The Young Lady Tames the Main Leads

Chapter 75

Chapter 75

At the same time as saying that, Cedric scooped out the pudding with his spoon and held it in front of me.

“Come on, say ‘Ah’.”


It happened before I could even refuse, so I just waved my hand in embarrassment.

But Cedric was stubborn.

“Oh, my arm hurts. Eat quickly.”

How much does a spoon weigh, to even whine that his arm hurts.

Eventually, as I tried to eat it, I came to my senses and asked a question about the spoon that almost touched my nose.

“Wait, this spoon.”


“Did you put it in your mouth?”

Seeing me staring at him, Cedric hurriedly excused himself.

“No! I haven’t eaten yet. Look, it’s fresh.”

Cedric tried to prove his point by moving the silver spoon back and forth in the light.

I nodded and said yes.

“I see. Let’s share it.”

And I ate the pudding that Cedric gave me.

Oh, this is the taste.

A fantastic blend of soft bananas and sweet chocolate! It’s a taste that you won’t get tired of even after eating five thousand times.

“Yum, so great.”

Without realizing it, I mumbled to myself.

And while I was going to return the spoon to Cedric, I suddenly remembered that sharing tablewares makes it easier to get sick.

“Just use a new spoon.”

Then I called the maid and had her bring him a new spoon.

‘Cedric made a shaky and grunting noise next to me, but I ignored it.

“Keuhk! Cough!”

“What’s wrong, Jake? Are you okay?”

Jake suddenly coughed loudly, making a muffled sound as if he had choked on the pudding.

Startled, I went to Jake’s side and handed him water.

“…are you okay?”

“Hmm. I think it was because the pudding was too sweet.”

Fortunately, after drinking a glass of water, Jake was fine again.

His face, which had turned red, returned to its usual color.

‘Phew, that’s a relief. We ought to be careful. You can eat something that is soft like pudding and still get choked by it.’

With a sigh of relief, I returned to my seat and sat down.

Perhaps because of Jake, the atmosphere at the table had become even gloomier.

“Excuse me, Lady Emir…”

A voice calling me broke the silence.

It was Alice.

At the tip of the small finger that Alice reached out to me was a spoonful of blueberry jelly that was blue and looked soft.

“Why are you giving it to me?”

“I want you to try mine too…”

Alice answered the question I asked in bewilderment with a smile bright like the sun.

I couldn’t refuse that smile.

“……Thank you.”

In the end, I munched the jelly that Alice offered me.josei

I thought that would be the end of it.

“Hey, try mine too.”

“……What? Ah.”

Ninaina, who was watching indifferently from the side, immediately joined in and put strawberry jelly into my mouth.

This time, it wasn’t an invitation, it was half a command.

Finally, even Jake fed me pudding, and my mouth was so full that I couldn’t eat any more.

Munch munch munch….

For some reason, I felt like my stomach was full with just the jelly and pudding.

‘I can’t eat dinner.’

That was then.

After emptying the pudding bowl, Ninaina who looked around leisurely, gazed intently as if something caught her eye.

“What is this? Socks?”

I was startled at her question but turned my head to follow Ninaina’s gaze.

Then I saw it.

It seems that I forgot to remove it when I was cleaning my room yesterday.

What Ninaina saw was literally socks.

But it wasn’t just any pair of socks.

Because  I knitted those myself.

“Yes, that is correct. I made those.”

“Oh, really?”

Ninaina admired it as if it was strange.

I stood up and went to Ninaina’s side.

Speaking of which, I was thinking of giving the socks to Jake.

That’s right. These socks were none other than the ones I promised Jake on the first day of kindergarten.

‘Thank you, Jake. This is what I made, but when I have time later, I can make one for you too.’

At that time, I made a promise with a light heart without thinking about the future, while looking forward to the joy of being praised.

Ever since I was in kindergarten, I never imagined that I would not have time to knit because I was so busy with various things.

It was only after a few months that the socks were finished.

“Jake, take these. These are the socks I was supposed to give you before.”

When I handed the socks to Jake proudly, Jake’s face brightened.

“Thank you! I will wear it well, Mir.”


Jake seemed to be happy, so I was happy too.

Fortunately, this pair was much better than the one I made for the first time, so I could proudly present it.

The rest of the children got curious seeing the two of us and gathered and started to look around.

“Wow, did you really make this yourself, Lady Emir? Great!”

Alice praised me, admiring the feel of the fluffy yarn, and Cedric looked at me with suspicion.

“…didn’t someone else make it for you? It’s suspicious.”

Those words meant that it was well-made, but if he said things like that, it didn’t sound like a compliment.

I gasped and shrugged.

“My skills aren’t bad, right?”

Ninaina nodded her head at my words, and said.

“It’s nice. I only wear silk socks, but I don’t think the yarn is bad either. Will you give me a pair as a present too?”

“Oh, that’s…”

I averted my gaze at the sudden question.

Of course, it’s not impossible.

It’s not very difficult either.

In the first place, since the princess asked for a gift, I couldn’t refuse.

But… If that’s the case, I guess I’ll have to give all the children at the kindergarten a gift, won’t I?

Aware of the dazzling gazes around me, I broke out in cold sweat.

‘Four pairs of socks… I wonder if I can make them all before graduating from kindergarten.’

The moment I was debating on whether I should answer this question or not,a good idea came to mind!

“Then, how about this? I’ll teach you how to knit. We all make our own socks together.”


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