There He Is Again My Ex Husband by Emily Jenkins

Chapter 468

Chapter 468

Chapter 468

On the third day of the script reading, Julian came to the Capital.

Emelia didn't know it. After the reading meeting that day, people left the office building in twos or threes.

Emelia and Zella Sabir were walking side by side. After a few days, Emelia and Zella have become familiar with each other. Zella was sincere and lovely. She was almost as straightforward as Nina.

Julian was a tycoon in the investment of film and television. And the people who participated in the script reading meeting were all from this industry. Everyone wanted to make friends with Julian, so they came forward to greet Julian one after another.

But Emelia, Julian's girlfriend, was pushed aside by the enthusiastic director and the person in charge of costume.

Emelia didn't mind. She stood beside Zella with a smile.

Zella covered her mouth and smiled, "Wow, Mr. Hughes is here, I'll give you back to him then."

Emelia reluctantly protested, "What? Are you teasing me? Do I need to remind you that Mr. Reynolds is treating you like a princess at home?"

Zella came to the Capital for the meeting. Marvin followed. They lived in Marvin's residence in the capital.

However, because of their confidential relationship, Marvin didn't go to visit Zella at Starixo. But Emelia said that Marvin cooked delicious food for Zella at home every day.

Although Marvin and Zella had an age gap, they were in a good relationship. Or, precisely speaking, Marvin was very good to Zella.

Because of their good relationship, Trevor talked to Zella just now.

Emelia was a screenwriter, and since Trevor knew that Emelia and Zella were good friends, so, he directly asked Zella in front of Emelia, "Zella, are you in love?"

Zella was guilty of hearing this question all of a sudden. However, she denied, "Nope. Why?"

Emelia also worried a little, thinking that Trevor knew about Zella and Marvin.

Trevor motioned Emelia to take a look at the hickey on Zella's neck, then he coughed and said, "I was once young too. Don't think you can hide it from me."

Emelia and Zella blushed at the same time. It was indeed too obvious.

Trevor said to Zella, "I don't care who you're in love with, but I have to make three rules with you first. First, no dirt. You'd better fall in love with a serious man. Otherwise, if you are exposed, you will lose everything. If he is not serious, I suggest you break up with him right now. You're young, you should focus on your career. "

Emelia and Zella glanced at each other. Marvin was no doubt a serious man.

Even if they were exposed, Zella wouldn't need to worry about being implicated by Marvin but rather the opposite.

Marvin was a renowned person in the film industry. He was very respected. Zella was no one compared to him.

Trevor didn't notice Zella's distress. He instead went on saying, "Second, no matter if you are in love or even live with the person, you must not get pregnant! The project must not be delayed."

Zella coughed a few times awkwardly. For a girl who had just married, talking about pregnancy was a little embarrassing.

Trevor seized up Zella again, frowned slightly, and said in discontent, "Last, you should lose weight. I don't want a fat heroine in my show."

Emelia couldn't help laughing. Zella was super embarrassed.

Emelia whispered in Zella's ear, "It seems that Mr. Reynolds is a good chef. I can see that your weight has increased sharply recently."

They met at the press conference of "Princess Leilania". At that time, Zella was slim just like a normal female star. Now Emelia felt that Trevor's words indeed make sense.

"I see, Mr. Spence." Zella promised Trevor, "I'll lose weight from today on."

Trevor said, "I'll talk to your agent in person later. Let's draw up a contract and stipulate it in black and white. Whoever breaks the contract will compensate."

Zella rolled her eyes, but she couldn't do anything.

This was the film industry. If the artist's dirt were found out, the entire program would die. Especially for the fact that "I got to find you" received a lot of attention.

Zella thought in distress that she would have to talk to Marvin about contraception and weight loss.

Julian wasn't moved by the enthusiastic crowd that came over to greet him. He frowned slightly and said, "sorry, I'm here to pick up Emelia."

He meant to say that he was not here for work or social. After that, he strode across them and headed to Emelia.

The group of people looked back and smiled at Emelia with some embarrassment. They were so eager to know Julian just now that they forgot the existence of Emelia, Julian's legit girlfriend.

But Julian's behavior just now reminded them of the importance of Emelia.

Julian had asked Trevor to pretend that they weren't familiar. So, after a simple greeting of courtesy, Trevor left. Zella said goodbye too seeing that Julian was over here.

Emelia smiled at Julian, "What are you doing here?"

Julian grabbed her waist, pressed her into his arms, and whispered, "How do you think?"

At the moment, they were in front of the office building of Starixo where people were hurrying to and fro. Emelia pushed him shyly and said, "Let's go back."

Julian glanced behind her and asked, "Your father didn't come today?"

Vincent wrote the book. He should be here normally. But Julian didn't see him just now.

"He came two days ago. Auntie Naomi is not feeling well today. He took her to the hospital." There was a faint worry in Emelia's tone. "Auntie's health seems to have turned worse. I'm a bit worried."

Naomi had been in a bad health over the years. Vincent stopped writing to concentrate on taking care of her a few years ago. She had surgery and it was said to be helpful. But recently, it seemed her health condition was not very optimistic.

Julian hugged Emelia and comforted her with a warm voice, "Don't worry, your father will find the best doctor for her."

"Yes." Emelia nodded. Then they got into the car.

They had dinner outside, and then returned to Julian's residence.

Julian kissed Emelia violently as soon as they entered the door. It was probably because they hadn't been together for a couple of days. Emelia missed Julian too. She grabbed his neck closely as a response.

Emelia's period had just been over. Julian surely knew how to pick the right time. In fact, Emelia had a proper reason to doubt that he had carefully counted the days.

But she was also very happy to see him. She was enjoying the intimacy.

They fell out of control into the big bed and spent the whole night making love. In the end, Emelia fell asleep in exhaustion.


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