There He Is Again My Ex Husband by Emily Jenkins

Chapter 470

Chapter 470

Chapter 470

Julian didn't get the answer about clothes. So, he asked another question, "Should I propose to her tonight in front of her family?"

Phil, "..."

Arthur, "..."

Ezra remained silent.

Julian added, "I haven't formally proposed to her. This time I don't want her to lack anything, so I came out with this idea."

"Proposing in front of her family can better express my sincerity. And also prove to them that If I hurt her in the future, they can punish me."

Phil and Arthur all fell silent. They were shocked by Julian's words.

Ezra, who has been silent, said, "I suggest that you don't propose tonight."

Julian didn't want to talk to him, but he couldn't ignore him either, so he asked, "Why?"

Ezra said, "I can't tell why, but I have a hunch that even if you propose, you will be rejected."

Julian was speechless.

He said in anger, "Your silence is appreciated."

Ezra said reluctantly, "I didn't want to say it. But I got a feeling that you'll get rejected. I know you don't like me now yet I still said it. I was just trying to save your reputation."

"Think about it, everyone in the Longerich family must be here tonight. They are all big figures. How awkward it would be if you are rejected in public?"

Now Julian didn't want to say a word to Ezra.

Arthur answered in due time, "Do you have the ring?"

"Yes." Julian was well prepared. "I've prepared one last time." Later, she broke up with me because of her health. I sold the ring in rage. Recently, I prepared another one and kept it with me."

Phil said, "So you're ready to propose at any time?"

"In case I need it." Julian felt glad that he had brought the ring with him to the Capital.

Arthur said, "Since you are ready, do it. Stop mulling over the result."

Phil also agreed.

Ezra didn't speak again since he knew Julian wouldn't listen.

Anyway, the embarrassment would be Julian's if he failed the proposal.

Since Phil and Arthur agreed to propose, Julian decided to do it.

However, at the thought of it, Julian felt nervous, although he had gone through all kinds of situations.

He didn't care about whether he'd be rejected. He only wished he wouldn't be too nervous to speak.

Before Emelia woke up, Julian had thought of what to say and practiced several times in front of the mirror.

After the nap, Emelia felt better. Julian invited her to choose some clothes for him later.

Emelia didn't understand, "Didn't you bring your clothes? Why buy new ones? "

Julian explained seriously, "I'm seeing your family. Of course, I have to dress new."

It was because he was going to propose. He had to dress formally.

Emelia needed a beautiful dress too to look stunning when being proposed.

"Is it necessary? I think your clothes are good enough." Emelia felt that Julian was going a bit too far.

Julian insisted, "I need to show my sincerity and respect."

"OK." Emelia agreed. So, they went out.

Julian's clothes were all high-end luxury brands. Emelia quickly picked one for him in the shop. Julian was very satisfied, and the clerk repeatedly praised Emelia's perfect taste.

After that, Julian took Emelia to the women's department. Emelia reluctantly said, "Do I need to dress up so formally too?"

She didn't think she need to dress so carefully in front of her own family.

Julian explained, "You have to be the same with me, or I'll be more nervous."

When Emelia heard the word "nervous" coming from Julian's mouth, she couldn't help laughing in surprise. "Seriously? You've gone through all big occasions. Why are you nervous about having dinner with my family?"

Julian simply took her hand so she could feel his sweating palm, "It makes my hand sweat just thinking that I am going to meet your family."

Emelia touched his palm and said in amazement, "No way, you..."

Emelia didn't know what to say. She could only nod and answer, "Alright, I'll choose a dress to match you."

"Okay." Julian was extremely satisfied.

Emelia chose a skirt for herself. The color echoed with the dark blue handkerchief in Julian's suit pocket. Emelia had never tried this color before, but she has to admit that this color was very suitable for her.

Dark ocean blue represented calmness and elegance. Emelia stood beside Julian in a dark blue dress. They looked like a perfect match.

Vincent told them that Naomi was discharged in the afternoon. So, they went back to the Longerich Manor after a simple preparation.

After hanging up the phone, Emelia pondered for a long time. Then, she quietly asked Julian, "Do you feel a little wronged being suddenly invited?"

"Why asking this?" Julian raised his hand and held her in his arms. "I can't wait. How can I feel wronged?"

Emelia sighed softly, "You know, Auntie Naomi is in poor health. She wants to see us together, that's why my father made such a decision."

"So?" Julian smiled in a low voice. He rubbed her hair and said, "Silly girl, this means that they accept me and believe I am trustworthy for you. That's why they want Mrs. Longerich to see us together."

Julian then added, "Otherwise, they would use Mrs. Longerich's illness as an excuse to threaten you to break up with me."

Emelia blinked her eyes, thinking that Julian's words were reasonable.

Some parents threaten their kids to break up under such excuses.

Roman was a good example. He manipulated Ezra with his sickness and forced Ezra to marry a girl from a "decent family".

Of course, Julian's father did the same thing.

So, after hearing what Julian said, Emelia felt relieved.


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