The Young Urban Doctor

Chapter 57 - I’ve Had It With This Jerk!

Chapter 57 - I’ve Had It With This Jerk!

“What did you say?” Luo Ziling’s pulse accelerated instantly upon hearing Ouyang Huihui refer to that woman. Having temporarily forgotten about yesterday’s incident, he grabbed onto her hands. “Who did you two meet?”

“Ling Ruonan!” spat Ouyang Huihui angrily. “Not only did your mom yell at us, she even threatened to take Li Dongjun’s life. H-hey! What are you doing? Have you no shame?!”

How dare this jerk grab her hands without consent. ‘I was not born into this world just for you to grab and fondle to your heart’s pleasure!’

Ouyang Huihui struggled to yank her hand away from Luo Ziling’s death grip but it was futile. He was not even listening to her protests. At that moment, his brain had gone blank and he found it impossible to translate his current emotions into words.

The words “your mom” and “Ling Ruonan” had scored a critical hit on him. Luo Ziling felt a pain so immense that he began struggling for air. He felt like tears were seconds away from rolling down his cheeks.

So this woman had been by his side all along. Most importantly, she cared about him.

For the past two decades, Luo Ziling had never felt what it was like to be loved by a mother. No one cared for him aside from that old man. Still, he craved for parental affection.

Today was the first time he experienced such a feeling.

Although he came to know about this through Ouyang Huihui’s mouth, he was still so emotionally affected that he was about to burst into tears.

But, why wasn’t she there? Why didn’t she come personally to cheer him up? She cared for him, but she’d always hide in the shadows, not willing to meet him in person. Or perhaps something was stopping her from doing so? Or maybe, just maybe, she was just that heartless of a woman that she refused to accept him as her own child?

Luo Ziling’s eyes reddened, and shortly after, a line of tears rolled down each of his cheeks. Despite being in front of Ouyang Huihui, he couldn’t hold back his tears.

Ouyang Huihui was enraged at her failed attempt to pull her hands away from Luo Ziling’s grip. However, this feeling quickly fizzed out the moment she saw the look on his face, especially when she noticed the tears flowing uncontrollably from his eyes.

She became so dumbfounded by Luo Ziling’s reaction that she forgot how tightly he was squeezing her hands.

This was her first time witnessing a man cry in front of her. In that moment, Ouyang Huihui felt her heart flutter. For some reason, seeing the two streaks of tears on Luo Ziling’s face had significantly reduced her dislike for that man.

‘I didn’t realize how pitiful this jerk actually is,’ she thought.

It didn’t take long for Luo Ziling’s senses to return. Releasing his grip on Ouyang Huihui’s hands, he reached for a napkin to dry his tears.

Just then, Ouyang Huihui’s phone broke the silence. A new message had just arrived. Her facial expression changed the moment she read it.

“Tell me about what happened last night,” requested Luo Ziling with a surprisingly composed look. “I want you to tell me every little detail.”

“Can’t do that,” replied Ouyang Huihui, shaking her head. “I can’t tell you about it.”


“Because someone has just warned me against doing so,” she said whilst waving her phone in the air. “I think it’s better to let someone else explain this to you.”


“My sister, of course!” Ouyang Huihui tapped on the notification pop-up. “Here, see for yourself.”

‘Do not tell Luo Ziling about anything that happened last night.’ That was the message sent by Ouyang Feifei.

“If you truly wish to know what happened last night, you should ask my sister yourself,” said Ouyang Huihui with a cunning smile on her face.

From now on, she’d be able to toy with this man using Ling Ruonan, his kryptonite. Even if her sister did not send that message, Ouyang Huihui wasn’t going to tell Luo Ziling the information he was seeking. She knew very well that if she told him what he wanted to know, this man would return to being a jerk, especially towards her.

This was Luo Ziling’s kryptonite, and she must hold onto it dearly.

Luo Ziling glared at Ouyang Huihui furiously for a moment before whipping out his phone to give her sister a call.

The moment the call was answered, he started speaking in a hostile tone, “I want you to tell me everything that happened last night.”

A cold voice responded, “President Ouyang is not available right now. She’s in the middle of a meeting.”

“Huh?!” Luo Ziling was momentarily stunned. Wasn’t this the number Ouyang Feifei had given him personally? Why was someone else picking up the phone?

Seeing his expression, a cheeky grin broke across Ouyang Huihui’s face. “She’s my sister’s assistant, Wang Qing. You should stop wasting your call time like this.”

Luo Ziling hung up the phone with a dejected look on his face.

Finally, the dishes started arriving. At that point, Luo Ziling was already starving. And since he wasn’t in a particularly good mood, he started wolfing down his dinner without even stopping to breathe, let alone talk.

“Hey! What are you? A hungry ghost*?” said Ouyang Huihui. (*T/N: A hungry ghost is a concept in Chinese culture representing beings who are driven by intense emotional needs in an animalistic way, usually towards food.)

She was bothered by how crude Luo Ziling’s table manners were. Though, a larger part of why she was feeling that way was because of how he was ignoring her.

As revenge, she had deliberately picked the most expensive dishes and ordered more than what two people could handle. What she did not expect was how big this man’s appetite was tonight. At this rate, if she did not join him in feasting, the dishes would soon vanish into his black-hole like belly.


Picking up her chopsticks, she snatched away a morsel of food that was originally between Luo Ziling’s chopsticks. He glanced at her in response, but not even a second later, he continued chowing down on the food.

Seeing how Luo Ziling was ignoring her, Ouyang Huihui had no choice but to spit out the main reason why she called him out today, “About what happened last time, my sister has already contacted the university officials, so they shouldn’t give you too much trouble about it. Those guys won’t be bothering you from now on either.”

“Li Jiaqing actually instructed Jin Qicai to gather a large team of students from the martial arts club to teach you a lesson you won’t forget. Who would’ve thought that you’d manage to throw them all into the pool. Still, we’ve dealt with them, so you don’t need to worry that they’ll come after you for revenge.” Ouyang Huihui paused for a moment before continuing in a more serious tone, “The reason why I’m here today is to tell you to stop thinking too much about the past. As my sister has said, she’ll be seeing you to wrap up the whole Li Dongjun issue.”

Hearing Li Dongjun’s name was like pouring gasoline over a fire. “It seems to me that nothing good ever comes out of being affiliated with you two sisters. From now on, I’d like you guys to stay the hell away from me. God, if this goes on, I think I might just drop dead at any given moment,” said Luo Ziling.

Ouyang Huihui erupted in anger, “What? How dare you say such a thing to me?”

How dare Luo Ziling blatantly spell out his animosity towards her like that!

“Why you little rat! You think you’re the next big thing, don’t you? Do you have any idea how many men are pursuing my sister and I? Do you actually think my sister enjoys your company? Hmph! You’ll never satisfy her! If not for an important issue, I wouldn’t even consider looking at your face!”

“That’s great news!” Luo Ziling sighed. “Now that we’ve talked, it’s time to finish up our meal. I want to hurry home to take a shower.”

Ouyang Huihui, who was about to take a sip from her teacup, almost flung its contents at his face.

‘I’ve had it with this jerk!!!’

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