The Young General's Wife Is Mr. Lucky

Chapter 122

Chapter 122: Different cars

Yu Jinli was on the spacecraft for the first time. The whole person was anxious to be able to lie on the window of the spacecraft and look at the bright starry sky outside, not only with emotion.

When he was on the earth, he used to lie on the roof in the summer to watch the night sky.josei

There were countless bright little stars hanging in the dark night sky. At that time, my brother once popularized with him, and those little stars all represented a distant planet from them.

And now, he is so close to the planets that used to be far away for him. Has the planet they passed by appeared in the night sky of the earth before?

“A Sheng, those bright planets are so beautiful.” Yu Jinli pointed at the large or small planets that glowed out the window and said, “Have the lights they emitted ever reached the earth?”

This is not the first time Jiang Mosheng has heard the word “Earth” from Yu Jinli’s mouth. Although he doesn’t know what the little guy has to do with the earth, he always feels that the little guy seems familiar with the ancient earth …

“This closest star, a, appeared 200 million years ago and is 200 million light-years away from Earth.

Distance, and we humans have left the earth for thousands of years. At that time, the light of this star had not reached the earth. “Jiang Mo Sheng said seriously to Yu Jinli.

“No.” Yu Jinli looked at the beautiful a star in front of her, and could not help but feel a little disappointed.

“This star is farther away. It has been formed for 300 million years, and its light once reached the earth where humans live.” Jiang Mosheng said hurriedly, and he didn’t want to be a little guy. Seeing a disappointed expression on his face.

Yu Jinli’s sight was really attracted to the star, carefully looking at this planet that looks much smaller than the a star, in fact, it is only because of the distance, so it looks small.

The light of this star has once reached the earth. If the earth of this world is the same as the earth he has lived in before, then he may have seen the light of this star before he came here.

Thinking about it this way, Yu Jinli felt that she had more connections with the world and a stronger sense of belonging to the world.

The satellite number 3 is near the Capital Star, and it only takes a few hours to reach the spacecraft.

The two set off at 10 am, had lunch on the spacecraft, and soon reached the satellite number three

Looking down from the starry sky, this planet is covered by blue and green, just like the earth he has seen, but there are fewer green places on the earth than blue, and this planet, green places Significantly more than blue.

This is a travel planet with many beautiful scenery or interesting places, but this time they played here for three days. They could n’t walk around the entire planet, so their destination is very clear.

That is the newly opened Antique Earth Resort.

The driver drove the spacecraft to the designated port of call, which is very close to the antique earth resort

Jiang Mosheng and his party stepped off the spacecraft because they came to play, so these people did not inform anyone in advance, just like ordinary tourists.

This is the first time that Yu Jinli has come to a planet other than the Capital Star. She was curious immediately, her gaze was constantly looking around, and she kept looking.

Because it is a port of call for spaceships, there are very few buildings around, and the field of vision is very wide. The entrance is full of tall trees and flowers. When I see them, I can’t help but relax and feel happy.

There are still a lot of speeding cars for tourists to use outside the ship’s port of call. You only need to pay a certain amount of credit to use them freely.

Jiang Mosheng took Yu Jinli to one of the speeding cars, while others chose their own speeding cars, set the route to the resort, and let the speeding cars navigate automatically.

“It’s so beautiful here.” Yu Jinli couldn’t help but sigh as she looked at the scenery outside. The scenery here reminded him of the earth before he was transformed.

When he had just developed his wisdom, when he was very small, there were not as many humans on the earth as before, and there were not so many buildings. There were green trees and flowers everywhere, and the scenery was so beautiful.

Only later, more and more human beings, the dynasty continued to evolve, and technology became more and more powerful. Green trees were cut down, beautiful flowers and plants were dug away, and high-rise buildings were built on large areas. In those large and beautiful scenery, you can only go to the scenic area built by human beings, but no longer have the original taste of nature.

In front of them, Yu Jinli can feel it. These are all formed naturally. It is a gift from nature. With the taste of nature, Yu Jinli likes it very much.

Speeding is not fast, presumably to allow tourists to better feel the beauty of nature

As you go forward, the surrounding scenery will become more like the ancient earth period. There are natural landscapes gifted by nature everywhere, and there will be few artificial traces. If it is not in a speeding car, Yu Jinli All have the illusion that they are back on earth.

However, the speeding car didn’t fly too far and stopped near a parking lot.

“In front of the ancient earth resort, visitors are requested to change to a car.” The artificial intelligence of the speeding vehicle reminds everyone.

Since it is an antique earth resort, naturally all the places that can be imitated are imitated, giving everyone a feeling of truly living on the earth.

In the earth era, there were no speeding cars. Most of the people’s vehicles were vehicles, so the resort provided tourists with cars that can travel.

Jiang Mosheng and others also came to this resort for the first time. They are also interested in things like cars that they have never seen before. Of course, the most happy of them is probably Yu Jinli.

Hey, there are cars here!

When Yu Jinli heard it, she felt very excited. No one else had seen the car, but he had seen it. He had not only seen it, he had also taken it!

“A Sheng, let’s go by car.” Yu Jinli said eagerly.

“Okay.” Jiang Mosheng responded gently, petting Yu Jinli’s small head, and then naturally holding each other’s small hand.

Yu Jinli’s thoughts were all on the car. He did not notice Jiang Mosheng’s move. Although the members of the God Beast team noticed it, it would not destroy the boss’s good thing.

The pedestrian came to the car parking lot according to the landmark instructions, and at a glance they saw hundreds of different cars inside.

“Is this a car? It doesn’t look any different from a speeding car.” Bai Hu said bluntly.

The appearance of these so-called cars is almost exactly the same as the speeding cars, making them really difficult to feel. To say who is most disappointed is definitely Yu Jinli.

The so-called car in front of him is completely different from the car in his impression. It can be said that no car is the same.

Although he didn’t know much about cars in the earth period, some popular or well-known car brands still knew, such as Hyundai, Volkswagen, Buick, Pentium, Mercedes, BMW, Audi and so on. There is no such thing as appearance No one is similar. Are these really cars?

“Hello several tourists, although our car here looks similar to a flying car, but its functions are different.” The car introducer said.

There is very little literature left over from the ancient earth. They only knew that in the ancient earth period, cars were a means of travel. They could not fly to the sky and could only run on land. However, the specific appearance of cars has long been lost.

Everyone does not know what the cars in the ancient earth period looked like. They can only make cars on land according to the appearance of existing speeding cars, and restore everything in the ancient earth period as much as possible.

For others, these are acceptable, after all, what the ancient earth is like, they do n’t know, they can experience different mobility tools and everything else than the interstellar era, for them all Is fun and novel.

But as a koi who has lived on the earth, these plausible things are not so acceptable.

But this time I said I would play here for three days, and Yu Jinli didn’t want to disappoint everyone. “How many people can a car take?” Qinglong asked.

“Including the driver, a total of five people can be seated, because everyone does not have a driver’s license, and we need a driver here to drive, so a car can only take up to four passengers.” The introducer said patiently.

“Then we rent three cars.” Qinglong said, and then quickly rented the last three cars.

“Several people here, you can choose your favorite car at will.” The introducer pointed to the hundreds of cars in the back and said to them with a smile.

The members of the Divine Beast team have already dispersed to choose their favorite car, but Jiang Mosheng turned and asked Yu Jinli: “Which car do you like, Xiaolizi?”

Yu Jinli watched each car carefully, but he didn’t make a decision. Jiang Mosheng patiently followed Yu Jinli behind him, and accompanied him to see the car one by one. patient.

Suddenly, a familiar sapphire blue car appeared in Yu Jinli’s sight, his eyes suddenly flashed, he hurriedly ran over, looked carefully at the car, and the more he looked at it, the more certain this was what he thought One.

“A Sheng, we choose this one.” Yu Jinli smiled and waved toward Jiang Mo Sheng, then pointed to the royal blue car next to her.

The members of the Beast Team have already chosen their favorite cars. After hearing the surprise from Yu Jinli, they gathered together, and then saw the royal blue car that was completely different from the surrounding cars .

The appearance of this car looks the ugliest of all cars, and the lines are not so smooth, and everyone does not understand why Dasao looks so happy.

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