The Young General's Wife Is Mr. Lucky

Chapter 514

Chapter 514: Research difficulties

As long as no one opens the door from the outside, Ren Yuan Qizhang can’t escape this dungeon no matter how he tossed.

Jiang Zhentao returned to the office, and the anxiety in his heart grew more and more, making him unconscious to work.

“Little Liu,” Jiang Zhentao called.

After a while, Jiang Zhentao’s police officer walked in quickly and immediately responded, “Marshal.”

“You ask the army to strengthen patrols and guards, and kill them as soon as they find zombies.” Jiang Zhentao ordered again.

“Yes!” Xiao Liu led the order and immediately passed on the order.

Because of the occurrence of Yuan Qizhang, Jiang Zhentao has been restless. The generals of the military quickly learned of the incident and had different opinions on whether to deal with Yuan Qizhang.

“Since he has changed, why didn’t he shoot him directly?” An admiral couldn’t understand Jiang Zhentao’s approach. Didn’t he give an order to solve it as soon as he met the zombies, why not go to Yuan Qizhang Did this happen?

What’s more, Yuan Qizhang has become more horrible than ordinary zombies. Once he finds a chance to escape, it will certainly cause irreparable losses.josei

“Yuan Qizhang is the person who knows most about the power-enhancing fluid at present. If those materials are really destroyed as he said, then the person who is most likely to know the contents of the material is him, so we ca n’t let He died. “Said another general.

“But Yuan Qizhang is a time bomb after all. As long as he doesn’t die, he will always be in danger, and even if he knows the information, he won’t say anything. We can’t torture his confession. It’s useless to say, isn’t it necessary to stay dead forever? It might as well kill him directly.

“The information has been destroyed. We can go to those researchers who have researched the power-enhancing fluid. They definitely know the power-enhancing fluid. Is it better to get the information from them than from Yuan Qizhang’s mouth? Easy? “Someone suggested.

Both sides have a certain truth, and they argued endlessly. The two marshals, Jiang Zhentao and Tang Qixu, both heard their heads wide, and never frowned.

At this time, Yuan Qizhang’s confidant did suddenly receive the Yuan Qizhang’s newsletter. He quickly browsed the newsletter, wrote down the content, and immediately deleted the newsletter.

Except for Yuan Qizhang, the group of researchers who studied the power-enhancing fluid back then had only the confidante who knew where those people were.

Before Yuan Qizhang wanted those people to study the antidote that can release the power-up liquid, but did not expect that the antidote had not been researched yet, he was arrested, and then a corpse was changed, but fortunately he still had thought With the memory, in addition to the increase in the value of force and the eyes become red, it is actually not much different from humans, even better than humans.

Therefore, Yuan Qizhang does not want any antidote. Instead, he hopes that all humans will become zombies, turn the Federation into a zombie kingdom, and then invade the US empire and Europe to complete his **** of the universe. Domination.

Therefore, for the first time, he asked his confidant to destroy all the information about the power-up liquid.

And secretly dispose of those researchers, and finally post the zombies on the star network

Yuan Qizhang was hand-drawn and trained by Yuan Qizhang, and he was very loyal to him. Even if Yuan Qizhang had fallen now, he still worked loyally for him and strictly followed his requirements.

In fact, the researchers who researched the power-enhancing fluid were also secretly cultivated by Yuan Qizhang. When the power-enhancing fluid was tested and released to the public, the researchers who participated in the development of the power-enhancing fluid were not really public. Researcher who developed the power booster.

On the contrary, those researchers who have actually researched the power-enhancing fluid will not be exposed to the public, so the results will be replaced by other researchers.

In this regard, these people who have actually researched the power-enhancing fluid actually complain about Yuan Qizhang, but they still have their resentment buried in their hearts with the support of Yuan Qizhang.

When Yuan Qizhang was arrested this time, these researchers actually had a bad breath, so they would not cooperate very much when they asked them to study the antidote.

“The president should have been arrested long ago, and he has done many rash things in private and replaced our credit. I have never seen such a president before,” said a researcher dissatisfied.

“That is, if he hadn’t arrested us and erased our names, so that we wouldn’t have lived upright in the future, we must now also be beloved scientists.” Another researcher also said resentfully.

In fact, these researchers were national researchers or local researchers in the beginning, but Yuan Qizhang arrested them for his own selfishness, and forged the illusion that these people had died, making them completely become He had a black household and only worked for him.

Everyone was forced by Yuan Qizhang’s forces to dare not complain. They could only study the topics to be studied by Yuan Qizhang day after day.

Fortunately, most researchers are obsessed with research and don’t care what kind of environment and for whom, but there are also some people who crave fame and resent Yuan Qizhang for losing their freedom.

So after the fall of Yuan Qizhang, they felt that they were finally out of anger, and the wicked had bad news.

But they still can only live underground, because their identity has disappeared. From the outside world, they are already “dead.”

When the confidant came to the institute again, those researchers did not have a good look at him, they ignored him, they ignored him, and they would not know that after today, they are truly ”

“Dead people”, in the future there will be no more of them in this world, nor will they let them see a bright day again.

After all the researchers had been solved by the confidant, all the information was destroyed in accordance with the requirements, and finally the zombies were posted on the Star Network.

He did not want to save Yuan Qizhang from the military department. Unfortunately, the military department was heavily guarded. Even if he still had some forces on his hands, he could not fight against the military personnel, so he has not acted so far.

After Yuan Qizhang was sent to the dungeon, Jiang Zhentao immediately sent someone to find those researchers who had “participated” in the research of power-enhancing fluids, and wanted to get some information about power-enhancing fluids from them.

If those researchers really have this information, or understand the power-up liquid, then Yuan Qizhang does not need to stay, and there is no need to leave any hidden dangers to humans.

However, Jiang Zhentao has always had a bad feeling. Based on his understanding of Yuan Qizhang, he always felt that

Researchers who have been involved in so-called power-enhancing fluid research may not be true.

For no reason, he had such a hunch.

Soon, his hunch was confirmed.

The facts show that those researchers who have been publicly and received great honors have never participated in the research of power-enhancing fluids. They were just pushed forward by Yuan Qizhang to take these honors.

As for why these people are taking the lead, it can only be explained that those researchers who actually researched the power-enhancing fluid could not formally appear in the public, so even such a great achievement and contribution can only make people hand in hand.

And what kind of researcher can’t appear in front of the public, then what was the purpose of Yuan Qizhang’s research on the power-enhancing fluid? Or does he know that such things have side effects?

These questions kept appearing in Jiang Zhentao’s mind, which annoyed him, but he still had no clue.

However, it seems that this annoyance is not enough, and more things have happened on the Internet.

Liu Xiaosong is a deep Internet addict. In addition to his daily work, his favorite thing to do every day is to go to Xingwang and browse various gossip topics.

The topic that has been hotly debated recently is the crimes committed by the former president. Every day, countless netizens flood into the government ’s official blog for various criticisms, and then all kinds of wonderful things the former president did. Those who have been persecuted by the former president’s family, or whose interests have been deprived, have also criticized and cried Yuan Qizhang and the Yuan family online.

Although Liu Xiaosong has read a lot of posts about the crimes committed by Yuan Qizhang, he knows everything, but he still likes to write the comments below, and sometimes it is interesting to see other people’s comments Things.

This day, when he came home from work, Liu Xiaosong opened the star network of his personal terminal as usual, entered the forum he used to browse, and prepared to read a few posts about the former president to come to dinner.

However, today when he entered the forum, he saw that the hottest and hottest posts posted on the top were not talking about Yuan Qizhang, but a new term appeared: zombie.

A little curious, Liu Xiaosong opened the post directly.

Post topic: Zombies appear, humanity will usher in the last days again!

Content: Are you curious about this topic? Don’t you feel it? But it’s actually very simple. As the subject writes, humanity will once again reach the end of the world in the near future.

How exactly do we humans come to the galaxy we live in today? If you have the life now? Where did our ancestors live? I believe that every federalist knows these historical issues.

Three thousand years ago, humans lived on a planet called Earth. Later, because the earth ushered in the last days, in order to find a way out, human beings came to the star domain where they live now, far away from the earth, and even many people now We do n’t know what the earth looks like, and we ca n’t go back because the disaster caused by the last days makes the earth unfit for humans.

Today, three thousand years later, everyone does not know how the last days of the earth appeared. Then I will tell you that the last days of the earth are due to the emergence of an indestructible monster—zombies. Zombies have no sense and no thought. And some just have an instinctive desire to eat, and their

Food is living humans.

Zombies are changed by humans, and once they are scratched or bitten by those zombies, those who are scratched or bitten will also become zombies, and there is no medicine to solve them, and this is how the last days of humankind evolved gradually. The reason is that because of the spread of zombies poison is too wide and easy, and zombies are not easy to be killed, it will make humans gradually move towards extinction.

The zombies that have disappeared for 3,000 years have reappeared, and humanity will usher in another eschatology. Three thousand years ago, the earth ushered in the eschatology, and humanity has entered the interstellar era. Then three thousand years later, human beings will usher in the eschatology again.

This post has been followed by thousands of comments. Obviously, it has been around for a while and has been seen by many netizens, but few people really take it seriously. After all, posts like this are always posted every day. There will be so few, everyone is watching as a joke.

[Haha, humanity will usher in the last days? Does this post think he is a prophet? You said that human beings will appear in the last days and they will appear in the last days. It is really a rumor to rely on a mouth, and you do n’t need to be responsible. You really do n’t understand why such posts have been topped and added to the fire? ]

[Zombie? Can anyone eat? Is it possible that the poster has watched the movie too much to produce hallucinations? Such rumors can be created, which really convinced me. ]

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