There He Is Again My Ex Husband by Emily Jenkins

Chapter 741

Chapter 741

Chapter 741

Julian went out to welcome Jean and saw Arthur who followed behind. Julian gave him a sympathetic look.

He had been there, so he understood how Arthur felt right now. But what could he say?

They both let the opportunity pass them by and regretted when it had gone.

Jean went to the bedroom to see Emelia and her babies. Though she had seen Maisie's baby before, the baby's serene sleeping faces still melted her heart.

"Twins are so incredible. It's hard to imagine they come out of your flat belly," said Jean.

"Yes. They might look the same, but their personalities have nothing alike. The elder sister is very quiet. She often sleeps after drinking milk. She never cries when she's awake. But the younger brother is a bit bratty. He needs people to hold him, otherwise, he will cry." Emelia smiled.

"Wow, amazing. I think the sister is going to be level-headed when she grows up. She will take the little brother under her wing."

"Yes, Julian and I feel the same. Julian said he would train the little one up, so he could take care of his sister." Emelia agreed.

Jean burst into laughter, "He's biased towards the sister."

Emelia signed, "Just look at their names. He thinks the boy should bear all the responsibility, while the girl only needs to be pretty."

"He already treats them differently. The girl hardly cries. Every time she cries, Julian is heartbroken. He never pays as much attention to the younger one."

"I don't know what to say. Every day I'm pissed off by his different treatment.

Jean could help to laugh. "I never expect Julian to be so biased."

"You can never judge a book by its cover. If both were girls or boys, he wouldn't be like this. But it happens to be a girl and a boy. I think he can't help himself from showing favoritism." Emelia signed.

While they were chatting in the bedroom, Julian and Arthur were talking in the living room.

Arthur raised a question as soon as he sat down, "Do you know any business activity abroad?"

"Why do you suddenly bring this up?"

Besides med school courses, Arthur also took management as a minor. He got a degree in management with a high GPA.

"I wanted to learn more about it. Plus, she is going abroad this afternoon. If there is an appropriate program, I will be justified to go with her."

"It seems that you decided to go flat out." Julian laughed.

"What else can I do?"

He used to be arrogant and stupid. He thought he was special to Jean. She couldn't live without him and she would make peace with him.

Now it was a slap in his face. He had to take action.

"I'll ask about it." Julian planned to go upstairs to make the call.

The moment he got up he heard the baby cry upstairs. He immediately rushed up and threw aside Arthur's stuff.

The four of them used to be best buddies. If anyone needed help, the other three would come to help as soon as possible.

As Phil fell in love with Anya, Julian also made light of them because of Emelia. Now Julian and Emelia had babies, their friendship didn't matter as much to him.

The newborn would cry every two hours out of hunger, so Julian almost automatically rushed into the bedroom. Emelia still needed to rest. Julian didn't want her to be troubled by it, so he shouldered the responsibility of taking care of the babies.

Emelia's breast milk was not enough for two babies, so they fed babies with a mix of breast milk and milk powder. Julian was already adept at making milk powder. Emelia could hardly help. Julian and the nurse could handle everything.

Now Jean was occupied taking care of the crying babies. When she visited Maisie, it was only one baby crying. She couldn't handle both of them.

Luckily Julian and the nurse save the day. When they went out, Julian helped adjust the cushion behind Emelia. "If you are tired, do remember to lie down. Watch out for you back."

Being mollycoddled in front of Jean, Emelia blushed.

Jean said enviously, "Julian is so sweet."

"To be honest, I never expect he will be like this. People change, or in other words, people will care for the one they love." Emelia smiled.

"It's likely that people might do something wrong when they haven't sorted out their feelings."

Jean knew Emelia was insinuating.

But Emelia knew it was a long process to get over it. Jean needed to lay bare the scar that just healed, and face the risk that Arthur might not be serious.

Emelia said gently, "Jean, I want you to be happy. If you can't forgive him now, then don't. Follow your heart and don't swallow your pride."

"Time will tell." She added.

"I know." Said Jean, smiling.

"I will not swallow my pride at this point."

"Then it's fine." Emelia sighed.

Jean stayed for lunch, so Arthur also stayed. Jean didn't know why he had become so brazen. Though Julian was his friend, was it really appropriate?

Did he plan to stay here all day?

Wasn't he busy at all?

Luckily, he left for a while after lunch. Jean thought he wouldn't come back, but he showed up again when she was about to leave for the airport.

"I can take you there." He took over her suitcase before she could refuse.

"No, thank you."

"It's ok, I'm also heading that way." Arthur opened the door for her.

Jean wondered where he was heading. When they arrived at the airport, he took a suitcase off the car. Suddenly it dawned on her. Jean clenched her teeth and asked, "You're not going abroad, are you?"

"Well, there is a business school in the city you are visiting. I'll participate in one of their exchange activities."

He was really persistent.

Jean sneered, "Aren't you a doctor? Why do you attend a business activity?"

Jean meant to scoff at his lame excuse. But Arthur deeply looked at her and said, "I want to catch up with the career woman."


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