This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 115

Chapter 115

South gate of the outpost.

Carrying dozens of kilograms of wild boar and 300g of coarse salt, Yu Hu and Li Niu staggered out of the gate.

Both of them couldn't handle alcohol very well. After all, they usually didn't have the opportunity to drink, so they were already slightly drunk after just a few shots; they couldn't even walk in a straight line after coming out of the outpost.

However, their minds were clear.

"Hu-zi, is this really okay?"

"You mean leaving Xiaoyu here?"

Li Niu nodded. "Mhm."

Yu Hu thought with a frown, but then quickly shook his head. "I don't know either, but Big Brother Chu is not a bad guy."

Li Niu whispered. "Xiaoyu is old enough to get married. Are you not worried that... people will gossip about it?"

"I dare them! I'll beat them up!" Yu Hu raised his voice, but soon realized that this was not realistic. After all, he only had a pair of fists, how was he going to beat everyone up?

Only beating up that little bastard of the Wang family wouldn't be a problem for him.

"It's fine. It's okay for her to stay there. In fact, it's better for her not to come back," Yu Hu shook his head, slightly sober under the north wind, and muttered, "Anyway, following Big Brother Chu is definitely much better than where we are."

Li Niu nodded.

He agreed with this.

Although he didn't know Big Brother Chu very well, so many blue-coated people were working for him, so he must be an important person like the town mayor.

The two stopped talking and focused on travelling across the wasteland. They crossed the snow, walked through the ruins, bypassed a group of hyenas fighting over some big rats, and safely got into the entrance to Bett Street.

The snow had stopped for a while, so the way back was not difficult.

The guard, Walter, was standing guard at the gate with a cigarette in his mouth and a shotgun in his hand, completely ignoring the two of them.

The two walked quickly through the front gate and were about to walk into the alley, but when they passed by the door of old Charlie's grocery store, they were stopped by the old man.

"You two, wait a second."

Yu Hu and Li Niu stopped, looked at each other first, and then looked at old Charlie.

"...What's wrong?"

Old Charlie used to be the mayor's butler. After retiring, he was arranged to run the grocery store, where he supplied many things to the people in the town.

For this butler who could get along well with the traveling merchants from everywhere, the surviving townspeople still held a certain level of respect or even awe.

After all, those merchants always looked down on them, but they were able to have joyful conversations with old Charlie.

However, respect was a thing of the past.

After doing business with Brother Chu's people, Yu Hu became more and more aware that this old Charlie was actually not a good person, and he was the same as the town mayor. He would always sell goods of inferior quality to them.

In the words of Brother Chu, it was "not doing things by the rules".

All in all, he wasn't a good guy.

Old Charlie glanced at the plastic bag in their hands, then at the falling snow on their shoulders. His nose twitched slightly, and he narrowed his cloudy eyes slightly.

"Did you go to the north?" He asked.

The two hurriedly shook their heads. "No, no."

They indeed went to the north, but they did not want to admit it. They believed that even if the old man figured out that they were lying, he would not be able to do anything to them.

"Don't go north, it's not safe over there."

After staring at the two for a while, Old Charlie looked away from them. He didn't continue, but waved his hand and sent them away.

At this time, Wang Biao, the eldest son of the Wang family, came from the entrance carrying a hyena cub, and happily threw it on the wooden table next to him.

"Old butler, I just caught a hyena, and it is a cub! Can you check if the town mayor wants it? If he wants it, I can deliver it to the slaughter stall."

Although old Charlie was no longer a butler, everyone still called him that way.

Charlie glanced at the dead hyena cub on the table.

The hyena's meat had a strong gamey smell, and it would stink if it was not processed in time. The survivors in the nearby area would grind a kind of Red Rib Tobacco leaves, a specialty of Brown Farm, and smear it on the meat before smoking it with fire to remove the unpleasant smell.

Healthy or not was another matter, but it could really cover up the smell.

Unlike adult hyenas, hyena cubs were an exception. Their meat was very tender, and their leg meat was the best delicacy.

It was said that it was because they had just weaned and hadn't eaten much carrion.

"You can leave it." Old Charlie opened the drawer, took out 4 chips, and threw them on the table.

Wang Biao took the chips with an excited and joyful expression.

4 chips!

It could be exchanged for 200g of brown salt!

It was not terrible that there was no meat to eat this time. For experienced hunters, as long as they were patient and careful enough, they would always be able to catch something.

But it would be deadly if they didn't have salt. If they didn't eat enough salt, they wouldn't have enough strength. If they didn't have the strength, they would not be able to catch any prey. And if they couldn't catch any prey, their own family would starve.

Just when Wang Biao was about to leave, Charlie suddenly stopped him. "One second."

Wang Biao stopped and asked with a simple and honest smile. "What's wrong, Old Butler?"

Charlie asked. "You live next to the Yu family's house, right?"

Wang Biao nodded quickly. "Yes, we're not far from their house."

"Help me keep an eye on their youngest son, his name is... Yu Hu, I think? Anyway, if he goes to the north someday, follow him and find out where he went." Charlie thought for a moment, then continued, "If you discover anything, don't alarm him; just come back and report to me immediately. The reward will not be lower than the amount you have in your hands now."

Wang Biao was overjoyed and gripped the chips in his hands tighter.

"Don't worry! I'll definitely keep an eye on them for you."

"Keep your voice down," Charlie reprimanded him, looking left and right. Seeing that no one noticed, he waved his hand and drove him away, "You can leave now."

Yu Hu and Li Niu divided the meat and salt and went back to their own homes.

When Yu Xiong came out of the door and saw Yu Hu coming back alone, he was dazed for a moment. Then he was hit with a strong smell of alcohol that made him instinctively take a few sniffs.

"Did you drink?" He asked.

Yu Hu blushed and scratched the back of his head, embarrassed.

"Uh, I drank a little… But it wasn't my fault, I drank it because Big Brother Chu forced me to drink."

Yu Xiong glanced behind him, but he didn't see anyone or a trail of small footprints. He could not help asking. "Where's Xiaoyu?"

Yu Hu hesitated for a long while before saying. "She... er, stayed there."

Hearing this, Yu Xiong's eyes widened in shock. "You left her there alone??"

Yu Hu quickly explained. "I didn't leave her there, it was Xiaoyu who said that she wanted to help Big Brother Chu, so I asked Big Brother Chu if it's okay. Big Brother Chu is a good person, there won't be any problems!"

"What can she do to possibly help him!?" Yu Xiong didn't believe this nonsense.

He once ate a cake baked by Xiaoyu. It almost chipped his teeth off. In the end, he could only throw it into the pot and boil it until it was mushy.

Yu Hu tried to explain in a hurry, but he also didn't know what Xiaoyu could do to help Big Brother Chu, so he couldn't explain it clearly. "I, I, I don't know. Why don't you ask Big Brother Chu? We can go there and ask him now."

Yu Xiong didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "Don't. Forget it. It's already very late. Sigh, you... How do you want me to explain this to dad later? Tell him that you went to exchange the salt and left your little sister there as a payment for the drink?"

Yu Hu hurriedly said. "Please, brother, Dad will kill me if you tell him like that." He was almost on the verge of crying.

Yu Xiong shook his head and sighed. "Or you tell him yourself."

Yu Hu muttered while lowering his head. "I still don't think it's a bad decision. They even have spare grains to make alcohol... Xiaoyu definitely won't be hungry over there. Brother, if you are still worried, I can go there everyday to check on her. If Xiaoyu is being bullied, I will take her back immediately!"

Yu Xiong looked at the sky and sighed. "Forget it, I won't say anything. Just do what you want."

Since it had already come to this point, what else could he say?

He could only wait and see how it would turn out..

... josei

Shelter outpost.

The players in the square looked curiously at the direction of the nursing home, chatting and gossiping.

"Who is that little girl next to the administrator?"

"Yu Xiaoyu, the NPC of Bett Street. It's written on the official website. All veteran players know that there were a few stories about Bett Street before, and people on the forum had discussed them before. You should be able to find them in the old posts."

"What the hell! I'm a newbie, nobody told me this before!"

"By the way, did I miss something again?"

"Klee! Oh, not Klee… but It's not important. She's so cute! I can't hold back anymore!"

"Hello, is this FBI? I think something is wrong with this person, come and take him away. What? It's inconvenient for you to do it? I can do it for you!"

"I'll execute him! "


Residential lobby on floor B1.

Xia Yan, who was sitting at the wooden table studying the foreign language, stared straight at Chu Guang since he brought Xiaoyu back from the outside.

Seeing that she had nothing to do, and even had time to gawk at him, Chu Guang threw two silver coins on the table in front of her and said, "Go to the east gate market and buy some milk for me."

Xiaoyu had gone to floor B2 to take a bath. Although the players were very curious about this new little girl, there was Little Seven next to her, so Chu Guang wasn't worried.

All day today, Xiaoyu's performance was very obedient and very good. She learned very fast, basically mastering everything he had taught her.

Especially that kind of diligence and eagerness to learn, a certain female NPC really should learn from her.

Chu Guang was never stingy with rewards for a hardworking good kid, whether it was an NPC or a player.

However, always eating sugar was not good for teeth, it was best to drink some milk, which would help her body grow. Even if she couldn't grow taller, she would become healthier.

And after she officially started her job, Chu Guang decided to order a set of more recognizable clothes for her.

After all, her job was quite important.

Maybe even more important than the weapons store and the warehouse combined.

Seeing the two silver coins rolling on the table, Xia Yan widened her eyes in surprise, and kept moving her eyes back and forth between the silver coins and Chu Guang's faces repeatedly.

It seemed unbelievable to her.

Finally, she couldn't help but say. "You want a disabled person to help you run errands, are you not ashamed?"

You are the one who should be ashamed!

Chu Guang, who was about to open the computer to edit the document, glanced at her like he was looking at a fool.

"I didn't let you go by yourself. You can let the players do it for you. Did you forget what I taught you already? Open the VM, select the task window, click the create button, and then make up a reasonable reason... For example, say you can't sleep without drinking milk every day. Then you can either choose someone and assign the task to them, or post it on the public channel."

"Understood, the administrator must drink milk before going to bed at night... I, I, I'm sorry. It, it's me who wants to drink it."

The moment Chu Guang looked at her, Xia Yan instantly lost her courage. She pressed the backspace button with a look of pity, deleted the task that had just been created, and changed it to what Chu Guang forced her to write.

Very good.

Looking at the obedient Xia Yan, Chu Guang nodded with satisfaction.

It feels great to be a handsome man. I just need to give her a look, then she will understand what I mean immediately. I don't even need to speak to change her mind. Chu Guang thought to himself.

Actually, it didn't matter what Boss Xia wrote on the task panel.

There were two types of tasks that NPCs could issue on VMs. One was the tasks preset by him. They could be sent point-to-point without the need to be within signal range of the shelter.

Another type of the task was self-created ones. They would need to be sent to the server first. After being reviewed by Little Seven, they would then be distributed to a player's device, or distributed to all players as [Daily Tasks], [Random Tasks] in the public task area.

In other words, as long as Chu Guang asked Little Seven, no matter what Boss Xia wrote on the task panel, he would be able to correct it to what he wanted her to write.

"It's done… A player named Ya Ya accepted it."

Ya Ya.


When she bought it over, I will let her try it first.

"Okay." Chu Guang responded simply and ignored her, continuing to type on the computer.

Listening to the annoying typing sound, Xia Yan, who was thinking about her own things, couldn't read the book anymore. Eventually, she couldn't help but ask. "... Speaking of which, what's going on with that little girl? Don't get me wrong, I'm just asking. I don't think you would be interested in a little—"

Chu Guang frowned and pressed the backspace key. Because of the interruption, he just made a typo.

"It's nothing. You just need to remember that she'll be your roommate from now on." He gave a perfunctory reply.

"Wait, roommate?" Xia Yan became anxious and said quickly, "Aren't there more empty rooms available? Why do you want me to be her roommate? I don't know how to look after a kid."

Not bad, at least she knows what she isn't good at.

But then again, she might be the one who would end up being looked after by Xiaoyu.

Chu Guang said casually. "I need you to teach her the everyday language of the players. The things in the book in your hand."

Xia Yan said in a low voice. "But, but I haven't mastered it myself..."

Besides, if we live together, wouldn't there be no privacy at all?

There are clearly other empty rooms.

Chu Guang took his hands off the keyboard and looked at her with interest.

"It's fine if you haven't mastered it. You can learn together. Whenever she masters the language in the book, I'll let her move to other rooms. Maybe she will learn much quicker than you."

This stupid woman even has the audacity to say this?

It's been so long, but she still hasn't learned how to scold people in beautiful Mandarin. It's just a few words, what's so difficult to learn?

"How is that possible!"

"Hehe, then we'll wait and see."

Ignoring the arguing Boss Xia, Chu Guang continued to look at the computer screen and typed the last few words and punctuation.

"...The rest is just copying and pasting."

Looking at the results of his work that he wrote in less than half an hour, a happy smile appeared on Chu Guang's face.

Alpha 0.6 version!

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