There He Is Again My Ex Husband by Emily Jenkins

Chapter 775

Chapter 775

Chapter 775

Arthur prepared the wine, and Jean tucked herself into his couch.

"I never thought my dad would mention divorce." Jean shook the glass in her hand and said somewhat mockingly, "I thought he was self-aware, knowing that there would be no woman in the world other than my mother who could tolerate his domineeringness."

"Maybe some women will approach him because he has money, but no one will ever condone him like my mother." Jean's every word was realistic. Arthur wrapped his arms around her, feeling sorry. "Your father threatened your mother with divorce, it is indeed too much."

"Yeah, it hurts so much." What her father had done was beyond words. Jean didn't even know how to describe it. Even though he was not in good health, he bullied Selina so badly. He was spoiled by Selina. Of course, Selina Beck was Jean's mother.

Jean didn't say anything more. She drank until she got drunk.

Arthur looked at the girl with crimson cheeks in his arms, who was deeply drunk, and shook her helplessly, saying, "Aren't you going back today?"

Actually, he wanted her to stay so much, but her mother was with her tonight. He had just moved into Zoshalor, living with her right under her mother's nose was inappropriate.

But the person in his arms did not react at all. So, Arthur had to let her stay, thinking that he would wake her up early tomorrow morning so she could sneak back before her mother woke up.

What Arthur didn't expect was that the next morning before he and Jean got up, the doorbell rang.

When he opened the door, he was immediately awake, the person who rang the doorbell was Selina.

Arthur was a little embarrassed, he had thought of waking Jean up earlier, but he didn't expect Selina to be earlier.

Selina asked him with a calm look, "Is Jean here with you?"

"Yes." Arthur thought for a moment or quickly explained, "Well, Jean drank too much last night, and I thought you must have slept at that time, so I …"

Selina interrupted him with a smile. "Oh, you don't have to explain, I understand."

"I just came here to tell you that I made breakfast, just come over and eat."

"Now you should sleep a little longer, it's still early." Selina turned back to the opposite door, saving Arthur from more embarrassment.

Jean woke up when Arthur was back on the bed, rubbing her somewhat uncomfortable forehead and asking him, "Was it my mother?"

"Yes." Arthur took her into his arms and pressed her back on the bed, "She said she made breakfast and asked us to eat later."

Jean was a little embarrassed, thinking that her mother was too enthusiastic. She was treating Arthur as family.

"Would you like to sleep a little longer? It's still early." Arthur advised.

Jean went back to bed but was completely awake. She said, "My mother said that she and my father would meet in the morning at the Civil Affairs Bureau. I would go there with her."

"Do you need me too?" Arthur asked. Jean shook her head, "No."

It was just divorce. She and her mother could do it.

Jean was thinking about these things when the handsome face of the cold man appeared above her head, the burning heat under the man's eyes made her return to her mind, and before she could escape, she was kissed by the man leaning over.

However, considering their previous promises, Arthur stopped at the last moment.

He could feel that even if he continued, Jean wouldn't have much rejection, but he couldn't lose faith in her.

He wanted to fall in love with her.

"Well..." The atmosphere was so hot early in the morning that Jean was a little thirsty, so she hurriedly sat up, "I'll go back now, come over for breakfast later."

After saying this, she put on her clothes and hurried away. Arthur sighed and threw himself in the bed. It took a while to calm the heat in his body.

When Jean returned to her room, her mother was wearing makeup.

Seeing Jean, she teased, "I thought you guys would hook until you are late for work."

Jean coughed awkwardly, "I drank too much last night."

She really didn't want to stay with Arthur last night. However, she was drunk.

Perhaps because her mood was too bad last night, so she accidentally got drunk.

Jean looked at her mother from the makeup mirror and said bitterly, "Are you putting on such heavy makeup because you are getting a divorce?"

"Yes." Selina smiled relievedly, "I want him to see how dashing and beautiful I am when I am getting a divorce."

"He definitely thinks that I am miserable and that I couldn't sleep well all night. He is totally wrong, I slept well, I have never slept so steadily."

Selina said while putting on makeup for herself, Jean was a little sad, but looking at her mother's calm and self-assured appearance, Jean's mood was suddenly much brighter.

"If that's the case, use this red lipstick. It magnifies your spirit." Jean picked a lipstick for her mother.

"Okay." Selina accepted the advice.

Arthur then came over for breakfast, which was a harmonious one.

After breakfast, Arthur went to work, and Jean accompanied her mother to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

They waited until ten o'clock, but Jean's father, Harold, didn't show up.

Selina was a little impatient. She took out her phone and called Harold, the phone was answered, but it was the nanny who cooked. Selina directly asked: "Isn't he going to divorce? Why hasn't he come to the Civil Affairs Bureau?"

The nanny said with some embarrassment, "Madam, Mr. Hilgard has been unwell since the morning. He hasn't even gone downstairs for breakfast, how could he go to the Civil Affairs Bureau?"

Selina didn't expect this to happen, and she didn't know what to say for a while on the phone, because she knew Harold had bad health.

The nanny asked tentatively on the phone, "Would you like to come back and see him?"

Harold was indeed lying in bed at the moment, but not as Nanny had said that he hadn't been downstairs since the morning.

In fact, Harold got up early in the morning, ate breakfast seriously, and asked the driver to take him to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

However, while waiting in the car outside the Civil Affairs Bureau, Harold saw Selina and Jean park their cars and walked to the door of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

They were talking and laughing and Selina dressed in high-spirit

She was wearing an elegant skirt, delicate makeup, and even red lipstick. She looked like she was going to get married.

Harold was pissed off by Selina's appearance. He immediately told the driver to drive him home.

He hadn't slept well last night, and although the divorce had been proposed by him, how could he not feel bad at all?

He had also been waiting for Selina or Jean's call. He thought that Selina would definitely beg for forgiveness, or at least Jean would do it. He had waited all night, however, his phone had been quiet.


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