There He Is Again My Ex Husband by Emily Jenkins

Chapter 745

Chapter 745

Chapter 745

Jean let her assistant go to take a rest after they finished the preparation work for the expo. Then she started to pack her stuff.

Arthur called, but she didn't answer,

Then he sent a voice message to say sorry. "I'm so sorry to bother you. When I booked the hotel, I didn't know your father's attitude or the fact that you were followed by your father's henchman."

Jean ignored him and continued to pack the stuff.

Arthur kept bombarding her with a message. "If you keep on neglecting me, I'm going to your room." Jean jumped up at this message.

Her assistant and the deputy general manager also lived on this floor. Every knock on her door would call their attention.

If he came to her room, then they had wasted their time pretending not to know each other.

She clenched her teeth and called him up. "Can you do me a favor? I need to pack, and I got work to do. I don't have time to chit chat."

"I just want to say sorry." Arthur sounded quite innocent.

"Alright, message received. OK?" she said sourly.

Arthur changed the subject, "I think you are up to nothing especially important. Should we have dinner together?"

Before she could reply, Arthur said, "You should ask the deputy manager and your assistant. I'll shout. Then he will not suspect."

"No, thank you." He was considerate, but she declined.

The more they did, the more they might give themselves away. They'd better not show up together before the deputy manager.

After all, it was what it was. They couldn't completely cover up the fact that they were flirting with each other.

"Please mind your own business." Then Jean hung up.

Having packed up, Jean decided to take a shower to freshen up. But her door was knocked.

The deputy manager was standing outside, smiling. "Your friend just called. He wanted to invite us to dinner. I don't know what you think, so I come to ask."

Jean slightly frowned her eyebrows. She didn't know he could brazen out to directly invite the deputy manager. And why did she feel that the deputy manager really wanted to go?

Was he her father's henchman?

She did say that Arthur was from Riverside city.

Shouldn't he oppose them seeing each other as her father did?

The deputy manager looked at her face and asked, "You don't want to have dinner with him?"

"Well, I'm not familiar with him. It's kind of embarrassing to have dinner together."

"This is why you should have dinner together. You'll soon get familiar with each other." He said, smiling.

"Besides, is it ok to turn down his kind invitation?"

Jean raised her eyebrows. She didn't know what he was up to.

Was he entrapping them?

Did he try to fish for their relationship so he could tell her dad?

But he still nodded her head. "It's a little impolite. Fine, let's go."

She thought the more she avoided associating with him, the deputy manager would be more suspicious. She might as well keep a rendezvous.

"OK, you can reply that we'll see him later." Then he left.

The first thing she did when she went back into the room was to warn him. "You'd better stay calm when we have dinner together. Don't let the cat out of the bag."

"Chill. I just want to see you and have dinner with you. I know what to do." He acted quite diffidently.

Jean was surprised. But she didn't know what to say.

He had changed so much that she hardly believed that this was the Arthur she knew before.

The first several months at the Riverside City Hospital as a psychologist were like a nightmare. She was always found fault by Arthur at work. He also aimed at her off work when they met because of their association with Emelia.

Jean thought of what Emelia said when the unpleasant memory welled up in her mind.

People changed.

Julian now treated Emelia with excessive care. Jean laughed at herself for wondering if Arthur would do the same. Would he make a fuss of her?

Did he love her and cherish her?

Or what he did was out of sheer grudge. He grudged being given the brush, so he kept badgering her. He would run out on her once she fell for him.

Jean knew she was thinking too much. But she couldn't control herself.

Because she was overthinking, she didn't have a good appetite. She didn't eat much during dinner.

Arthur acted normally at the table. Most of the time, he was chatting with the manager. But Jean knew most of the dishes were her favorites.

Arthur drank with the manager and got him drunk. He wasn't sober either.

Jean thought Arthur didn't drink. As a surgeon, a professional surgeon, he would be called to a consultation or have an operation anytime.

It was his professionalism. Why was he so strange tonight?

After the dinner, Jean asked the waiter to help send Arthur and the manager back. She and her assistant went back to their rooms respectively.

After the shower, Jean called Arthur first. She was worried about him.

Why did a person who had long remained sober ply others with drinks?

She didn't know if he was comfortable. She wouldn't leave him alone, given that they used to be close and now they were abroad.

It took a while to get through. Before jean could say anything, Arthur said in a drunken tone, "Jeanie…"

During dinner, the manager was drunk and called Jeanie her father's friend. It was a name only shared by her family and close friends.

It sounded weird when Arthur called her by it.

He never called her like this, even when they had sex.

Now he was drunk, his voice sounded even flirtier. Her heart beat faster as a result.

"Jeanie, Jeanie…" He kept calling her name on the phone. Jean didn't know if he knew she was on the phone, or if he was just mumbling drunken words.

It made her flutter, so she decided to stop him. "Are you OK, Arthur?"


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