The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 145

Chapter 145: Evolutionary Paths

TN: “Newcomer” -> “Newtype”. Thanks for everyone’s suggestions!


With Nishino-kun and his friends, we had helped the City Hall by removing the rubble left behind by Titan and exploring the City Hall’s surrounding area.

Afterwards, we have come straight to this vacant house which was nearby.

We’re still within the “Safety Zone”, so we don’t have to worry about monsters ambushing us.

If someone approaches, I’ll be notified immediately.

Rather than that…

“…Ugh… ze…..ze….”

I place Ichinose-san who I was carrying on my back on the floor.

“…Are you okay?”

“N-no problem… uuu.”

No matter how I see it, there are a lot of problems.

As a result of pushing herself after just waking up, Ichinose-san is once again in a dying state.

‘I won’t stay as a shy Hiki Komori forever!’… and this is the end result.

That’s why I kept telling you to think again…

Her current expression is worse than the one she had when we were against the Golems.

—Rather than fatigue, it’s mostly because of her fear of communicating with others.

It’s slowly eating away at her.

She’s in an unfamiliar place, meeting various people for the first time and getting surrounding by students her age.

All of these act like “poison” for her.

Honestly, it was dangerous for me too…

Thank God I have the appropriate resistance-type skills.

Since Ichinose-san does not possess these resistance skills, the only way for her to recover is to rest quietly in an unpopulated location like here.

Ichinose-san’s complexion is slowly but surely getting better.

For loners, silence is considered a close companion that they had for many years.

…Or so I’d like to say, but I’m not so sure about it.


“What’s wrong?”

“Please have Momo-chan come out… along with Kiki-chan.”

“Ah, okay.”

Uuu…Ichinose-san groans.

Momo and Kiki appear from the “Shadows”.



“Oh, Momo-chan! Kiki-chan! I wanted to see you two so much…”

Ichinose-san hugs the two tightly.

Mofu mofu. Pat pat.

They appear to have finally met after many years of separation, but in reality, they’ve met a couple of hours ago.

“Furu furu.” (•́︿•̀)

“Don’t mind it, Aka.”

It seems like it’s shocked that it was the only one that wasn’t called.

I pat and comfort Aka who is trembling (and mimicking as my clothing).

Purun, purun.

“Hmm… I feel much better.”

“Is that so…”

Perhaps it’s the effect of the mofu-mofu, Ichinose-san looks to have recovered and her skin is shining.



Good work, Momo and Kiki.

Both of them are now lying on my lap, and I’m stroking them.



As I am stroking them, they suddenly lay down on their backs, exposing their stomachs.

It’s a pose that’s telling me, “Here, stroke.”

Oh well, there’s no helping them.

I stroke their exposed stomachs.

I think I can spend half a day just doing this.

(Their furs seem to have become smoother after they evolved.)

Momo, Aka, and Kiki have all evolved after the battle with Titan.

Momo evolved from an “Assassin Dog” to a “Dark Dog”, Aka from a “Mimic Slime” to a “Creation Slime”, and Kiki from a “Lesser Carbuncle” to a “Carbuncle”.

Their appearances haven’t changed much, but their presences certainly have.

In fact, Momo is emitting a pressure that is equivalent or even greater than the one from the Dark Wolf before its resurrection.

She has become more adept at manipulating her “Shadow”, and her “Roar” has increased in power as well.

Her physical abilities have been enhanced, so she should be able to deal with a flock of regular monsters without breaking a sweat.

Will she be able to use “Darkness” like that guy?

After all, her race has the word “Dark” in it….

But then again, I want Momo to stay as the cute Momo that she is now.

Aka’s arsenal of skills also expanded, so it is now capable of mimicking into something more delicate and precise.

However, it hasn’t recovered from the battle yet, so it must absorb other slimes again.

…I guess we’ll have to head over to the sea at a later date.

There should be a lot of slimes accumulated there.

By the way, “Titan’s Magic Stone (Large)” was given to Aka.

Once again, Aka has been a huge help, so Momo and Kiki agreed to this.

Aka acquired a new skill after eating “Titan’s Magic Stone (Large)”, but I’ll explain its effect later on.

Kiki also became more powerful after evolving into a “Carbuncle”.

In addition to “Status Enhancement” and “Reflection”, she can now use “Support Magic – Buff” with greater frequency.

On top of that, she learned something called “Interference Magic – Debuff”.

She’s honestly becoming more and more dependable.

However, above everything else, Momo and Kiki’s furs have become better, and Aka is more elastic.

Seriously, this is the best.


Now, let us return to the main subject.

I take out a cup of tea from the “Item Box” and take a sip.

When Ichinose-san has calmed down, I begin the conversation.

“I think it’s about time we decide on our ‘Evolutionary Paths’.”


After our battle with Titan, Ichinose-san and I had slept until today.

As such, we have yet to decide on our “Evolutionary Paths”.

In my case, I have not distributed my points either.

Having slain Titan, I have a large amount of SP and JP to my name.

60 JP and 120 SP.

I should seriously consider how I’m going to distribute them.

“By the way, Ka…Kudou-san and I have different races listed in our ‘Evolutionary Paths’.”

“You’re right…”

I tap on the “Evolutionary Paths” option which is on my status plate.


“Evolutionary Paths”

– High Human

– Elf

– Dwarf

– Halfling

– Giant

– Demon

– Werewolf

– Renard

– Seaman

– Lizardman

– Shadow

– Newtype [1]


12 Evolutionary Paths are presented before me.

They’re mostly races which we hear about on web novels.

From elves and dwarves which are considered standards to the less familiar races known as Shadows and Newtypes.

On the other hand, there are 10 paths for Ichinose-san.


Ichinose Natsu’s Evolutionary Pathsjosei

– High Human

– Elf

– Dark Elf

– Demon

– Dwarf

– Amazoness

– Renard

– Cat People

– Cyborg

– Newtype


She has some options like “Amazoness”, “Dark Elf”, “Cat People”, and “Cyborg” which aren’t listed under my Evolutionary Paths.

The lists are probably formulated after taking into consideration the individuals’ behaviors, skills, and genders leading up to LV 30.

For example, “Amazoness” sounds like a race meant only for women.

(With so many to choose from, it’s really hard to make up my mind…)

Considering the future, I should choose a race which won’t affect my outer appearance much, but…

I glance at Ichinose-san who is besides me.

Renard or Cat People…

There should be some changes in the person’s appearance.

Attaching cat ears or fox tails on Ichinose-san…

‘Kudou-san, how is this-nyan?’

Ichinose-san saying that while beckoning like a cat and shaking her tail.


What a brutal gesture.

Saying “nyan” at the end with a slightly embarrassed expression…

Yes, I can “work” with that.

If I am honest, I think she would look really cute.

“…Kudou-san, are you thinking about something strange right now?”

“Eh!? N-no, that’s not the case at all. Hahaha…”

Ichinose-san’s needlessly keen senses detect my thoughts.

Well, I’m also aware that what I’ve been thinking just now isn’t exactly appropriate.

For real though, to complement her intuition and to cover for her physical weakness, a beastman is a valid option…

It’s just that her appearance would…

“Kudou-san, can’t you use ‘The Right to Question’ for this?”

“Oh, you’re right.”

Now that I think about it, I have “The Right to Question” which is acquired through defeating Titan.

“The Right to Question” is a convenient skill which answers any question which I enter.

In addition, there isn’t a limit to how many times I can use it.

After asking about the nature of this world and the method to return it, I became worried about how many times I can ask questions, but the response was “As many times as you wish”.

That’s why I can ask various questions without having to worry about anything.

In a sense, it’s like an “Appraisal” skill.

No, is it close to a “Search” skill?

Well, it doesn’t really matter.

I immediately ask about the various races under our Evolutionary Paths.

Through this, I learn about the simple characteristics of each race.

– High Human

A species superior to the Human race.

The effects of existing skills will be enhanced.

Various stats will increase and the level of existing skills will rise by 2.

Appearance would remain the same as regular Humans.

– Elf

A species superior to the Human race.

Excels in magic.

Stats for MP, Magic, and Magic Resistance will be increased. Stats for Strength will be reduced.

Becomes beautiful in appearance. Ears become sharp

– Dark Elf

A species superior to the Human race.

Excels in magic.

Stats for MP, Magic, and Magic Resistance will be increased. Stats for Strength will be reduced.

Becomes beautiful in appearance. Ears become sharp. Skin turns brown.

– Dwarf

A species superior to the Human race.

Excels in strength and endurance.

Stats for HP, Strength, and Endurance will be increased significantly. Stats for MP, Magic, and Agility will be reduced.

Becomes short and muscular.

– Halfling

A species superior to the Human race.

Excels in the five senses, dexterity, and agility.

Stats for Dexterity and Agility will be increased significantly. Stats for HP and Strength will be reduced.

Becomes very short.

– Giant

A species superior to the Human race.

Excels in vitality.

Stats for HP, Strength, and Agility will be increased significantly. Stats for Magic and Magic Resistance will be reduced.

Becomes very tall.

– Demon

A species superior to the Human race (Rare).

Physical abilities will be enhanced, and unique skills will be unlocked.

Stats for HP, MP, Endurance, Strength, and Agility will be increased.

Horns will grow only when experiencing a battle or an intense emotion.

Appearance would remain the same as regular Humans under normal situations.

– Werewolf

A species superior to the Human race.

Physical abilities and the five senses will be enhanced.

Stats for HP, Strength, Endurance, and Agility will be increased. Stats for MP will be reduced.

Becomes hairy.

Specialized ears and a tail will grow.

Mating periods will be present.

– Renard

A species superior to the Human race.

The five senses will be enhanced, and unique skills will be unlocked.

Stats for Dexterity, Magic, and Magic Resistance will be increased.

Specialized ears and a tail will grow.

Mating periods will be present.

– Cat People

A species superior to the Human race.

Physical abilities and the five senses will be enhanced.

Stats for MP and Dexterity will be increased. Stats for Agility will be increased significantly.

Specialized ears and a tail will grow.

Mating periods will be present.

– Seaman

A species superior to the Human race.

Capable of living underwater.

Gills, scales, and fins will grow.

– Lizardman

A species superior to the Human race.

Physical abilities and the five senses will be enhanced, and unique skills will be unlocked.

Stats for HP, MP, Strength, and Agility will be increased significantly.

Scales will grow.

Resistance to cold will be reduced.

– Shadow

A species superior to the Human race (Rare).

Physical abilities and the five senses will be enhanced, and unique skills will be unlocked.

Stats for Strength, MP, Dexterity, Agility, Magic, and Magic Resistance will be increased.

– Amazoness

A species superior to the Human race (Females Only).

Physical abilities and the five senses will be enhanced, and unique skills will be unlocked.

Stats for HP, Strength, and Agility will be increased significantly. Stats for MP, Dexterity, and Magic Resistance will be reduced.

Libido increases.

– Cyborg

A species superior to the Human race (Rare).

Physical abilities and the five senses will be enhanced, and unique skills will be unlocked.

Stats for HP, MP, Strength, Endurance, Agility, Dexterity, Magic, and Magic Resistance will be increased significantly and fixed.

Sleep and copulation will no longer be required, and the individual will never be fatigued.

– Newtype

A species superior to the Human race (Rare).

Physical abilities and the five senses will be enhanced slightly, increasing the individual’s potential.

Various stats will be increased slightly.

Appearance would remain the same as regular Humans.


That’s all the information I receive about our Evolutionary Paths.

Now, we should think carefully and decide on a path.


[1] 新人(アラビト) -> Read as “Arabito”. Translated directly, it means Newtype. I thought of translating it as “New Human” because it sounded cooler (?), but this might come back to bite me later on, so I left it as “Newtype”.

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