There He Is Again My Ex Husband by Emily Jenkins

Chapter 390

Chapter 390

Chapter 390

As Vincent returned, Naomi hurriedly asked, "How is it?"

Vincent frowned as he said. "My friend said selective amnesia was a real thing, but there was a slim chance for people to have it."

Vincent looked at Emelia and said, "He guessed Julian was probably still brooding over his three years of marriage to you. He regretted not treating you well, so he subconsciously wanted to start it over again to make up for those regrets."

Vincent continued, "But I still doubt it. It must be his trick to get you back. Let's see how it goes without you!"

When Vincent finished speaking, Naomi signaled him not to step in with a nod.

Naomi knew Emelia had decided to go whether it was real or not.

Emelia still loved Julian, and because of this, she had to file the divorce.

Julian was in the hospital, so how could Emelia just sit and watch?

Vincent glanced at his daughter and changed his attitude. "I'll go with you."

"I'm fine, dad. You should stay here. I'll go with Nina." Emelia didn't want to trouble Vincent. After all, Naomi needed him.

"If he dares to do it again, he will be dead!" Vincent said fiercely.

Emelia comforted him," Don't worry, I won't let him randomly pick on me."

In the past three years, Emelia loved Julian so much that she almost lost herself.

It wouldn't happen again.

Emelia gave Nina a call and told her about Juliana and Riverside.

Nina agreed, but she had a problem with Julian's car crash thing, "Holy shit! He is so good at this! Now he is playing an amnesia patient!"

"Oscar owes him an award."

"Why don't you two just get married? I'm sick of watching his play."

Emelia scolded her, "Hey, who's your friend?"

Nina was like sitting on the fence. Sometimes she told Emelia to break up with Julian, sometimes she told her to remarry him.

Nina heaved a dramatic sigh, "Well, this's how a brilliant man falls in love."

Emelia just ignored her.

They booked a plane ticket and packed their luggage. When they reached Riverside, Grandpa Huge sent a driver to pick them up.

In the hospital ward.

Before Emelia arrived.

Ezra said to Julian, who was lying on the bed with a look of disgust on his face, "If you can play an amnesia patient well and get Emelia back, I'll make you a pure gold Oscar Statuette. What an underrated actor you are!"

Julian warned him, "Stop chattering. Keep your lips tight."

Ezra rolled his eyes at the ceiling.

After returning from the Capital yesterday, Julian gathered his friends to plan an amnesia play just for getting back with Emelia.

Ezra was dumbfounded when he heard this.

Arthur and Phill didn't do much better. This plan almost freaked the glasses out of Phill's nose.

Julian calmly explained, “Kill two birds with one stone. I can take this as an excuse to get rid of Suzanne."

Grandpa Hughes inspired Julian to play some tricks to get Emelia back.

He had been waiting for the right moment. With Suzanne's presence in the Capital, Julian decided to move the plan ahead. He couldn't wait to get back to Emelia.

Otherwise, he could have stayed there for a few more days.

His plan couldn't work out if he was in the Capital, which wasn't Julian's territory. If Vincent hired a team to check on his situation, Julian's plan was screwed.

Then Julian turned to Grandpa Hughes, who was sitting in the chair at the end of his bed, "Grandpa, thank you for your help. I think Ezra will make you an Oscar trophy too, right?"

Grandpa Hughes's tears worked. Emelia wouldn't have come back if someone else called her.

Grandpa Hughes tapped his walking stick heavily on the floor. "If you fail this time, get ready to die alone."

As Grandpa Hughes's voice fell, Ezra laughed harder at Julian.

Grandpa Hughes turned to Ezra, "Can you stop laughing? Do you think you're better than him?"

"You ask a woman to get an abortion?" Grandpa Hughes glared at Ezra, "Then why didn't you take measures when you were having sex with her? You want to weasel it out when it happens. Just be a man!"

Ezra cleared his throat.

Although Grandpa Hughes was old, he was still authoritative.

Ezra awkwardly defended himself. "I didn't insist on the abortion…"

Grandpa Hughes interrupted him, "Enough with your stupid defense."

Ezra had no choice but to shut his mouth in embarrassment. Arthur remained quiet to dodge Grandpa Hughes's potential attack.

They were Julian's best friends, so Grandpa Hughes treated them like his grandkids. Sometimes, he lectured them sternly.

Grandpa Hughes's phone buzzed. It was a voice message from the driver. They were on the way to the hospital.

Grandpa Hughes played the voice message to Julian and said, "That's all I can do. Wish you luck, kid."

About forty minutes later, Emelia and Nina arrived at Julian's hospital.

Arthur waited for them in the parking lot and walked them to the ward. Arthur briefly told Emelia about Julian's situation, "Anyway, the first thing we need to is to steady him. You know, he once got a blood stasis in his head."

Arthur's last sentence successfully softened Emelia's heart.

Although Julian was discharged from the hospital after he had recovered from the blood stasis headache last time, Emelia still felt his brain was too weak to handle another attack.

Now he hit his head again when he got rear-ended.

Emelia replied bitterly, "Okay."


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