The World Serpent

Chapter 204 - 204-Future Clan Lord

Chapter 204 - 204-Future Clan Lord

Keres was walking through the hallway within the main building of the Clan of Noir with a pissed-off face. She couldn't believe that her supposedly friends could humiliate her without any problems. She was angry at such a face and was disappointed in herself. If she wasn't weak, her words would have weight on them. Nevertheless, there was nothing she could do about it. She had to be the Future Lord of Noir, no matter what. 

"All of them are betraying me because I'm weak. Even if they insult me, I won't be able to do anything about it. That is the truth and will always be the truth." Keres uttered as her pissed-off face slowly faded. The flames of anger within her heart disappeared, and what replaced it was a void of feelings. She didn't know what to feel, and she didn't even know what she was doing.

While walking through the hallway of the Clan of Noir, Keres arrived at a door leading to the garden. She opened the door and entered the Garden of Noir. It was a calm and peaceful place enveloped by silence. The Garden of Noir was a good place to relax and let go of everything. Keres then walked towards the bench right beside a fountain and saw a young girl reading through a book while sitting on the bench. 

She was a beautiful girl with silver-white hair. She had horns on her head and wings and tail behind her back. Her Golden Amber Eyes seemed to radiantly shine in an illuminated golden hue. The aura that enveloped her was that of an aura found in rulers. She was the World Serpent, Persia. 

Keres couldn't believe that such a beauty was alone in such a peaceful garden. She rubbed her eyes and shook her head as she continued walking towards the bench. She sat on the wooden bench as she turned her head to the skies. There was nothing but darkness though it did make her think about a lot of things. Maybe she was wrong about a lot of things? Maybe she was going too far with her actions and was instead causing harm to the clan.  josei

"It appears that you have doubts within your mind, Little One." A serene voice echoed from the young girl's supple lips. Keres got out of her trance and slowly turned her gaze towards the beautiful girl that was reading through a book. Doubts? Keres had a lot of them trapped in her mind. Doubt in herself, Doubt in her family and Doubt in everything around her. 

"I... I am slowly losing trust in my choices and am also losing the trust of those around me. I don't know what to do. To be honest, I don't want to be the Future Lord anymore. It's too hard and heavy. I'm too weak to carry its weight, and if I did try to carry it. I would be crushed by its weight and crumble."

"There were many people hopeful about me becoming the Future Lord. Though, they would get disappointed at the one they were hopeful for." Keres tried smiling to ease the pain within her heart though no matter how hard she tried to smile. Nothing appeared and what was left was her saddened expression. 

"I see... That is quite an intriguing problem. You want them to acknowledge you, but no matter what you do. It gets your reputation lower and lower. Specifically, you want your Sister and Father to acknowledge you. And now, with the current problem. They are only left with disappointment, and that includes your friends as well." 

Persia's words echoed as Keres couldn't help but look at her in disbelief. After all, what Persia said was correct, and how she had known so much about it was a question waiting to be answered. 

"How do you know so much about my problem?" Keres asked with a calm voice as Persia winked and replied. "I have my ways of finding information. No need to think about it that much. If you want a solution to your problem, why don't you take a break from your future job? There is no need to always carry it as you still aren't the current lord." 

"Acknowledgment is a good and bad thing. It makes someone thrive to become the better version of themselves, yet when the one they wanted to be acknowledged doesn't acknowledge them. All else falls apart like a flimsy tower. They would feel betrayed and question their own choices. They would question why they wanted to be acknowledged to begin with. At that moment, everything and everyone would be bound to fall."

"Fortunately, you haven't passed that line but sooner or later. You would pass that line and become the downfall of the Clan of Noir. The fate of destruction would make one question. Why would they need others to acknowledge them? Why don't they themselves acknowledge themselves rather than seek such a thing from others?"

"Acknowledge you are weak, powerless, and emotional. And thrive to become better than such things. Become strong, powerful, and rational. With that, the Lord of Noir will be born. Though, that is simply my opinion about the subject. There is no such thing as absolute truth as reality itself is unpredictable and chaotic. So take what you may from my words. I do hope you would learn important lessons from it." 

Persia smiled as Keres found herself carefully thinking about it. 

"Acknowledging myself of the truth? I am weak, powerless, and emotional. I am not fit to become the Lord of Noir. But I will thrive to become the Lord of Noir. Even if I stumble down that path, I will continue walking no matter the pain." Keres stood up from the bench. She had a face of determination. The flames of anger and sorrow within her heart got replaced by the golden flames of determination. 

"Thank you for your help! I will follow your words." Keres ran back to the main building while Persia simply waved at her with a smile on her face. "A simple advice... A piece of good advice is what a person needs to stop them from the fate of destruction. I hope that such a thing would work towards me in the future." 

"Now, the two of you. Why are you hiding behind the bush?" Persia questioned while gazing in a certain direction. Two beautiful ladies then revealed themselves as they exited the bush. Drya and Statera were hiding when Persia and Keres were talking at each other. They thought that it would cause a lot of things to get complicated if they had appeared at that moment. 

"Nothing much," Drya said while avoiding Persia's gaze of suspicion. Meanwhile, Statera replied with her seductive voice. "Persia, why do we have to enter the forsaken realm? I thought that we were only taking care of those bastards and as soon as we exterminate them. We would leave this world as fast as possible." 

"I just want to take my time and get stronger while staying in this world. To be honest, getting stronger in the Realm of Piksyon is pretty hard. I have to account for the future while taking action, which takes a toll. Since this is a foreign world, anything I do here will stay here. Having fun in a forsaken continent would be a good thing. I can become stronger than ever before while staying there."

"I only want to visit that place for a day then take care of the Clan of Monstre. A Day is enough for me to grow more powerful than ever before." A smirk slowly formed on Persia's face. Statera didn't know what to say as she simply asked that question with another thing in mind. Even then, her plan still failed after Persia continued talking. 

"Anyhow, do you think I won't notice the fact that you are changing the subject, Statera?" Such was the reason why Statera asked the question. Changing the subject was a good way to avoid questions. Unfortunately, it didn't work in front of Persia. Statera sighed as she honestly replied. "Curious about Keres, nothing more, nothing less." 

"The Future Lord of the Clan of Noir. She lacks the capacity to become a Ruler. She doesn't look at the future when deciding a certain action. She is emotional and weak. To be honest, it makes me wonder how she became the Future Lord." Drya questioned as she was curious. 

"That child is simply lost. She has a lot of potentials as she is a clear canvas. Giving her a small piece of advice wouldn't be very bad." Persia smiled as Statera quietly uttered. "Small advice? That was two or three long paragraphs." 

"You do know that I can hear you clearly, right?" Persia raised an eyebrow as Statera didn't answer. Persia sighed as she opened the gate that led to the forsaken realm. They finally found a place where they could use their power without any problems. Though, there were the fringes of the continent in the Realm of Piksyon. What happens in this world stays in this world which was a good thing. 

"Let's go, we only have a day in that place before we start our operation," Persia said with a calm voice as Statera and Drya nodded in agreement. Statera and Drya entered the Silver Gate, which shone brilliantly in the Garden of Noir. Persia started stretching her pale arms as she walked towards the Silver Gate and entered through it. 

With that, the Three Supremes had entered the Forsaken Continent of the World of Exterreri. 

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