There He Is Again My Ex Husband by Emily Jenkins

Chapter 440

Chapter 440

Chapter 440

Instead of driving all way back to Riverside City, Julian told the diver to stopped by a hotel and checked in.

The driver was tired after having been driving for hours,

Julian was all the more exhausted by the hurried back-and-forth journey, so all he wanted was to find some place to relax.

What drove him to get things over with in such a rush was the idea of seeing Emelia as soon as possible.

Having taken a shower at the hotel, rather than hit the sack, he placed a call to Emelia to tell her he was back and his mother had been settled down.

He had made video call to her but was hung up by Emelia, who called him back in audio, "Sorry, I am not home yet, can't talk to you on video."

Julian replied with his understanding. Emelia could tell that he was tired by his voice, and it broke her heart, "You should really go to bed and take a good rest now."

"I am going to," said Julian with a sigh, " I am finally back."

He then went on to say gently, "I will come see you as soon as I can."

He had missed her so much over the last few days that it's driving him crazy to be away with her for any longer.

If he hadn't been so unbelievably whacked, he would have flown off to the Capital right away.

"Okay, " said Emelia, "go get some sleep. I am kind of busy. I gotta go now."

Holding the phone that's been hung up, he felt deeply frustrated.

Was she really so busy that she couldn't finish a call?

Before getting on the plane, he had told her on the phone that he would be more than happy to see her at the airport in Riverside City when he got off the plane.

But she only to have told him that she was sorry, saying she wouldn't be available that day, and she would find the time to see him when she had got the work done.

He gave up.

He repressed himself from doing that kind of thinking, saying to himself that he was the one going after the other in this relationship, so he should just thank god that she didn't shrink from him. He shouldn't expect any more from her.

Putting away his phone, he closed the heavy curtain and went to sleep.

What he didn't know was Emelia already was in Riverside City when he called her, which was why she hung up the video call.

Moreover, she sounded like that on purpose when she refused to come to Riverside City with the excuse of not having the time so as to surprise him.

She's not only in Riverside City, but actually on her way to the hotel.

Emelia came to the hotel on impulse because she had intended to wait for him in Riverside City, but she couldn't resist when she had felt how much he missed her on the call, so she came all the way there so he could see her when he woke up.

When she got to the hotel, instead of going to meet him right away, she left him more time to sleep by sitting relaxed at a coffee house nearby, attending to her work.

As the script of the show "I Gotta Find You" was almost ready, and the preparation was pretty much done, the show would be shot in a few days.

The show would be starred by Harry Zink and Zella Sabir, both recommended by her. It was a real surprise to her since she'd barely expected her suggestion would be taken.

It had caused quite a sensation on the media as the casting went public.

Harry had earned enough popularity from an urban teen show he had led with Nina Sanchez, but he was still too young to be recognized as a sophisticated actor.

Nina drew even more controversies for she had been something of a secondary character at most before "Princess Leilania", on which she just began to take some important part, but then this show raised her up to a heroine.

Everyone was confounded by how quickly she had rose to fame, but it was also said that before "Princess Leilania" was released, she had been in the show business for quite a few years, so her acting should be good but she had long remained obscure as an actress.

The show's official twitter account and Vincent's twitter was bombarded by the IGFY book fans, who shouted their protests against the casting, saying they were not good enough for the show.

Harry and Nina's fans were antagonized by the protest, so it led to a war of words on the media at which Harry's fans was a force to be reckoned with.

But Vincent never made fame or sophisticated acting his priority requirements while casting for his show, so he then stated in his post: I never cast someone in a part just because they are famous; I only

cast people who are right for the role.

Then the contention had finally died down.

Vincent didn't mention anything about Emelia's recommendation in case it caused any trouble to her.

Ever since Harry had got the part, he had been asking her out to dinner as a way to thank her, but he had been blown off. Feeling uncomfortable about rejecting him so many times, she finally agreed the day when Harry was also in the Capital.

However, there was a mishap after the dinner. They ran into Tara White as they were leaving the restaurant.

It gave her an ominous sense of foreboding that she would distort and sensationalize what she had seen, leaving her in trouble.

Harry had already drawn tremendous heat for starring the show, with her being the screenwriter, a picture of them going out together would be more than enough to stir up a juicy gossip.

She had no axe to grind over the casting, but others might not believe it.

Tara White hadn't made any move yet, but she still felt she should talk about it with Julian when they met and see what could be done to preempt her potential attack.

It dreaded her to think of how mad Julian might get about her having dinner with Harry while he was abroad, since he never wanted her to have anything to do with that man.

It was almost dusk when Emelia got a call from Julian's driver, "Miss Jones, Julian just told me to meet him downstairs in 20 minutes later and then we would drive back to Riverside City."

"Got it. Thank you." Emelia hung up the phone, took her laptop and left the coffee house.

Having found out his room number from the driver, she went straight to Julian's room.

The first thing Julian did as he woke up feeling alive from a sound sleep was to call the driver and after that, he went for a shower.

There came a knock at the door when he was out of the shower.

"Who's it?" he asked in a low voice and with a slight frown on his face.

He thought to himself that it couldn't be his driver for he had already told him he wouldn't be ready until 20 minutes later.

Just as he was wondering, the other answered in a familiar and gentle voice, "It's me."

He was numb with surprise and thought:

Was it Emelia?

How could that be possible?

Wasn't she supposed to be in the Capital now?

There's no way that she would show up here.

Was that an illusion that resulted from missing her so much?

The knocks started again, and a woman said in the same familiar voice, "Are you there, Julian?"

He heard it really clearly and was quite assured that it was Emelia speaking.

After coming to himself instantly, he strode cheerfully across the floor and frenetically opened the door.


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