Chapter 56

Chapter 56: Stealing Some Sheep

The Emperor blushed. “It’s not like that, perhaps the word ‘steal’ isn’t optimal. Sophia said I can have some as a wedding gift.” He said, fiddling with his crown. More bashful than Luke had ever seen him before.

“That’s nice of her… Congratulations on your engagement by the way.” Luke smiled at him.

“Thank you very much.” He nodded, and then puffing out his chest he walked towards Nel’s familiar and started petting it. The creature immediately began to preen and hiss in satisfaction under his ministrations.

Luke suppressed a smile, as Nel frowned jealousy before donning a carefully blank expression. .

“How are we going to take the sheep to the capital?” She asked.

“I gave Sophia a teleportation altar, we’ll just use that. You three can come with me, but if you want to fly back, then that is fine as well.” He made a show of looking around their temporary lodging. “Where’s Lukeus?”

Nel shifted slightly. “He’s at the Capital.”

“He didn’t come with you?”


He frowned slightly, before nodding. “Very well.” His gaze traveled across the room, scouting out the sheep. “Agnella, why don’t you and your brother gather the sheep.” His ring flashed, and a handful of talisman appeared in front of the two. “Tag them with these, and they should fall asleep. The altar is…,” he closed his eyes in concentration, and the ground split in the middle of the grassed area, and a dias emerged from somewhere underneath, “there.”

“Okay.” Nel said, snatching the talismans from the air. She glanced meaningfully at Luke, before nodding. Her own ring flashed a moment later, and a small carpet appeared on the ground. Rex winced as he stepped onto it, and a moment later they were gone.

A bead of sweat rolled down the side of Luke’s face, as the Emperor’s undivided attention fell on him. Cyzicus’s ring flashed, and a talisman flew free from his hand, and formed a translucent bubble around the pair and the world instantly fell silent. Leaving Luke alone with the sound of his breathing and his heart beating in his chest.

“Uh… what’s this?” He said. Noting how strange his voice sounded in the absence of any other noise.

“No need to fear, young Luke. It just blocks the sound. I’d rather keep this conversation between me and you. Agnella has very good ears, and a habit of eavesdropping. I don’t usually mind that sort of thing, as I’m not one who lurks in the shadows, but it isn’t right of me to make the decision for you.”

“Right.” That doesn’t sound ominous at all. “What did you want to talk about?” He asked, ignoring how dry his mouth suddenly felt.

“Why are you here?”


“Why are you here?” Cyxicus asked again, crossing his arms over his chest.

Luke’s eyes met the Emperor’s expectant gaze, as he thought about what to say.

“Like here in Sophia’s home? Or–”

He nodded.

“Honestly… I kind of heard what was going on with the Rebel, and I didn’t want to get caught up in it. Not that I don’t appreciate the sword and the ring, and your advice it’s just that… I don’t know you that well. I don’t know the Rebel, and I didn’t want to get caught up in whatever your conflict is.” Luke rambled, fidgeting with the pommel of his sword.

“That’s remarkably honest of you. Perhaps even wise. I likely would have made the same decision as you were I in your position, if I were to be honest. Involving oneself in a conflict beyond your tier with little information, and no personal stake is… unwise. Logic does dictate to not involve oneself.”

“It does do that.”

“Can I give you some advice?” Luke nodded at him. “The world is a frightening place. I know that better than most. A few decades ago, a woman came onto my island, and challenged me for Sylcra’s throne, killing my family to provoke me into battle. A battle she lost, and fled from. Now I find out that not only is she back, but she’s killed even more of my family. Arke is a being who could kill me easier than I killed that giant you attempted to fight. There are gods roaming the world that could sink this whole island to the sea floor just because they want to. I could execute you this very second, and there wouldn’t be any consequences for me. Do you understand what I’m trying to say here?”

“Not at all.”

“HAH. I like you.” He grinned. “Let me make it simple then. Fearing the tyranny of the strong is no way to live. Not that caution doesn’t have its place, believe me, it does. But you can’t allow it to dictate your every decision. You can’t let it paralyze and infect your thought process. It’s hard to remember sometimes, but greed isn’t the only emotion that exists. There are far more people, from gods to mortals, that are willing to lend you a hand and pull you up, than there are people who will kick you down. It doesn’t have to be me, but you need someone who you can let your guard down against. Find people you can trust to have your back, and then build upon that bond until it is stronger than any temptation that exists in this world.”

“I –”

“You don’t look convinced.”

“It’s just. I understand where you're coming from, I do. But life, it’s… cheap. I’ve– I’ve killed people for some pretty stupid stuff. And it sucks, but it is what it is, I didn’t have a choice. But how do I make sense of the fact that I could have been the one who died if I was any less cautious? If I hadn’t been slightly faster, or smarter, or quicker? How do you trust someone, when someone infinitely stronger than I am can lock two people in a room, and tell them only one can leave?”

“You're talking about Alexia’s inheritance right?”

Luke’s eyes widened in surprise. “How did you–”

He snorted.

“Kid. I knew her, and I know her tomb opened up recently. An Emperor’s inheritance isn’t something to sneeze at. To be honest, I’ve known you were from Carim since the moment I laid eyes on you and saw those boots on your feet. I made them after all. I always wondered what happened to them.”

“Oh.” Even in death, Yjarn managed to fuck me over. Great. Just great. All that work to get off of Carim, and my identity is already halfway exposed.

“Mhm. Listen, Alexia had her heart in the right place, but there's a reason the Atlantians killed her. She didn’t have the most,” he looked to the side, carefully choosing his words, “she didn’t have the firmest grasp on reality. She was a bloody genius, rose from the Mortal-tier to the Hero-tier in fifty years, but she was a troublemaker. She felt that her struggles gave her the right to do what she wanted to whoever she wanted, and she got killed for that. If I’m being honest, I can’t even blame the Atlantians for cutting her down, after what she did. If it wasn’t them, at the rate she was going, it would have been someone else.”

“What did she do?”

“It’s not important.” He shook his head. “Now where was I? Right, Luke. You seem to have a good brain in your skull, so I’ll explain this in simple terms. People like Arke, Alexia, Tyrisa, they are a small number, and they don’t tend to live long. Theos isn’t kind to their ilk. Those who make more enemies than friends always, and I mean always, end up dead. Cultivating does that. Someone pitifully weak one day, can come back in a millennia a million times stronger. Injustice doesn’t last. The Olympians overthrew the Titans for much of the same reason, and even the Titans built their rule on the backs of those they freed from the tyranny of the Ancients before them. It’s a cycle.”

“I see.”josei

“Do you?” He raised an eyebrow. “Why do you think Arke hasn’t killed everyone on the entire archipelago? She’s strong enough, if I had to guess, it would take her an hour if she went from island to island. So why hasn’t she? You were in the room when she redecorated my throne room, but I got up with only scuffs on my clothes and a few loose strands of hair. That’s it. I didn’t even get a bruise, do you know why?”

“Are there laws stopping her from killing you?”

“Some, but that’s not why she didn’t do it. I have friends, Luke. It’s that simple. Friends who I’ve shed blood for. Friends who I’d die for. Friends who’ve done the same for me. I suppose I also have a good reputation as a fair and just ruler.” He scratched his chin. “The laws… they’re suggestions. As an Emperor, I do have the protection of the Council from threats beyond my means. That’s true, and I’m sure it factored into her decision to tolerate my continued existence. The laws are, however, only enforced when someone cares enough to do so. There’s been more than one Hero who’s death has gone unavenged because they had more enemies than they did sense. Likewise, Arke stands on flimsy ground when it comes to Olympus. One slip, and she’s going the same as the Titans, and unlike me, there are very few who would be sad to see her go. Don’t underestimate the value of not being alone Luke.”

Luke closed his eyes and sighed softly. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

“Good.” Cyzicus grinned. “Have you given thought to participating in the tournament?”

“I have, and I’ll do it. I worked something out with Nel in exchange, and I won’t back out of my word.”

“Wonderful!” Cyzicus cheered, a wide grin stretched his lips taught against his teeth. “I believe that Agnella has finished gathering the last of the sheep. Let us return to the Capital, I cannot put into words how much I’m anticipating a night of rest in my own bed.”

“Um… Before we go. I wanted to ask you for a favor. Me being from Carim, can you keep that between us?”

Cyzicus’s eyes narrowed. “Why?”

“I rather not–” Luke shook his head. “I have some secrets that I don’t want people tracing back to me. That I fear being traced back to me. And fear, well fear is the mindkiller. Other than you, there shouldn't be anyone who has reason to suspect that I’m not from here, and you're right. I need to start trusting people at some point. I can’t keep letting paranoia guide my every decision, and I can’t take the knowledge you already have from your mind. So I’m just asking. Will you do me a favor, and keep my origins quiet.”

Cyzicus grinned as he drummed his finger along his arm. “Fear is the mindkiller. How apt. Verywell.” His ring flashed, and a small marble sized glass ball appeared pinched between two fingers.

“What’s that?”

“This is an Oath Orb. I’m flattered that you think well enough of me to take me at my word, and I look forward to building trust between us, but I believe it’s best not to leave room for doubt so early in our relationship.” Cyzicus closed his eyes, and the orb lit up a brilliant red. “I, Cyzicus, Emperor of Sylcra, swear that I will not and have not disclosed the origins as I know them of Luke, Inheritor of Alexia, to anyone without his consent, both in spirit and in word.” He opened his eyes, and the glass bead dimmed and shot through the air towards Luke. “Channel your mana into it, and say you accept my oath.” He instructed. “Keep the titles I used the same, but if you don’t like something about it, just say so, and we can change the wording.”

I’m not a lawyer, but honestly, it seems decent.

“I, Luke, Inheritor of Alexia, accept the oath sworn by Cyzicus, Emperor of Sylcra.” He intoned. The Orb blinked red three times in quick succession, and he felt a bond form between him and it. The terms of their contract settled in his mind, and he knew that the instant the other man broke his word, so would that link in his mind. “What happens if the Orb breaks or you break the terms?”

“That orb won’t break. It’s a Saint-tier artifact. As for me breaking my word? I can’t. I’ll have to ascend past the Saint tier if I want to, and between you and me, that’s unlikely to happen. There’s a chance I’ll become one, but my momentum has long since been expended. As such, even if I do, you’ll be fine.”


“It’s fine.” Cyzicus waved him off. “I saw you sparring with Agnella, you’ve come a long way. I have high hopes for you in the Olympics, and if you do well in them, I stand to gain much. As wonderful as I am, I’m not helping you out of pure altruism.”

“Right. I’ll do my best.”

“Good lad. Now, let’s get back to the Capital. You have some giants to kill.”

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