This Bastard is Too Competent

Chapter 138

Chapter 138: I’ll Never Let You Go

After arriving at the Crystal Palace, Ian had a lot of work to do.

The first thing he did was dismiss the watchers who had been secretly spying on the Third Prince. 

Chamberlain spoke in surprise at the word.

“Are you sure it’s okay? Prince Louis, I mean, leaving the Third Prince unattended could be dangerous.”

“You don’t have to worry about my brother.”

Ian smiled.

He couldn’t help it. 

This was because he knew very well where the Third Prince Louis had gone.

‘Thanks to Ceres, things went very easily.’

Ceres, the eldest son of Duke Garcia, had collected information on the Seven Virtues and the Seven Sins.

And interestingly enough, one of them was a place related to his past life. Louis was found there.

Therefore, Ian was able to infer what the Third Prince was aiming for there and what he was planning to do in the future.

It was a small territory.

‘If he is targeting the ruins there, he will waste a few months.’

There was no need to worry until then.

Rather, it was a waste to disperse troops to the Third Prince now.

He would continue to wait until the door of that place opened. 

There was something more important than that now.

“In the current situation, negotiations with the saintess are more important.”

“Then, we will deploy more of the spies who were chasing the Third Prince to the temple and the First Princess.”


Ian smiled.

It was because of the attitude of the chamberlain, who was smarter than expected.

He liked that he didn’t ask why, like some polite knights do, but read exactly what he meant.

But after a while, Chamberlain asked awkwardly.

“However. Prince Ian. What should I do with that item?”

“Just put it in a corner.”

“Is-isn’t that an item given by His Majesty? Even more so…”

The chamberlain broke into a cold sweat, as if he didn’t dare go near it. 

That was natural.

The item given by King Eloin in exchange for stopping Haverion was of great significance. 

That’s right.

[Spear of Execution]

A spear forged from the rarest of minerals. 

Moreover, the dragon drawn on the spear blade was outstanding, as if it were alive and breathing.

The only problem was its use. 

Ian smiled.

“You’re afraid of that spear, aren’t you?”

“Of course I am. It’s not something that insignificant people like us should mess with. That’s… when the royal family does something wrong. Isn’t it meant to end the journey?”

“A journey’s end. That’s a nice way of saying ‘execution.”’ 

“That’s right. How dare the likes of us speak ill of royalty.” 

Usually, criminals were executed by being put on the guillotine.

However, in the case of royal family members, it is impossible to kill them carelessly.

The [Spear of Execution] was the only tool given with impunity to kill such a royalty.

It could be said to be an enormous spear that could kill not only the royal family but also their servants with impunity.

Ian smiled bitterly, without showing it.

‘Anyway, he’s a nasty person.’

The reason King Eloin gave that was probably to mean that Ian should kill Haverion with his own hands.

After all, it was Ian who had instigated the entire chain of events.

‘I don’t know why you hate the Fifth Prince so much.’

But anyway, that is just a symbol.

Ian gave an order to the chamberlain.

“Don’t worry, put it aside. I won’t need it until the big day anyway.” 

“Ah.. I understand.”

The chamberlain carried the [Spear of Execution] in a cold sweat.

Is this the end of it all? 

Ian rested his chin as if he was thinking for a moment and was lost in thought.

At that time, Fiosen came up next to him.

“Prince, are you okay?”

But Ian didn’t answer his question. 

He just looked lost in thought. 

Worried by the sight, Fiosen whispered in Ian’s ear. 

“I wonder… Is it because of what Cardinal Haverion said?” 


Fiosen is a knight.

Duke Lavaltor and other nobles might not have seen it because they were busy watching Fionia. Fiosen saw the shape of Haverion’s mouth through the knight’s outstanding physical ability.

However, Ian did not answer his question.

That was natural.

As Fiosen said, it was because of the shock left by Haverion’s words.

“Your mother is still alive.”

Honestly, who could believe it? 

His mother, who had been dead for more than a few years, was still alive. 

That is, the person Ian himself buried with his own hands.

Ian really couldn’t believe it.

No, he didn’t. 

‘He should say something that makes sense.’

That was obvious. 

It was unbelievable, both in his past life and present. 

Even if his mother were alive, it didn’t make sense for Haverion to know about it.

‘He’s been in the Holy Empire all this time. There’s no way he could know.’

But why would Haverion say such a thing?


‘Obviously, my mother suffered from hard work and illness… and I dug the ground to bury the coffin…’

For a moment, Ian raised his eyebrows.

‘Buried her in the ground? In a coffin?’

Something was off. 

At that time, he was too grief-stricken to properly comprehend what had happened. 

But he couldn’t recall the memory of seeing his mother’s final moments. 

He only remembered the image of his sick mother and the doctor covering her with a sheet.


‘Could it be?’

Was it possible that what Haverion had said held some truth?

It was then.

Fiosen carefully spoke with a surprised expression.

“If what he said bothers you that much, why not go take a look?”

Ian’s hometown, where he was born and raised. 

Ian wanted to visit his mother’s grave there. 

But Ian’s face didn’t look happy at the suggestion. 

“Now… at this time?”

Disposal of Duke García.

Negotiations with a saintess related to Haverion.

Confrontation between the First Princess and the Third Prince.

At the very least, Bahara’s state affairs and the engagement ceremony with Lady Lavaltor.

If he disappeared right now, it wouldn’t be a big problem, but it would be controversial.

But Fiosen slowly lowered his head.

“However, it concerns Your Highness. I’ve heard that she was the only one truly cherished by you. I understand that there are many matters you need to attend to, but… isn’t this equally important?”


Ian narrowed his eyebrows as if he was somewhat dissatisfied.

“Sir Galon… your mouth is lighter than I thought.”

“Ah! That’s not it. This is what Nathan told me.”


Ian paused for a moment.

Come to think of it, when he told Galon about his mother, Nathan had been there too, he remembered. 

But he never expected to share this story with Fiosen.

‘I guess I should repay the favor? Sir Nathan.’

Ian’s smile was filled with murderous intent.

For a moment, Nathan, who was far away on a mission, felt a chill run down his spine. 

But that wasn’t what mattered now.

“No. I’m not going.” 

“Are you sure, Your Highness?”

“I have more pressing matters to attend to. My focus is on moving forward, not dwelling on the past.”

And, in fact, Haverion’s words could have been lies.

It was highly likely that it was a ploy to tie his feet and divert his attention elsewhere.

‘If someone’s hands and feet are bound, the only way to hinder them is to create an external problem.’

This means getting rid of the problematic Ian.

At least if he goes to his mother’s grave, there is a high possibility that he won’t be able to meet the saint.

But it was out of the question.

‘I am not fooled by you, Haverion.’

Otherwise, there was no way he would have known about his mother.

Fiosen was about to interject, but he hesitated upon catching sight of Ian’s resolute gaze. 

The look of a man who understood the implications of his own decision. 

Perhaps Haverion’s words were true, but he could sense the unwavering determination in Ian’s eyes to reach the throne. 

A determination to never let anyone get in his way. 

So Fiosen asked slightly cautiously.

“Still, how about sending someone to check?”

“Okay. Then let’s do it.”

Ian allowed it, as if he had no choice.

But there was work to do before that.

‘Haverion, that look of yours… I’ve clearly…’

Ian had discovered something hidden in Haverion’s gaze.

His mother wasn’t the only living person he was talking about. 

The certainty in his eyes that Ian would never actually take the throne was troubling.  

So, Ian ordered Fiosen.

“Sir Fiosen. I have a task for you.” 

“Please order.”

Ian’s eyes carried a serious weight as he spoke.

“I want you to investigate the First Prince.” 

“Pardon? You mean the deceased First Prince?”

“Not only how he lived, but also how he died. And be sure to investigate what happened after death.”

Fiosen tilted his head.

Certainly, the First Prince was the greatest genius in Kaistein, and all the people of Kaistein and all faction nobles had no doubt that he would become king, and even the king did not consider any successor other than the First Prince.

He was a decent person.

The current “Succession War” had originated from the aftermath of his death.

In any case, Fiosen seemed to not understand why Ian was looking for the dead First Prince instead of looking for his mother.

But Ian had already given the order.

Fiosen bowed his head to Ian.

“I will obey your orders.”

Ian’s eyes became cold.

‘If the First Prince is alive…’

And if it has anything to do with Haverion.

Or, if his work had anything to do with his death in his past life.

‘I will not let him live.’ 

There was such anger in his eyes. 



Clip-clop. Clip-clop.

A huge number of horses were running through the field, escorting the carriage.

The carriage was wrapped in white cloth, and there was not a speck of dust on it.

It felt sacred just for its very existence.

That was natural.

“Saintess. We will soon arrive at the border of Kaistein.”

This was because the owner of the carriage was a saintess.

And she was a woman respected not only for her divine power but also on the continent. 

Even in the Holy Empire, she was someone who couldn’t be taken lightly, except perhaps by the Pope. josei

Though her face was concealed by a veil, she seemed to emit a radiant light.

The man next to her asked the priest across from her, “So what happened to Haverion?”

“I am sorry to tell you, sir. All of his sins have been revealed, and they are preparing him for execution, but he happened to use [Berserk] and—” 


“I, I apologize.”

At the man’s words, the priest fell flat in the narrow carriage.

He looked like he was scared of something.

It was understandable, considering that the priest had previously served Haverion closely. 

When he was captured, he had managed to escape from Kaistein and flee to the Holy Empire. The fact that he was still alive could be seen as nothing short of a miracle.

‘One wrong word and I might be killed…’

That was natural.

The man next to the saintess was one of the most prominent cardinals in the Holy Empire. 

It was even higher than Haverion.

[Cardinal Cesare, ranked fifth in the Holy Empire.]

The priest trembled, unable to speak. 

Cesare began to get irritated.

“That stupid guy. Cause trouble. Going up to the execution table. How dare you make such a mistake as his aide.”

“I-I apologize. I never thought the Seventh Prince would make such preparations…”

“And who allowed him to wield that power?”

“That’s… Lord Haverion…”

“What are you doing! That guy is no longer an executive!”

“I-I apologize.”

Of all people, it had to be that guy. 

But even with Cesare’s dissatisfaction, the saintess remained silent, merely gazing outside as if she had no interest. 

Moments later, Cesare pressed his foot against the bowed head of the priest.


The priest’s head soon hit the floor of the carriage.

But the priest simply gritted his teeth in pain. He did not utter a word. 

Cesare pursed his lips.

“You dare not show proper respect to your master. You deserve to die.” 

It was time for the cardinal to slowly strengthen his legs.

The priest opened his mouth urgently.

“Well.. there is a way. Haverion. No, there is only one way to save Haverion…”

The cardinal’s feet stopped at the priest’s words.

But that was only for a moment.

“The First Prince. Why don’t you use the First Prince of Kaistein?” 

“I don’t need the dead man’s name.” 

“Now.. just a moment.. ugh…”


In an instant, the priest’s head exploded.

Cesare spoke in a cold tone.

“Clean it up.”


The door of the carriage swung open, and the inquisitors swiftly removed the lifeless body of the priest. 

Cesare then turned to the man who had been seated next to the now-deceased priest.

“Is it the same for you too?”

Cesare’s words made his subordinates shiver.

It was obvious that if he didn’t speak up quickly, his head would explode and he would die.

The priest opened his mouth urgently.

“There are still—there are still people on our side who remain in Kaistein. Why don’t we use them?” 

“Ohh. Who remains?”

Ceres of the Garcia family was on the run, and Haverion, the Fifth Prince, was being prepared for execution.

Who could possibly help the Holy Empire? 

The priest smiled at Cesare’s question and answered. 

“The Marquis of Adelas remains.” 

“I see.” 

Cesare then placed his bloody shoes on the floor.

The priest quickly knelt down in the carriage and began wiping the blood away with his priest’s clothes.

Cesare said it with a smile.

“Contact Marquis Adelas. Tell him I am coming.”

“Understood, Your Eminence.”

Cesare gave a chilling smile to the saintess.

“Don’t worry. Everything will be fine.”


And the saintess remained silent.

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