The Young General's Wife Is Mr. Lucky

Chapter 396

Chapter 396: Princess Lilian

After Yu Jinli posted the news that he was going to the Card Makers Association on Starbucks, countless people swarmed towards the Card Makers Association building the next day. In order to avoid going too late, he encountered Yu Jinli by chance. Or, you ca n’t get the news right away. Many people rushed there just after dawn. At this time, the doors of the Card Makers Association had not been opened yet.

When the staff of the Society of Card Makers came to work, when they saw the front of their building full of people, they all looked aggressive and even thought that they had gone wrong. After confirming it several times, they finally determined that it was the Society of Card Makers The building is where they work.

But what happened to so many people in front of me? Are these all going to be tested today? When did their federation have so many cardmakers?

The staff of several associations, while guessing, squeezed inwardly, trying to get in to open the door to work. However, the people in front of the queue were treated as if they wanted to cut in, and all of them suddenly glared at them.

“Lined up at the back, want to come up so late, do you have such a big face?” A young man yelled loudly at several staff members, attracting the attention of others around him, making the staff members awkward for a while Endlessly.

“We are the staff here. You have to go to work. You have seriously affected our work here.” The staff members showed their identity. They thought that these people would take the initiative to make way, but they did not expect to just scold their young people. The expression of the man and several people around him was full of irony.

“This excuse has been used for a long time, and everyone will not believe it. If you want to go here, you will line up behind it.” The young man said without giving face.

Several staff members were stunned and speechless, their faces were panic-stricken, and they obviously didn’t lie, but they wanted to be treated like this, which was really annoying.

Originally, they planned to take out their work permits to verify their identities, but before they got them out, they heard the young man complaining and said, “Why the staff here haven’t come yet. They all went to work. Don’t know? , Too sloppy, right ?,

As a result, a few real staff members immediately lost their work permits and said nothing. They voluntarily withdrew from the platoon of these people and stood outside watching the crowd crowded.

Huh, without them opening the door and seeing how these people get in, just stand outside and wait in line.

Other staff members of the Society of Card Makers also came to work one after another, and they couldn’t help being taken aback by the grand situation at the entrance of the building.

I saw a few familiar colleagues outside the crowd, hurriedly came over and asked, “What’s the situation? Why are there so many people here early in the morning? Why don’t you go in?”

The colleague slightly lifted his chin and motioned them to look at the crowd of people in front of them, spreading their hands: “We can’t squeeze in, and people who enter are considered to be in line, and I really don’t know if these people came here for the sake of what.”

“If you can’t get in, you have to find a way to go in. If you don’t go, you will be late. The elders will definitely punish us.” The later colleague said bitterly, and then prepared to squeeze a wave to see if he could get in Go ahead.

“Everyone please let me know. I’m a staff member here. Don’t stop here.” The staff member shouted aloud, but unfortunately, no one paid attention to him. The word has not caught a cold for a long time, after all, there are not too many people who pretend to be staff members who want to squeeze in front.

Other staff members were helpless to face such a situation, and had to come up with a work card that could prove their identity.

The arrival of the staff has made the crowd more turbulent. No one doubts their identity at this moment, but there is still a distance from the place where they are now to the door of the building, and it seems that none of these people want to make the place. If you let yourself occupy the place before it will be occupied by others.

Therefore, even if staff members have been identified, they still have difficulty entering the building.

“It’s nine o’clock right away, and the security guards should be going to work soon. Just wait until the security guards come.” A staff member said.

So, these real workers stood outside the crowd and waited for the security guards to come to work.

With the security escort, these people finally entered the Cardmakers Association Building. This is probably the first time they have gone to work so hard and the first time they like this building so much, they can’t wait to get in.

Turning around and watching the mad crowd still locked out of the door, they couldn’t help snoring.

In the beginning, some people speculated that these people might be waiting to take the cardmaker’s level test. As a result, everyone feels that this is impossible.

Leaving aside the large number of people outside, it is impossible to be all card makers. Just focusing on their previous performance, it is not like they are coming to participate in the assessment. Instead, they are more like waiting for someone.

“Will there be big men coming to participate in the cardmaker level assessment today?” Someone couldn’t help guessing.

Probably only very well-known big people came to participate in the assessment to be able to cause such a sensation, but they have not received any news before.

“I don’t know. I should know when someone comes to the assessment anyway. Let’s hurry up or you will be really late.” After that, several staff members hurried up the stairs and returned to their posts to prepare Start working day.

The culprit Yu Jinli, who caused these commotions, was on his way to the Card Makers Association building at this moment, and had already made an appointment with the class F students at the door at ten o’clock.

When Yu Jinli arrived at the Cardmakers Association Building, it was just 9.50. The students in Class F had not arrived yet, so he was ready to sit in the car and wait for the meeting. A bunch of people don’t know what they are doing.

Yu Jinli also had no interest in this. Just as he was about to take his eyes off, he suddenly saw a luxurious fleet flying down from the air, neatly and neatly in front of the Cardmakers Association Building, which was still crowded. The crowd suddenly stopped making noises, staring blankly at the sudden emergence of the convoy.

“Isn’t this the person inside that Yu Jinli? Is it too grand?” Someone couldn’t help guessing.

“He’s the future daughter-in-law of the Jiang family. What is this scene, not to mention if this time he really came to take the C-level card maker exam, it would be awful. C-level less than 20 years old. Card makers, even in other countries, what a great honor it is, can’t we have a big scene to celebrate? “Some people explained such a scene.

Everyone else thought he was quite reasonable, so he stared at the luxury teams without any blinking, ready to see if Yu Jinli was here.

First, the door of the second car of the convoy was opened. A person wearing a black suit and black sunglasses walked down as a bodyguard or guard.

The coming out of this person was like a signal. The doors of other vehicles were opened at the same time except the first car was in motion. A pair of straight long legs crossed out first, just like the first man in black. The other bodyguards or guards dressed up stepped out of the car with expressionless expressions, and quickly and cleanly started to stop and rectify the people blocked under the Card Makers Association Building, squashing those people to both sides Go and leave a very spacious road in the middle that leads directly to the Cardmakers Association Building.

The first bodyguard in black took out a wide and long red carpet from the car, from the rear door of the first car all the way to the door of the cardmakers’ building.

People watching this posture saw a word in their minds at the same time: lying down!

“Isn’t it? This scene is too big, isn’t it? If you don’t take the exam as a Class C Card Maker, wouldn’t everyone be able to reach the whole federal?” Someone could not help but talk about such a grand scene.

“I’m going, do you want to be so overbearing, Lao Tzu has lined up here early in the morning. As a result, when you came and said to cut the line, you cut in, and when you pushed Lao Tzu so rudely, when did the Jiang family become so overbearing?” Very dissatisfied, especially those who were pushed aside by the bodyguards or guards, were even more angry, but did not dare to just get on the front of these bodyguards and had to whisper.

The Jiang family ’s status in the federation is very high and special. Although the Jiang family is the largest family, in fact, the Jiang family is very low-key, even if it is Jiang Zhentao, the current owner of the Jiang family, and national hero Jiang Mosheng, they The trip will not have much pomp, their reputation is built up a little bit by their merit.

People rarely see the Jiang family deceive others on any occasion, or they have a huge pomp and high-profile behavior, so many people in the Federation will love and support such a Jiang family.

If the person here today is really Yu Jinli, I am afraid that many people will have a sense of fall, just like Jiang Jiazhijosei

All the previous ones are deliberately disguised. In fact, the Jiang family likes high-profile people like many big families, and likes big pomps. It is even a bit overbearing.

Probably holding on to this kind of mentality, many people stretched their necks to look at the first car, and they all wanted to see if it was Yu Jinli who would come out.

Probably felt the urgency of everyone’s heart, the first bodyguard took the initiative to step forward, slightly arched, opened the door of the rear seat, and a pair of white and slender beautiful legs first came into the sight of everyone.

Everyone was not shocked at this scene first, but was more relieved. The person who came was obviously a girl, and it was impossible for Yu Jinli at all.

Everyone is unclear about the road. In short, they knew that the person who was in such a big position was not Yu Jinli, and they were silently relieved. As for Princess Lilian, who should have attracted much attention, but not many people had the mood to go Regardless, at most when the other party came out, a little exclamation, and then there is no more.

Lilian is the princess of the American Empire and the youngest player to participate in the Three Kingdoms Grand Prix this time. She has just turned 20 this year.

She is a card maker and she has broken through to level C before she came to the Federation, but she has n’t had time to get a certificate, or she has deliberately wanted to come to the federal to get a card maker grade certificate.

Although each country has its own cardmaker’s association, no matter in which country the certificate is obtained, it is common in the three countries. Even after Lilian came to the federal government and obtained the certificate, it was still valid in the US Empire.

Therefore, Lilian arranged the assessment time in the Federation. The purpose was also to frighten the Federation and let them know that their US empire was talented, and she was only certified as a Class C cardmaker at the age of 20. Grade certificates, which are rare in the history of the three countries.

At that time, she will inevitably become the most noticed person in the three countries competition.

Lilian thought of it, her expression was even more arrogant, her chin could not wait to go to the sky, stepped on the red carpet deliberately slowly, and wanted to enjoy the amazing praise and cheers of the federal people after seeing her.

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