This Earth Is A Bit Fearsome

Chapter 440 - Come Here and Face Your Fate

Chapter 440 - Come Here and Face Your Fate

Chapter 440: Come Here and Face Your Fate


That old dragon then looked up at the sky and let out an intense roar. The sound was so terrifying that over half of Fu City could hear it. The soundwaves spread out in all directions like raging waves.

Such an intense roar seemed to have shaken the entire sky.

The dragon’s ferocious and intimidating presence shrouded the entirety of Yunxuan Villa. Had it not been for the barrier blocking the effects out, the entire place would have been instantly engulfed by that terrifying aura.

Lu Xuan kept his arms crossed in front of his chest as he looked at that old dragon with cold eyes.

The terrifying pressure that the old dragon emanated was unable to pose even the slightest threat to him.

Lu Xuan then casually said, “Ao Chen, what’s the point in bringing up something so insignificant, huh? If that’s all you’ve got, I’m afraid you’ll be joining your son in death today.”

As soon as Lu Xuan mentioned his son, Ao Chen’s eyes flickered with a strong sense of murderous intent.

“You truly are a sly one. You try to provoke and make me hesitate by using such tricks. Are such underhanded tactics all you know?” Ao Chen then retorted coldly. There was no mistaking the flicker of murderous intent in its eyes.

The old dragon did not just act on impulse.

That massive body of the old dragon continued to swim around in the sky.

Ao Chen said as it glowered at Lu Xuan, “You’re the one who made me personally come here! If one son is dead, I could just have another. But you… you’re nothing more than a thorn in my side. As long as you’re still around, the great endeavor of the demons can never happen!”

As Lu Xuan looked at Ao Chen standing in front of him, he did not think the old dragon said anything absurd. Considering how Ao Chen usually acted as a proud tyrant, what he said was not all that impossible.

The fact that Ao Chen’s only offspring was killed should’ve been enough to enrage it on its own, but the main reason he ultimately decided to come to Earth had to be Lu Xuan.

Ao Chen knew that the human did all that he could to force it to advent because he was worried that Ao Chen would grow to be too large of a threat. As such, he wanted to get rid of it before it became too difficult to deal with in the future.

Even after all this time, that had always been the main reason for his actions.

Lu Xuan then continued in a chilling tone, “I understand what you are trying to do, but that will not change the fact that you will die today.”

Ao Chen became so enraged by what Lu Xuan said that it started smirking. It said, “Some guts you have there. No wonder people consider you to be the best amongst humans. I would have never met someone like you even back all those ages ago!”

Although a hint of acknowledgment and appreciation towards someone could be seen in the dragon’s eyes, the unmistakable, frightening murderous intent remained even more intense.

Having been around for at least a thousand years, the old dragon’s perspective on the world was much different.

In all those years Ao Chen had lived, it seemed to have never met another human being like Lu Xuan.

Even so, that was exactly why murderous intent boiled in his mind. There was no way it could afford to allow someone like that to live. Otherwise, all of that talk about the mighty undertaking of the demons would be little more than a pipe dream.

The old dragon knew all too well one of the main reasons why humans rose from being food in the past to currently being the dominant species of Earth: they had a group of unmatched geniuses leading the rest of humanity.

It was obvious that one such genius was Lu Xuan, who now stood before the old dragon.

That old dragon continued to glare at Lu Xuan with cold eyes as if it were searching for something to provoke and enrage him. Meanwhile, its body continued to swim about as it did so.

All of a sudden, it instantly transformed into a very stout and imposing man who looked to be in his forties or fifties.

The man wore scale armor and held a halberd in his hand, making him seem like a legendary warrior had been reborn.

The terrifying pressure that the old dragon usually emanated wildly swept all over the place.

Someone with such a level of cultivation was deemed nearly invincible on Earth in its current state.


A terrifying aura immediately burst from Lu Xuan’s body before shooting to the heavens like a golden pillar, which was every bit just as intimidating.

They both stood facing each other from afar. The scene garnered the attention of several nearby fighters.

A good number of fighters were gathered nearby in huge numbers and packing like sardines.

They all knew that the battle had begun an extremely long time ago. Lu Xuan being that old dragon’s target was hardly considered a secret. What nobody else knew was when the old dragon planned to strike.

As such, there were all kinds of spies and scouts lurking about around both the Yunxuan Villa and the Heavenly Palace’s headquarters in Beijing.

Lu Xuan knew all too well what those people were trying to do, but he did not chase them off because he found it utterly pointless.

Doing so would have only made his intentions even more obvious. As such, he simply did nothing and let them enjoy a good show. There was nothing for him to be afraid of, after all.

The scouts and spies who had completely gathered around by then were from various forces and organizations in a variety of countries all over the world.

They all came as soon as they caught wind of that ferocious aura, but they still arrived a little later than planned. They were only able to see Lu Xuan and Ao Chen giving each other terrifying glares.

The massive corpses of both the eagle king and the white snake laid nearby the scene, right below Yunxuan Villa.

While nobody saw for themselves what happened, they could still sense just how terrifying that previous battle had been.

They all recognized those two monsters, especially that eagle king who could easily repel attacks of nuclear missiles against that spatial fissure.

The spectators would never forget what transpired back then; it was a testament that nuclear weapons, which humanity treated as its trump card, were not very useful.

In other words, while the nuclear weapons could still be of use, it was easy to find the weaknesses of many of them.

One of the formidable cultivators from Huaxia said with their mouth agape, “There is no denying that the old dragon is powerful. It had been able to easily wreck all the nuclear submarines that the nations sent at it, after all. Hell, this itself is terrifying. I may be only watching it from afar, but I could already feel its pressure cutting down on me like blades.”

Something like the dragon had a very special place in Huaxian mythology. That old dragon was just as special to them, if not even something else altogether.

The other cultivators from the west or even from Japan and Korea did not have much of a choice. After all, none of them would have even dared to think about fighting either that old dragon or Lu Xuan.

They deemed it best if both of them could successfully kill each other.

With the halberd in his hand, the old dragon pointed at Lu Xuan and said, “You. Come here and face your fate!”

Lu Xuan simply replied, “Enough talk. Just die already.”

Neither of them was willing to back off. josei

Ao Chen looked at Lu Xuan and said, “If I were at my prime, I could have easily killed you with only one claw!” There was a raging aura about him, bursting with a presence so intimidating that everyone would see him as a tyrant.

Lu Xuan chuckled coldly and said, “Well if I were at my prime, you would not even be able to withstand an attack from even my finger!”

“Hahahaha, what insolence! What insolence indeed!”

Ao Chen immediately burst into laughter with a frenzied look in his eyes.

Ao Chen then made a move at the very next instant. All of that talk before was only made to cover that ambush of an attack.

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