There He Is Again My Ex Husband by Emily Jenkins

Chapter 434

Chapter 434

Chapter 434

Emelia said for herself, "It's not a pillow talk."

"No, it is," Julian smiled in a low voice, "Then why did you mention that now?"

Emelia said angrily, "I got no timing to say that. When we got into this room, you..."

Thinking of what happened in the bathroom, Emelia got flushed and couldn't continue.

Julian said as if he were playing with a kid, "Why didn't you say that on the phone?"

Emelia turned away, "I was afraid that I could not put it clearly."

Heather's issue was not something trivial after all.

And she knew Julian's character. He wouldn't agree easily and she was not sure whether he could listen to her or not. Therefore, she chose to talk about it with Julian face to face.

Julian said in a soft voice with his eyes fixed on her, "If you want her back, I will listen to you."

Hearing these words, Emelia was shocked.

"You..." Emelia got a bit speechless.

She thought she would make a lot of efforts to persuade Julian. It had never occurred to her that he would agree instantly.

"Seemingly, you don't know how charming you are." Julian said these words in a low voice and then lowered his head to kiss on her lips.

Emelia was stunned and she really had no idea how charming she was. Nor did she know how her words could influence Julian.

After that kiss, Julian whispered to her, "I will get her back from abroad and let her live somewhere else. I won't let her appear in front of you or hurt you."

It was because of Emelia's words that Julian would decide to get his mother back.

Emelia didn't want him to be criticized by the general public and he knew Emelia would say those for his sake.

With his neck in arms, Emelia kissed the corner of his month as reward, "Thank you."

As Julian had promised her, she could hold her head high before Heather in future.

The tears and shouts of Heather had all failed to change Julian's mind, but she managed to do this with a few words.

Emelia didn't want to compete with Heather on this issue. But heather had treated her so bad in the past.

Maybe from now on Heather wouldn't dare to look down upon her anymore.

Julian thought he could be with Emelia day and night after the training of Emelia had ended. But they were woken up early in the morning by a sudden call from Ezra.

He said in a worried and sad voice, "Something happened to Maisie, Julian."

Julian sat upright on the bed, "What happened?"

The death of Caroline had made Julian cherished Maisie all the more. He really treated she and David as his own younger sister and brother.

"I..." Ezra didn't continue due to hesitation.

Emelia took the phone and said angrily, "What happened, Ezra? Just tell me."

Emelia was worried because she knew Maisie was now pregnant.

If something bad happened to Maisie, then her baby must have suffered too.

Ezra finally opened his mouth, "There was a car accident..."

"What!" Emelia almost lost her consciousness and she couldn't help but trebling all over.

Then her baby...

She knew better than anyone else that how much Maisie wanted to keep that baby.

If the baby was dead, Maisie might want to kill herself.

"So, what happened on earth?" Julian noticed the change on Emelia's face and then he took the phone to ask Ezra while holding Emelia in arms to comfort her.

Ezra said regretfully, "I went to meet her several days ago. Then my father knew it and planned the car accident..."

Ezra explained, "My father had been ill these days so he wanted me to get married quick and he hoped I can give him a grandchild. But he wanted me to marry the girl he chose. A girl of a prominent background."

Hearing his words, Julian clenched his phone tightly.

He knew what he meant. Ezra's father couldn't accept Maisie as his son's wife.

Julian had also heard of the girl Ezra mentioned. Her name was Erika Marshall, whose father was the boss of a leading electronic company in Riverside City.

Competent as Ezra was, his father still wanted his company to be further strengthened through a marriage.

"If you wanna die, just tell me. I know how to kill you," Julian said cruelly and hung up the phone.

Right after he hung up the phone, he saw Emelia trying to give a slap on his face.

Of course, Emelia didn't really slap on his face but pushed him away.

"I won't forgive you, Julian, if anything happened to Maisie!" Emelia shouted.

"What a trash your friend is!" Emelia cursed and then burst into tears. Then she reached her phone to call Maisie.

She didn't know how's Maisie and her baby right now.

Julian got quite depressed. It was Ezra not him who abandoned Maisie. But now it was him who Emelia was angry at. He actually was against Ezra to have any relationship with Maisie.

But now seeing Emelia in a bad mood, he didn't say anything.

Soon, Maisie answered the phone and Emelia asked her, "Are you alright? Maisie? Did you get hurt?"

Maisie halted for a second. Seemingly she didn't know Emelia would know the car accident. She didn't tell them about it because she didn't want them to worry about her.

Or is that Ezra who informed them?

Maisie comforted Emelia, "I'm fine. It's just some small injuries on skin."

"Just some small injuries on skin? That's a car accident! And it was Ezra's father who planned it!" Emelia said and certainly she hated Ezra's father so much.

Maisie said with a wry smile on face, "Maybe he just wants to warn me not to get in touch with his son anymore. So, I'm still alive."

"Then..." Emelia wanted to ask about her baby, but with Julian present, Emelia refrained herself from doing so.

Maisie knew what she wanted to ask and said, "Don't bother. The baby was safe."

If the baby was dead, then she would fight with the Cantillo's throughout her life. Powerless as she was, she wouldn't give up.

Luckily, the baby was safe.

But now the Cantillo family had already become an enemy of hers.

And she was also quite disappointed at Ezra though he didn't know what his father was going to do.

But her car accident was Ezra's fault anyway.


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