The World Is Overflowing with Monster, I’m Taking a Liking to This Life

Chapter 67

Chapter 67: Towards the Next Stage

The fourth day since monsters started overflowing the Earth. Chaos still loomed over the city center. Monsters that appear frequently; information network that has been cut off; buildings that have collapsed. Without any warnings of disaster or evacuation guidance, people had to act based on their judgments- to hole oneself up or to take action.

‘—Let’s head towards an evacuation center.’ Many people came to the same conclusion. One way or another, despite the risk of being exposed to the monsters that were lurking about, people traveled to designated emergency evacuation centers. Now, on the fourth day, public facilities such as government offices and schools were filled with people who have sought refuge.

However, there hasn’t been any significant progress. Even now, most people were waiting for evacuation instructions. Unfortunately, there haven’t been any announcements from the government or its officials. It is safe if you find a shelter. The government and the defense force will take care of the situation. Such hopeful notion was dashed out quickly.

“Why aren’t there any evacuation orders?”

“What is the government doing?”

“I’m hungry.”

“Is it really safe here?”

People in the shelters started to feel uneasy, and anxiety spread throughout the crowd. Why isn’t the government acting? There was a clear and simple reason to this. There wasn’t any precedent. Reality doesn’t work like it does in B-tiered movies. Who could possibly predict that monsters would suddenly appear and assault civilians? The reality was too unrealistic. A situation seemed illogical. Even so, at first, the government did move forth to deal with the situation. But things didn’t progress at planned. While the government tried to set up a Response Team to solve the problem, the law and issues about responsibility proved to be sources of hindrance.

What about Article 9 of the Constitution? Do monsters count as natural disasters? How will the manual be written? Extra-legal measures? Then who will take the responsibility? Even as such talks were delaying all forms of progress, citizens were being attacked by monsters. The irony existed in the fact that damages were increasing despite their will to reduce them.

The inability to use any form of communication also exacerbated the problem. Mails, phones, and smart phones were all unavailable. The only way to convey information was through verbal means. How many hours would it take for instructions to be transmitted from the higher-ups to the middle levels, then to the lower levels, and finally to those far away? While all this happens, damages would continue to pile up. To begin with, there were frequent cases of officials being attacked by monsters and information being cut off in the middle. When that happened, things were delayed even more. Damages continued to stack. It was a downward spiral.

“I can’t stand this any further. I’m escaping from here.”

“Me, me too.”

“So am I. I have a family.”

“Exactly. Why do we even have to do this?”

“Hey, wait! If we leave, who will give the instructions—”

“Those that WANT to do it should do it.”

“Don’t mess with me! We’re civil servants! With the national tax that —”

“Then you can stay here. I’m gonna run away.”

In the beginning, they tried to fulfill their duties due to their sense of responsibility. Through time, however, this belief gradually withered. Those who gave up their duties because of fear; those who tried to escape with their family members; those who desperately stopped them; those who gave evacuation instructions at their own discretion. At this point, it mattered not whether they were at a high position or not. It must be a natural occurrence for people to desire life. Confusion called upon confusion, which summoned further confusion. The laws lost their power as laws, and the world’s sense of morality and values were overturned.

While this was happening—

{ You have gained experience. }

The announcement rang inside his head. Hearing this, Shibata, who had the appearance of a yankee high-school student, turned around.

“Yoshi, the guy over here is down. Ossan, how are things over there?”

“It’s, it’s all good!”


After leaving the home center, Shibata decided to head towards school. There were five members in total. Other than Shibata himself, there were two classmates, one middle-aged man, and one university student.

“Shibata-kun, with these goblins defeated, I gained a level. How should I distribute them?”

“E-etto, Ossan, if I’m not mistaken, you are an { Adventurer }, right? Then raise ‘Body Strengthening’ to level 2. There is a noticeable difference even if you just increase its level by one.” “O-okay…”

The middle-aged man distributed his points based on Shibata’s instructions. Shibata felt moved upon seeing this. A person can indeed change when he or she wills it. The man who was so fearful and only thought of asking others for help was now a powerful force that fought alongside them. No one knew what changed inside the middle-aged man. Regardless, in a situation like this, it was something to be thankful about.

“I wonder where Nishino-kun and his group are right now.”

“I don’t know either. But they should be alive at the very least.”

Nishino had escaped with Rikka in tow. Speaking of Rikka, she was the strongest one of them all. As long as something extreme doesn’t happen, they should be well.

“For the time being, let’s aim for school. Nishino-san and the others should be heading there as well.”

While there wasn’t any confirmation, Shibata believed that there was a high chance that what he said was true. Before the orcs attacked, Nishino was actively looking out for a new base. A place where a lot of people were gathered. For this reason, they decided to aim for the closest school from there.

(Please stay safe, Nishino-san…)

Shibata swore in his heart that he will never abandon his friends again. He will live through this with his companions. With this resolution in his heart, he aimed for the school with his friends.

{ You have gained experience. }

“Ah, as I thought. Hey, nee-chan, it seems like we can get stronger if we smash these guys.”

“Oh, good job. You’ve performed well, my little brother. You can leave the rest to nee-chan! I’ll just annihilate everyone!” Having said that, the girl held her hand to the front and burned down all the goblins in front of her. Seeing this scene, the boy made a big fuss.

“Oh! That was amazing! As expected of nee-chan!”

“Hahahaha! Yes! Yes! Praise me more!”

The boy and the girl defeated the monsters in good spirits. The innocent children’s progress did not stop until they decided to take a nap due to exhaustion.

{ You have gained experience. }josei

“Captain, the monsters around the area have been cleared.”


In the temporary tent, a young JSDF personnel was reporting to an elderly man.

“As directed, the evacuees are being guided to the location … but is this really alright?”

“What is?”

“No, like… giving out instructions without waiting for the higher-ups…”

“I understand what you’re trying to say, but what have those higher-ups been doing these four days?”

The old man that was regarded as the captain put his coffee cup on the table.

“If we were to await instructions, everything will be too late. It is JSDF’s (our) responsibility to take control of the scene. There is no meaning in justice that does not move. We must save as many people as possible.” “but…”

“This is an order, okay? Are you going to disobey the orders that are coming from the chief executive in the field?” This old man was someone who held the highest position within the shelter that they were at. And if an order was given, it had to be obeyed.

“… I apologize, captain…”

At this point, the young JSDF member knew what had to be done.

“It’s all well if you understand. So, what happened to the helicopters that were on reconnaissance?”

“Two of the three have returned. However… the one headed for the prefectural border has yet to come back.”

The old man’s expression contorted upon reading the report. The members that moved to the prefectural border were men who had skills and experienced slaying monsters. Those people weren’t returning. What this meant, the old man of course knew. He immediately ordered the other members to gather up.

{ You have gained experience. }

A voice was heard within his head. However, “he” ignored the announcement and stared at the dead body of a young girl. By breaking her neck, he had just killed her. With a wide smile, the guy said to the girl, “Thank you, I appreciate it.” The fourth day since monsters started overflowing the Earth. People were starting to reveal their true natures. And“Well then, let’s go.”



“… Furu Furu.”

When the preparation was finished, they decided to move out as well. The stage was about to move to the city center where both humans and monsters would be involved.

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