There He Is Again My Ex Husband by Emily Jenkins

Chapter 547

Chapter 547

Chapter 547

When Nina got home, she threw herself into the comfort of her bed and took a nap. In the evening, she woke up, got dressed up and drove to find Emelia.

Julian served a grand dinner. Emelia brought a plate of delicious braised beef to Nina and said with a smile, "This is your favorite and I made it for you myself."

Before Nina could say anything, Julian said to Emelia with a jealous tone, "I don't want you to tire yourself in the kitchen, but look what you have done for her, preparing an entire pot of braised beef!"

Since Emelia's pregnancy, Julian had hired a full-time chef to cook for them.

And during their days spent in the suburban resort, he cooked for her the whole time. He couldn't even bear to let her finger dip into the cold water. However, after their return, Emelia spent most of the afternoon in the kitchen to make Nina her favorite dish.

Julian felt tired of being jealous. After being jealous because of men, now he even got jealous because of a woman. But there was no one to blame but his wife's bestie.

Emelia smiled and served water for her best friend and her husband, "It's so tired for Nina to work in the crew. The least I can do is to ensure that she has a good meal."

Nina had a stiff and weak connection with her parents. Over those years, most of Nina appetites for good foods had been satisfied by Emelia, especially when filming became exhausting. She made a phone call to Emelia, and her favorite dish would be there waiting for her.

If she was filming in the vicinity of Riverside City, Emelia would drive to make the food delivery herself. Even during the three years of marriage with Julian, she treated Nina the same as always. That was enough proof to show how good their relationship was.

Nina snorted and said, "Julian, could you please stop being so hostile and jealous with me all the time, okay? You managed to get Emelia back, and I take half of the credit for that."

Julian snorted, "I got Emelia back by myself, OK? How come you get half of the credit?"

Nina shrugged her shoulder and said, "If I had insisted on disagreeing with Emelia getting back to you, do you think she would still take you back?"

Julian gritted his teeth and was speechless.

He really didn't know if Emelia would listen to Nina or not, but he knew that Nina's friendship was very precious to Emelia. Many people believed that commitment between lovers was priority, but Emelia and Nina had been experiencing too much together, and their friendship had the same weight in their hearts.

After seeing that Julian was choked by her words and became speechless, Nina couldn't help laughing, "So, as a matter of fact, you owe me a lot of thanks for having this wonderful life with your amazing wife. Don't you think so?"

Julian glanced at her with a fake smile, and then said, "Yes for sure. I really owe you a big deal, Nina."

Having said that, he suddenly changed the subject of the conversation, " How about this, in order to express my gratitude to you, how about I introduce a nice guy to you? Young, talented, one in a thousand."

When Julian said this, there was something inexplicable hiding in his eyes.

Julian knew about Cameron's return from abroad, but since Nina hadn't told Emelia yet, he certainly wasn't in a hurry to inform her.

As a matter of fact, he intended to use Cameron to stir up the water, just to relieve his depression from "losing the battle" with Nina.

Nina felt quite uncomfortable being stared by Julian like that. She found that this whole "introducing a nice guy" thing was some sort of funny business.

Was this "nice guy" Cameron Dauster?

It stood no reason that Cameron should know Julian. Julian was a businessman, and Cameron had studied abroad for many years, and was a man of academics. They couldn't have any intersection with each other, could they?

After thinking about it for a while, she smiled and responded, "Sure no problem. It's about time that I meet someone. Since you have the right guy to introduce to me, I see no reason not to see him."

Emelia, who was listening to the conversation the whole time, was so confused. She looked at Julian and asked, "Why do you suddenly want to introduce a man to Nina?"

Julian was never the kind of person who had the time and the heart to manage dates for other people. This man was too proud to do matchmaking.

Besides, he did know that in Nina's heart, Cameron was the only man.

Most importantly, Nina's mood had been really unstable recently as she had just taken over the romantic variety show despite Emelia's dissuasion. Emelia had no idea of how to deal with her mood swings and then Julian had to bring this up.

Emelia was a little displeased, and Julian felt guilty for a moment for causing her to frown.

He was a little regretful. He shouldn't have upset Emelia just to "win her over".

"Sorry..." He apologized without hesitation, "I won't do that if you don't like it, Emelia."

Julian spoke to himself in his head, "Just forget it man, don't bother with that woman, as long as your wife is happy. Happy wife, happy life, remember?"

Nina unceremoniously laughed out loud, for his cowardice.

Today's Julian was really enslaved by Emelia.

Emelia didn't need to say anything serious, and she didn't even need to make any particularly angry- looking expressions. A pair of slightly frowned eyebrows was the only thing that was needed to shut him up.

Even though Julian had compromised, Emelia raised her eyebrows and asked, "Well I think it's a good thing that you are thinking of Nina, but can you at least tell me who's the guy? I'd like to be informed."

"That..." Julian hesitated and stuttered a little, "it's a friend I know. I think he is a good guy, like in every aspect."

He didn't dare to mention the name of Cameron, and the fact that he had returned at this time, for fear of scaring his wife.

And this topic, he believed, should be brought up by Nina herself.

Emelia gave him a "you know exactly what you have done" look, and then sat down with her eyes looking down.

Julian was full of remorse. He really shouldn't have tried to "win the battle". Now look what he had done, he made Emelia unhappy.

Nina was extremely heartless, and continued this conversation, "Mr. Hughes, since you think this guy is excellent in all aspects, I would really love to get to know him. How about this? After the fan meeting tomorrow, I will fly back to the crew in the evening. Could you please arrange a dinner date with him for me?"

Julian was about to lose his mind.

Could she just stop for a minute? Couldn't she see Emelia was already upset?

Just as Julian was about to say something, he heard Emelia said in a cold voice, "I think Nina's proposal is actually good. I think you should arrange this dinner, so that we could actually know this man and help Nina make her own decisions."

Julian was so embarrassed. He knew that he got what he deserved by talking too much. He swore to God that he would never do that again.

"Babe I was just kidding." He started to try to change the subject, "There is no way I would do that. You know who I am right?"

In order to ease the tension, he served Emelia with broccoli, "Babe, try this, it's good for your health."

Emelia looked at the green broccoli in her plate and said with a poker face, "I know, Julian, I eat vegetables every day."

Julian wailed loudly in his mind. It's all done for today.

Emelia was angry with him.

Emelia must believe that this whole "a nice guy" incident had confused Nina in a very inappropriate time.


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