There He Is Again My Ex Husband by Emily Jenkins

Chapter 783

Chapter 783

Chapter 783

"You got married?" Julian was the first in the group chat to reply.

Phil texted after him, "That's fast."

At least, it was Ezra, "Congratulations! You guys will be parents soon."

Before Arthur said anything, Phil was annoyed by Ezra's words. "Ezra, did you say that on purpose?"

Ezra knew how much he wanted a child, but here he was, talking about Arthur and Jean becoming parents.

He didn't know since when Ezra had grown a sharp tongue. He always poked them where they hurt.

"Of course not. I was just blessing them," Ezra explained calmly.

Phil didn't buy it at all and texted back, "Although I do want a child, I'm not in a rush. Look at you, now that Arthur has gotten married, you are the only one single here."

"I don't want marriage and you all know it. I don't feel anything at all," Ezra replied at ease.

"You are just bluffing. When you meet someone you really love, you will feel things," Phil replied to Ezra, who then said nothing more.

After dinner, Phil offered to wash the dishes while Jean was face timing with her mother. She told Selina about her marriage to Arthur on the phone, Selina was surprised at first, and then her eyes reddened.

Selina said with guilt, "Did you do it to get back at your dad? To make him stop quarreling with me?"

Jean admitted frankly, "It's part of the reason. I want him to stop meddling in my marriage. In that case, you won't have to argue with him all day long."

She then continued, "But the more important reason is that I love Arthur. I want to marry him and spend the rest of my life with him."

Jean said to Selina slowly word by word, her words were sincere.

Selina wiped her tears and smiled with joy, "I'm glad to hear that and I trust your judgment in men."

"However," Selina asked, "How are you going to tell your dad about it? He will be angry, I'm sure. I think I should go home and be there for you, in case he might argue with you."

Arthur, who had just finished washing the dishes, came out of the kitchen and walked behind Jean. Hearing Selina's words, he said to her gently on the phone, "Mrs. Hilgard, just enjoy your trip. I will protect Jean."

He continued, "We are going to visit Mr. Hilgard tomorrow and tell him the news."

Arthur and Jean had reached an agreement on how to tell Harold the news. Originally, Jean had just planned to tell him with a phone call, but Arthur thought he should bring the news to Harold in person.

After all, they had already gotten married without informing him, he thought at least they should bring the news to him face-to-face.

Arthur was after all Jean's father. He didn't want the relationship between the two of them to get worse.

Selina sighed and wanted to say something.

As if knowing what she was going to say, Arthur said, "I know what you are worried about, Mrs. Hilgard. I am prepared."

Obviously, Selina was worried that Harold might give him an attitude or even say some harsh words. Arthur had already thought about it.

But he would face it with composure, for Jean.

"Good luck then," Selina said.

However, it didn't go quite as they had planned. Before Arthur and Jean paid Harold a visit, Harold came to them first.

Arthur opened the door for him and Harold was about to slap him as soon as the door was opened.

Harold had thought it was Jean who came to open the door. He waved his hand and gritted his teeth, "How dare you! You got married behind my back?"

Arthur's face darkened when he saw what Harold was doing. He took a step back and dodged, then anger arose in his heart.

If it was Jean who was here, she would have been slapped by Harold.

Seeing that he missed and that it was Arthur who was at the door, Harold was even more pissed. He shouted, "Where's Jean? Call her here!"

At this moment, Jean was designing their wedding ring. Hearing the noise, she rushed out of the study.

Seeing her come out, Harold was about to rush up to her when Arthur raised his arm and stopped him.

In anger, Harold shouted at him, "What do you want to do?"

"Nothing. I just think you should calm down." Arthur answered. Of course, he couldn't beat his father-in- law.

When Harold was about to say something, Arthur reminded him, "I heard that you have a heart problem, Mr. Hilgard. As a doctor, I suggest that you should keep calm."

Harold shook off his hand and said, "You two got married without my consent, how are you expecting me to keep calm?"

As soon as Harold thought of it, he became furious.

"How did you know it?" Arthur asked in a calm tone and protected Jean behind him so that Harold wouldn't hurt her.

Except for the staff at the City Hall, only their friends knew about their marriage, and they wouldn't tell Harold about it.

"Mario told me. He has a friend who saw you at the City Hall and asked the staff about you!"

God knew how pissed Harold was when he got the phone call from Mario, who told him about Arthur and Jean getting married. Originally, he didn't feel well. However, after getting the news, he didn't feel unwell at all and immediately asked his driver to drive him here.

Harold had never thought that his introverted daughter would do such a rebellious thing. Marriage was a major deal in one's life and she just decided it without even informing him.

When Arthur heard Mario's name, he arched his eyebrows. He didn't know if Mario told Harold the news because he genuinely cared about Jean or if he did it to pick a fight between Harold and him. He wished it was the latter.

Jean stepped forward and said to Harold with a calm face, "We did get married. I love him and I wanted to marry him. It's simple."

She continued, "It's my marriage. I make the choice and I can take any consequence that follows."

"You…" Harold pointed at her nose with a trembling finger and didn't know what to say.

Jean was so disappointed in Harold that she didn't intend to talk nicely with him at all.

"I also did this to make you give up on Mario and me," Jean added. Hearing this, Harold gnashed his teeth and glared at her. Just like that, the father and daughter looked at each other and no one wanted to compromise.

At least, with a groan, Harold covered his chest and staggered. Arthur hurriedly caught him before he fell. As a professional doctor, Arthur asked Jean to call an ambulance while he was doing first-aid for Harold.

When the ambulance arrived, Harold had already been out of danger. However, considering his heart problem, he was sent to the hospital for further treatment.


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