This Game Is Too Realistic

Chapter 90.1

Chapter 90.1: Explosion Is Art!

Chapter 90: Explosion Is Art!

Eleven o'clock in the evening.

It’s been a while since the snow stopped.

In the dark night, the players who carried weapons were spread out in an arc through the woods, digging foxholes on the ground with shovels and quickly building simple trenches.

"This is so much fun! I just entered the game, but this is already the second team battle!"

"Don't you dare steal my kill later, I want to get a Pentakill!"

"Screw you, I have to stay away from you later. Don't use me to make up your kill count when that time comes."josei

"Am I that kind of person?!"

"Who knows."

No one panicked. Everyone was excited, as if they had been injected with a stimulant.

What made this game so real was that its atmosphere was so realistic.

It felt like a real war!

The rustling in the woods concealed the whispers of the players.

Fully armed, Chu Guang stood with the sledgehammer, his hands resting on the end of the sledgehammer’s handle as his dark pupils stared towards the north intently.

He was betting.

He was betting that Hein was on the side of his interests, and that he had successfully persuaded the leader of the Bloodhand Clan to march in the dark and split a part of his troops to the northwestern creek.

Of course, Chu Guang also prepared for the worst; that was, Hein standing on the other side of loyalty and choosing to help his former trading partners so that he would have to face the main force of the Bloodhand Clan head-on.

This would be a close and difficult battle.

But he was not worried.

Even if the losses of both sides were 1:1, he was still at an advantage.

At this time, a perception-type player ran from a distance, stood in front of Chu Guang, and reported with excitement. "Dear Administrator, the people of Bloodhand Clan have left the camp and are moving in our direction!"

Chu Guang was overjoyed.

However, instead of showing his emotions on his face, he asked a question with a stern expression. "Is the equipment set up?"

"Already set up!"

"Very well. Pass my order—every team must act according to plan!"

"Yes!" The player stood at attention with his right fist pressed to his chest and then ran away excitedly.

Thinking of the "equipment" that had been set up nearby, he shivered in exhilaration.

This was too exciting!


The North Gate of Wetland Park.

A group of people was standing in the dark.

Most of them wore animal skin coats with homemade metal, wood, or leather protective gear tied to vital parts. Blood-red patterns decorated their arms, necks, and faces, and the weapons they carried were even more diverse.

Although they looked like a group of mobs in terms of temperament and garb, their combat effectiveness was, in fact, not as weak as it seemed.

Everyone here was an experienced veteran, and even the elite of Bloodhand Clan!

Dressed in heavy armor, Bear, who rode on the back of a rhino with a nose ring while carrying a double-barreled shotgun in his hand, squinted his eyes to gaze at the dark forest.

At the entrance of the forest, a sign with a skull and crossbones was inserted, and on it written in scribbled handwriting was--

[Private Territory! Enter At Your Own Risk.]

The corners of his mouth curled up in a playful arc, and Bear cast a glance at the subordinate next to him.

The marauder understood what he wanted and immediately carried the axe forward. He raised his hand and hacked down the axe, splitting the sign in half diagonally.

"Let's bring destruction to their heads!"

"Everyone, march!"

Bear let out a hearty laugh and waved his big hand to signal everyone to march forward. He kicked the mutant rhino under him with his heel and moved in front of the team.

The rhino started to move forward with heavy steps. At the same time, the fifty-five marauders who were following him also pressed forward under the leadership of the five squad leaders.

At this time, Bear suddenly had an idea. He immediately called his confidant that followed him.

The man's name was "Horse". He had a long face and was about 1.9 meters tall. He was a lot taller than other people, and he was the bravest squad leader amongst his men.

Bear looked down at him and ordered. "You, lead your subordinates to raid the brick kiln by the river in the west. Capture anyone that can be captured. After that, meet me in the south."

Horse clasped his fist. "Yes!"

After saying that, the squad leader immediately led his ten subordinates and lurked towards the west without any delay.

Eleven people.

That was more than enough people to raid a camp in the dark.

Then, Bear looked at the rest of his men with a cruel smile on his face.

"We go south."

"And wait for them at the front!"


Although the heavy snow had stopped for a while, the cold in the forest did not dissipate. The north wind kept blowing through the forest, making the rustling sound that made the men nervous.

Horse did not dare to take the command given by their leader lightly, and was careful to watch out for threats in the forest while moving quickly towards the river to the west.

Fortunately, there was no ambush lying in wait here.

Perhaps, as the merchant said, these savage survivors were having their open-air meeting in the camp and didn't even notice that death was approaching.

At the edge of the forest, a swaying campfire could already be seen.

A group of marauders quickened their pace and moved quickly in the direction of the light.

Soon, they found a row of shacks built along the southwest side of the river.

Though the doors of the shacks were covered with plastic sheeting, the people inside could not be seen, with the axes and shovels used to dig up the wasteland left by the door.

In the center of the shacks was a campfire made of stone, and by it still remained some bones that had just been gnawed away.

Looking at the camp in front of him, a cruel smile gradually appeared on Horse's face. He loaded the iron-barreled rifle in his hand and inserted a bayonet into the slot under the barrel.

"We’ll sneak in soon without making any noise."

"We don't need to fire our guns. Try not to use them."

"If anyone resists, just kill them!"

At the command of their boss, the marauders either equipped their barrels with a bayonet or pulled out the mace, short spear, and other melee weapons from their waist, ready to slaughter the enemy in their sleep.

A group of people approached quietly and entered the camp silently. They tacitly divided into two people per shack, flanking the left and right sides of the door.

Seeing that all the shacks were under control, Horse raised his right fist and made a gesture of action. The group of people acted together immediately and opened the doors of the shacks with bayonets——


Everyone was stunned.

There was nothing inside.

No, it couldn't be said that there was nothing.

In almost every shack, there was an iron bucket covered with wood tar.

"Disperse!" Horse's face changed wildly, and he who was the first to react shouted out in a panic.

However, it was still one step late.

About ten or so flaming projectiles flew from the other side of the river like locusts, landing in the camp one after another.

The plastic sheets on the shacks were ignited by the fire and instantly shrank into balls of burning oil droplets, falling into the iron barrels containing wood tar and gunpowder.


The explosions induced by the chain reaction rang out in the camp one after another. The marauders who had dispersed and escaped had just escaped halfway before they were swallowed by the thick smoke contained in iron flakes and the light of the explosion.

Two marauders were killed on the spot!

The remaining nine were heavily wounded!

One of the unlucky ones was lit by the flaming oil that splashed out. He dropped to the ground and rolled frantically, screaming and crying in pain.

His screams became weaker and weaker, and soon completely stopped.

Seeing the miserable appearances of his subordinates, Horse's eyes were bloodshot. He gritted his teeth and roared. "You cowards!"

"Come out and fight me like a man!"

"Cough--" The smoke choked his throat.

Ignoring the bloody wound on his back, he lowered his head and broke out of the thick smoke. Then, he raised the rifle in his hand and continuously fired toward the other side of the river.

Bang, bang, bang!

The flames flickered, and the sound of gunfire was chaotic.

The other marauders also fired back in the direction where the bows and arrows came from. However, after they had fired more than a dozen shots, they couldn't tell if they had hit anything. They just watched the arrows sail above their heads.

Morale began to falter.

Horse panicked along with his men, and they began to retreat.

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