus, looking at his wailing sister, Latin could only smile wryly.

"Time to sleep; there is still a long journey ahead."


Soon, a few days passed unconsciously.

Although their ride was fast, and they were docked near the cities.

The Moonlight Forest was too vast, and the cities were too scared that a few days of travel was the norm.

Arriving at the city or perhaps a construction site, they disembarked from the car.

"Is this where we are living now?"

"It looks dilapidated. Could we live in this place?"

"Brother, the city isn't finished yet. Where do we live here?"

As his sister and the crowd complained, a guide suddenly appeared before them.

lightsΝοvεl ƈοm "Don't worry. A place was specifically set for you."

"Although it's not as comfortable as your assigned house, it should be able to accommodate you for a few months."

After a bit more explaining, they understood.

The Spirit City and most of the city were still being built.

Although the Moonlight Empire had a huge number of magicians and warriors to do work, building a place for hundreds of trillions of people wasn't easy.

Furthermore, the Emperor seemed to be quite strict, wanting each city to be more beautiful than the previous one.

To this, Latin and the others were noncommittal.

This is where they will live from now on, so the more beautiful it is, the better.

As for the temporary living environment, in this kind of time, having a place to sleep and food to eat is enough.

"By the way, sister, could we still study in this condition?" Latin asked.

The reason why he chose Spirit City as a destination, among others, is its educational environment.

According to what he had read, the Spirit City is a planned place for enlightenment and primary education.

This is also why most people eligible to go here are children, orphans, and people who would teach.

"Good question! It seems that this little brother is smart."

"The Spirit City is one of the planned educational cities in the empire; of course, it cannot lack education just because of the ongoing construction."

"Thus, while the city is in construction, all of you would help and learn at the same time."

"For those interested in cooking, you would help the chef."

"Those interested in the array would help."

"Those interested in alchemy would help."

"Anything that should be done in the city, you must help!"

"Don't worry, it will be fun!"

Hearing this, Latin and the others just rolled their eyes.

Isn't this just forced labor?

Most of them didn't even know how to read and count.

How could they help with such complicated tasks?

"Hahaha, the best education is applied education!"

"I'm sure once the city is finished, you would be proficient in one or two things!"

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