The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 120 - I'll Help You Along

Chapter 120 - I'll Help You Along

The next morning, Luo Ziling got into Linlan's car at the appointed time.

She was wearing the same cool leather clothes as usual and was also driving her usual Hummer. After a few days of riding in that car, Luo Ziling finally knew just what kind of model it was, having learned it from his roommates. If he were to ask Linlan, there was no way he would get an answer out of her.

Linlan's cool appearance matched the car quite well. Luo ziling could not think of what it would be like if she drove a minivan instead.

After the two of them briefly exchanged greetings, Linlan drove off at a high speed as usual.

After the car left Yenching University, Linlan suddenly spoke up. "Starting from tomorrow, I'll be out for a few days, so I can't come to pick you up."

"Oh, I see." Luo Ziling was a little surprised. "Where are you going?"

She did not answer, and he could not help but feel a little awkward.

Thankfuly, she must've have noticed the awkwardness on his face, for she replied after a beat. "I'm going to the South!"

"To carry out a mission?" Luo Ziling asked, seeing that Linlan seemed to be willing to talk more today. "I'm not asking about details or anything. I just feel that you're not in good enough physical condition to undertake a mission now. I know that you were probably injured during a mission last time," he said.

"Your body has not fully recovered, and I have to say that you're in worse physical condition than before. That wound you had me cut open the other day also hasn't fully healed yet..."

Luo ziling stopped talking after she shot him a glare. He knew that he didn't have the right to tell Linlan what she could or couldn't do, nor could he influence what the higher ups had ordered.

"Thank you for your concern," Linlan started, apparently not angry, "but I'm not going on a mission, just a business trip. My injury isn't suitable for a mission yet. I'll need to rest for a few more months!"

For Linlan, it was the first time she'd ever said so much in one breath, let alone to a man of all people.

However, her explanation made Luo Ziling sigh in relief. After a moment of thought, he said, "That's good. Your body should be fine if you rest for a few more months. However, the risks of your missions are too great. Just thinking about them is scary. You must pay attention to your safety in the future. Your life is the most important thing you can have!"

Linlan tilted her head and looked at him, looking as if she had something to say, but remained quiet in the end.

Luo Ziling didn't know what to say to continue the conversation, either, so he sat back with a sheepish expression on his face.

"Treatment for the Chief's ailment will also need to be stopped for the time being. He also needs to go to the south," Linlan said. A moment later, she continued, "After you treat him today, please give him some more medical advice and prepare about half a month's worth of medicine for him. Tell the assistant nurses about the other treatment methods you're using for him, too. Is that alright?"

Seeing that Lin Lan had said so much to him in one breath, Luo Ziling readily agreed. "No Problem!"

Then, he immediately said, "Actually, this works out, too. Since I've been using acupuncture treatment on the Chief for a few days in a row, it's also about time for me to stop it and see what effects it's had on his body. For the next few days, I'll stop the acupuncture treatment and will come up with a different treatment method. When you return from the south, then I'll see how to continue with the treatment!"

Of course, he was really just saying this to put Linlan's mind at ease. In reality, under normal circumstances, he should continue to treat Li Haiyang with acupuncture for a few more days to see how the results were before deciding whether to change the treatment method.josei

It was definitely necessary to stop the acupuncture treatment temporarily, but the time was not now. However, since Li Haiyang and Linlan were both going to the south, then it couldn't be helped.

Treating Li Haiyang required a lot of mental strength because one needed to channel Qi through the needles during the treatment process. Even though Luo Ziling's had more strength than the average person, it was still a little difficult for him. Every time the treatment ended, he always felt like he would collapse.

By stopping the treatment temporarily, he could also recover his spiritual energy.

However, Luo Ziling was still a little disappointed that he wouldn't be seeing Linlan for a few days. It wasn't that he had any feelings for her, but it was just that she was someone whom he'd saved the life of. The two of them had spent a few days together, and it felt special. These few days, he'd already gotten used to taking her car to that strange place every day and using the opportunity to avoid military training, so for it to change so suddenly, he felt a little disappointed.

Just as the car was about to reach that mysterious place, Linlan suddenly asked in a low voice, "If it's possible, can you treat the scar on my leg today?"

Luo Ziling looked at her in shock, not understanding why she would ask such a thing out of nowhere.

The last time he treated the scar on her chest, he had reminded her that it was best to wait until all the wounds on her upper body were healed before treating the scars on the lower half. That way, the treatment would have less of an impact on her mobility.

Seeing Luo Ziling looking at her strangely, Linlan could not help but feel a little embarrassed. Her face was a little pink as she explained, "If we do it this way, then when by the time I return, all my wounds should have fully healed by then."

"Alright then!" Since she'd taken the initiative to ask, Luo Ziling could not refuse.

As usual, he followed Lin Lan into the small building where Li Haiyang was. After greeting him, Luo Ziling explained the treatment arrangements to him.

Li Haiyang knew that Linlan had told Luo Ziling some things, but he did not care. After a good laugh, he nodded, agreeing to the proposed changes. "Ziling, I know what kind of method you're using to treat me. It's very effective, yes, but it also consumes a lot of your body's Qi. I don't think my body can handle too much of it either, so temporarily stopping for a few days will benefit the both of us," he said. "I'll be going to the south for a little while, but by the time I return, I believe that the both of us should have recovered by then. When that time comes, I'll receive your treatment again. I believe that with your help, I'll definitely be able to stand up again!"

"Chief, you'll definitely be able to do it!" Linlan said emphatically from her place at the side of the room. "We all hope that you can lead us into battle again!"

Li Haiyang did not say anything, but only nodded slightly at her.

Before giving Li Haiyang acupuncture treatment, Luo Ziling also gave the attending nurses detailed instructions on the treatment methods to be used, including moxibustion. He specifically instructed a few escorts to massage Li Haiyang for enough time so that his muscles would be in a tense state, which would help in his recovery.

Following that, another round of acupuncture treatment with even more effort was carried out. It only ended when Li Haiyang was covered in sweat and his physical strength was almost exhausted.

Seeing that Luo Ziling was even more exhausted than yesterday, Li Haiyang instructed Linlan to let him take a break and to bring him back when he'd rested up.

Linlan nodded and moved to help Luo Ziling up and out of the small building.

When Luo Ziling was pressed up against Linlan's soft body like this, he could smell a distinct scent from her, which excited him, but as she escorted him out of the building and to a place where there were people walking about, he felt a little embarrassed.

"I can walk by myself," Luo Ziling said, trying to worm his way out of Linlan's grasp, but to no avail.

"I'll help you along."

While the two of them were struggling, Linlan's comrades happened to pass by. When they saw the rather intimate position the two were in, they were floored at the sight and had to do a double take.

This made Luo Ziling even more embarrassed.

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