There He Is Again My Ex Husband by Emily Jenkins

Chapter 480

Chapter 480

Chapter 480

Julian's expression changed. He rushed over to support her, and asked with great concern, "Are you alright?"

Emelia's tears had fallen off her cheeks because of the vomiting. She looked up at him and said with difficulty, "I just had sudden nausea."

She took a deep breath and said, "I should have known that it was too early to be happy. I didn't feel anything and I was glad, thinking that I might be one of the lucky women who don't suffer much from pregnancy. And then it happened."

Julian felt so sorry when he saw her tears. He held her in his arms and said, "I'd rather not have the babies than see you suffer so much"

Emelia scolded him, Silly! Listen to yourself."

Julian hugged her without speaking more.

He knew his words were silly. He just couldn't stand seeing Emelia suffer.

"What's going on?" Grandpa Hughes' voice came from behind them.

Seeing Emelia get out of the car and vomit and Julian holding her without speaking, grandpa Hughes thought something went wrong. So, he hurriedly went out.

Emelia got up from Julian's arms with some embarrassment. Before she could speak, Grandpa Hughes started to scold Julian, "Boy! Have you done bad things that made her angry?"

Julian was speechless.

Was he such a badass?

Now he was at Emelia's service all the time. He didn't dare to provoke her in the past, not to mention that she was pregnant now.

Emelia quickly explained, "No, no, it was just nausea."

"How come?" Is it because of something you ate?" Grandpa Hughes' face was full of concern.

Emelia and Julian didn't speak. Grandpa Hughes looked at them puzzled. Suddenly, he asked in disbelief, "Are you..."

He wanted to ask if Emelia was pregnant, but he was afraid that his words would make Emelia sad.

Emelia smiled, nodded, and said, "Yes, I am."

"Really?" Grandpa Hughes was instantly joyful.

The Hughes Group had announced Emelia's pregnancy in the afternoon, but Grandpa Hughes had been feeling tired recently. So, he slept the entire afternoon and didn't check the news.

He was too happy when he heard the good news from Emelia in person.

Julian reminded him, "We have another good news for you, but I think you should calm down first, or have your pills ready, in case they're useful later."

"What could be better news than Emelia's pregnancy? Why would I need the pills?"

Julian said word by word, "Emelia is pregnant with twins."

"What?" Grandpa Hughes opened his eyes in amazement. He was too excited that he couldn't breathe and was almost about to fall. Julian hurriedly came forward to support him. The Housekeeper on one side handed him the pill in time.

After Grandpa Hughes swallowed the medicine, he felt more comfortable. Julian said sarcastically, "I told you the pills could be useful. You just didn't listen."

Grandpa Hughes scolded weakly, "Boy! Are you doing this on purpose?"

They got in the house under Grandpa Hughes' scolding voice.

Julian went for water immediately. He poured Emelia a cup to rinse her mouth. She must have been very uncomfortable just now. And then he handed over a cup to Grandpa Hughes too, he must have been in shock.

When Grandpa Hughes and Emelia felt better, Julian sat down next to Emelia.

Grandpa Hughes happily asked Emelia, "Do you feel better now?" Do you want to eat anything special? I'll ask them to cook for you."

Emelia quickly shook her head. "No, it was probably the traffic jam that made me sick."

Emelia was not picky about food. And her appetite was pretty good these days.

However, after she threw up just now, she wasn't sure whether she would be sensitive to some smells in the future.

Emelia handed the B-ultrasound to Grandpa Hughes, sharing the two little lives with him. Grandpa Hughes was so excited that he was about to cry. "That's so great."

"Our family has never been very prosperous. But now you are having two babies at the same time! That's great news!"

Grandpa Hughes took a deep breath. He thought he was dying. But now he felt like he could live for another ten years. He had to wait to see two little guys.

No one knew if they were two boys or girls. Or perhaps even one boy and one girl.

It was already a great blessing to know that Emelia was pregnant, yet Grandpa Hughes still secretly wish it would be one boy and one girl. That would be perfect!

It was normal to want more.

But Grandpa Hughes had nothing against gender. He loved boys and girls equally.

Julian frowned and said, "Fortunately, she's pregnant with two this time. She is not going to give birth in the future."

Julian was worried about Emelia's vomiting. He has worked hard to chase Emelia back. He wanted to put her in the palm of his hands. He never wanted her to suffer from pregnancy anymore.

At the end of the day, it was his fault. That was why he said he didn't want Emelia to get pregnant again.

Grandpa Hughes glanced at Julian, but what he said next was pertinent. "So, as a man, we have to treat our woman well. They sacrifice a lot giving birth to the babies."

"Those men who cheat should be punished."

Grandpa Hughes was warning Julian to be dedicated to Emelia. Julian felt somehow amused.

It felt more like that Grandpa Hughes was Emelia's grandpa instead of his.

Julian took Emelia's hand and seriously promised Grandpa Hughes, "Don't worry. Emelia and the children are more than enough for me."

Grandpa Hughes hissed and then got up, asking Emelia to get ready for dinner.

He was relieved to see that Emelia had a good appetite

After dinner, Grandpa Hughes went back to his room. Later he came out with three red real estate certificates and handed them to Emelia. "I have three villas here, one for you and one for each of the two children."

Emelia was stunned.

That was a bit too generous, no?

One villa for each of them?

The villa for her was understandable, but the children hadn't been born yet.

The old man waved his big hand, "Just a gift from me."

Then he thought of something and added, "It's a small gift indeed, I hope you don't mind."

Emelia was somehow amused, "Small gift? Come on! It's such a big gift. It's too much for me."

Emelia then handed the three real estate certificates to Grandpa Hughes. But Grandpa Hughes push them back to her and said with a somewhat jealous tone, "I heard your grandmother had given you several sets of jewelry. These three villas are nothing compared to that."


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