This is a Beta Test?! - A Literally Broken System

Chapter 106 21.4 First Dungeon?

Chapter 106 21.4 First Dungeon?

Having nothing better to do, the three of us that weren't Guidance all stood in a line with the dev pacing in front of us like a drill sergeant. It would've been more intimidating if she was taller than me, but for now, the pure annoyance that was rolling off her was more than enough to keep me in line.

Then again, she was kind of justified in her anger.

"First off, just because I told you to act as our tank doesn't mean you can just walk in and not expect to die," Guidance ranted on Maruki, her disdain coming off in spades as she frowned. "You held aggro, at least. So the only thing I can tell you is to at least contribute to the damage."

"Of course, Lady Guidance!"

"And stop shouting all the time," the dev sighed, her ears probably ringing from all the action. "We can hear you loud and clear."

I almost let out a chuckle that I wholly didn't deserve to let out. I've been in these types of situations before, and being a smug idiot was bound to land me in a heap of trouble.

"As for you," Guidance continued on, her gaze landing on Shizu as the poor princess shrank in on herself. "I know you can kill anything that your fists might reach, but at least try and not get hit in the process."

"But I was already doing that," Shizu whined. "I don't even have any injuries."

"That's because I healed them all away," Guidance rolled her eyes. "And it's not easy to just constantly throw out [Moves] like they're going out of style. They still need [MP]. [MP] that's far from infinite."

I found myself agreeing with her words. Although, she was the one that programmed her [Moves] herself, right? Why not just make them low-cost? In fact, why not even make them grant invulnerability or something?

"You have a question, don't you? Moriya?"

Wha- "E-Excuse me?"

"You're obviously thinking about something," Guidance scoffed as she turned her attention to me. "I may not be the most social of people, but I can still read your face like an open book. Seriously, you're grimacing and rolling your eyes at me just now."

"I was?" I didn't even notice that...

"I'd like to think that you're the voice of reason here, so tell me what you have in mind."

Sparing a glance at the two other people on the receiving end of Guidance's rant, their lacking reaction was telling that they won't say a word. Well, at least for Maruki. Shizu actually managed to recover enough to snigger at me.

The nerve of this princess...

"Well, you made your [Moves], right?" I hesitantly began. "Shouldn't you have just, I don't know, made them broken?"

"I would've if I could, Moriya," she sighed, placing a hand on her forehead as if cradling a headache. "And I'd think that you of all people would know exactly why that is."

E-Eh? What in the world possessed her to think that I was some kind of psychic? I wasn't some kind of genius. I was above average, sure, but I'm no Einstein or some of those Mary Sues that somehow knew exactly what to say at exactly the right time and got all the girls.

"Uhh, no, I don't?" I almost sarcastically intoned, my own annoyance starting to build. "At least don't assume that I know everything."josei

"Oh? Then why- Wait... Never mind..."

Seeing her sigh was both great and alarming. Now it was my turn to get curious. "What is it?"

"N-Nothing," the dev sighed once more. "I'm just getting carried away for some reason. Damn... This isn't like me at all..."

Ookay.... Her words just removed the great and went straight into alarming. Was something happening to us the longer we stayed here?

"Why don't we all just forget about this and move forward, yeah?" I hurriedly suggested. "We're already making the two we left behind to wait for longer than they need to. And who knows what Shade might do to Shen?"

"Come now! Shade is one, if not honorable!" Maruki chuckled aloud. "He will never harm a child!"

"On that, I agree. To both of you," Guidance shook her head as if to clear her thoughts. "Just remember what I said, okay? No unnecessary risks. We're not immortal. We can die just as easily if we let our guard down."

For some reason, I felt Shizu's gaze pierce me from the side, as if she was chuckling from the inside. I guess she found mortality funny.

"Of course!" Maruki bellowed out, his shield back in the forefront of his stance. "I shall make sure to lighten your load, Lady Guidance! For my duty will not be denied!"


How very helpful of these subtitles to spell out exactly what just happened, cause for some reason, Maruki's shield was glowing again. This time, however, it was practically lighting up the entire room!

"W-What're you-"

"All who oppose the Empire will be swiftly eradicated!" Maruki proudly declared, slamming the side of his sword on his shield as shockwaves began pouring out of him again. "Get behind me, my Princess! My allies! I shall see you all to safety!"

Before any of us could even question what just happened, the paladin was already walking forward, his shield being the vanguard as he literally lit the way forward. The three of us left behind shared a look; disappointment, annoyance, and resignation all mixing together as we all reluctantly followed behind him.

"I-I'll do my best to improve, Guidance," Shizu whispered out. "I'll be careful next time."

"That's all I ask, Shizu," the dev weakly smiled. "Thanks."

"Well, at least that's taken care of," I shrugged. "Any idea on what's coming next?"

"If the pattern holds, it'll be a boss," Guidance hummed to herself. "And don't think you're getting away scot-free. You have your own problems that need addressing."

"Well, of course," I chuckled. "I can't just stand around and let everyone around me do their jobs, no?"

"Exactly," the dev scoffed. "That, and you're constantly off in your own world. At least do that while you're killing things."

I chuckled at her points, as did Shizu as we all moved as one. I guess I really was taking my sweet ass time thinking to myself. Maybe I should lessen that a bit and see where it'll lead me.


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