This is a Beta Test?! - A Literally Broken System

Chapter 307 57.6R Item Creation?

Chapter 307 57.6R Item Creation?



Guidance's world exploded as soon as she felt her boyfriend's hands finally move in the way that her body wanted them to move for what felt like hours. Her body arched and writhed, her nerves forcibly making her back arch as she instinctively let the deluge of pleasure flow through her like electricity on a live wire.


She screamed her heart out, her actual heart actually feeling like it would burst from the overwhelming sensations as her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She was still lucid, sure, but the rush of pleasure bursting from her pelvis was making her head spin in ways it hadn't done before. Even back when she first had sex, this was far beyond what she had achieved from the first of her many 'great orgasms' as she had called them. They were mind-blowing, sure, but this was...

If she could describe it, she'd probably say that it was so life-changing that she was losing memories for each second that she remained in such a state.

"M-Moriya! Don't stop!~"

Thankfully, her boyfriend heeded her words as his fingers kept moving. At this point, her insides were starting to crave something more filling and life-giving, but the sheer pleasure that his fingers' movements were doing to her made it tolerable enough that she didn't care. Sure, it would be nice if he suddenly- "AAHHHHHHHH!!!!"

"Nghh... You're as tight as always, Guidance..."

Her eyes went wide as the sudden intrusion almost made her go over the edge of her ongoing climax... if that was even possible. Just the sheer sensation of his girth stretching her out made her heart skip a beat as her back arched way beyond her usual limits. She was hearing some of the bones in her spine crack, and it only added to the delicious and addicting pleasure that Moriya was giving her body.

"F-Fvck me!" she desperately begged, all pretense of pride thrown off the window as she pleaded with her eyes. "Fvck me right now!~"


"What happened to all the pride, Guidance?" he asked.

"Stop asking and start fvcking, alright?!" she impatiently moaned, her body already trying to extract as much pleasure as it could from his unmoving cock. "I'm gonna go insane if you keep this from me!"

Her filter was thoroughly broken now, her higher ways of thinking now completely gone as she reverted back to her base womanly instincts. The game developer that was Guidance was now gone. And instead, Alicia Ferren was getting what she wanted ever since she started fantasizing about the visual novel games she played earlier in her teenage life.

"AHh!~ AHH!~ Moriya!~"

"Nghh... Guidance..."

Alicia called out her boyfriend's name, her love and affection for him reaching all-time levels as her chest heaved with each breath. Like last time, his cock filled her to the brim. This time, however, her previous orgasms had rendered her highly sensitive. Not to mention the fact that she technically hadn't stopped cumming even before he began penetrating her on the bed. She was still in the throes of climax, her body being thrown for a loop as her insides kept on convulsing with each orgasm-prolonging thrust.


She was losing her grip on reality. Placing both of her hands on her cheeks, she could only watch in awe at the massive cock rearranging her innards with each pump. She could even see it happening with her own eyes, her stomach distending ever so slightly every time Moriya plunged himself hilt-deep into the very core of her being as a woman. Her womb made itself known to her with pleasurable contractions that she honestly wouldn't even believe were even possible to happen. Before, it would only scream out in pain whenever she was on her period. But to think that it was also capable of giving her pleasure?

It was unheard of for her!

Guidance kept on kicking and screaming, no words being exchanged between them as their emotions and feelings went through for them in the form of their lovemaking. Either way, their grunts and moans were all that she wanted to hear at the moment anyway, what with her being too drunk in pleasure that she probably wouldn't even understand what Moriya was saying to her even if he tried.

No. The only thing that would possibly even register in her head was if he was cumming, or if he said something that important to their lovemaking.

And so, they went on. And on. And on... Guidance was going strong, and a part of her couldn't believe that she was still up and running despite Moriya's magnificent cock sending her over the edge over and over again without so much as a rest. Her chest was getting tired from breathing, but she still heaved with each thrust, forcing herself to stay awake so long as her lover hadn't cummed inside of her yet.


Her ears perked up, her insides suddenly grabbing onto him tighter as anticipation welled in her heart. "Moriya?~"

"I-I'm about to cum," he deliciously grunted. "I'm gonna cum inside you..."

Her eyes widened in joy as she nodded furiously at his words. "Do it!~ Do it, please!~"

"G-Get ready..."

Guidance took in his grunts as her cue to start tightening up as he clenched her insides along with him. And with one last thrust, he exploded inside of her with all of the force of a firehose doing its best to quell the flames inside of her.


​ "AAHH!!~~~"

She let out a long guttural moan as she felt her body shake with delicious agony. Pleasure overloaded all of her nerves, her muscles twitching and shaking as she did her best not to pass out from the combined efforts of ecstasy and exhaustion wracking her body. With each spurt, her orgasm intensified, forcing her to bite down on his shoulder in an attempt not to bite off her own tongue.


She moaned into his body, her arms and legs clamping down around him to make sure she won't pull away from her. Not that he would. She still knew him well enough to know that he wasn't like that. No, he'd stay with her for as long as it took for her to regain her senses and start complimenting him with a teasing disposition.

"That was.... Did you like it?"

His words barely registered in her head. Still, some of her wit was coming back to her as she slowly got down from the highest high she had ever gotten having sex with him. "Y-Yes...~"

"I'm glad then," he murmured into her ear. "I was kind of worried I overdid it with you..."

Overdid? That was utter nonsense! "N-Not at all... I'm... what's the word..."

"Satisfied?" he chuckled in reply.

"Y-Yeah..." she giggled, her senses now fully returning to her the more she got to relax her body. "That was the best... The best I've had since we started."

"I'm glad you liked it," he warmly chuckled as he slowly wrapped her into an embrace. "Still, about what you said..."

Guidance blinked. What exactly did she say? "About what?"

She heard him scoff before he replied, "About you wanting my kid."

She stared blankly at the ceiling for a split second before the memory suddenly rushed into her head like an unwanted flood. Her cheeks burned as she stuttered, the sensation of his cock softening within her only fueling the desire within her even more. "I-I suppose I won't mind it. It'll happen sooner or later, so why not just let it happen?"

"And you won't mind if it might take you out of action?" he quickly asked. "You do know that if either you or Shizu gets pregnant, I won't allow either of you to fight, and that's a massive blow to our party."

'And to our political standing and overall reputation,' she couldn't help but finish in her head. She knew the dangers of getting pregnant. Even back in the old world where nothing as dangerous as fighting on a regular basis happened, it was still dangerous for women to even return to work unless what they did was already not that exhausting to begin with. With both her and Shizu being in active combat roles, their getting pregnant would effectively kill their capabilities. Unless...

"I think that won't be necessary, actually," she weakly smirked, her embrace tightening as she focused on the sensation of his seed permeating her insides. "I have a cheat for a [Manifest], right? And with Shizu with us, I'm sure we'll think of something to keep us all in fighting shape."

She had her [Keystroke], and they were all technically made out of code anyway. If she could whip up some kind of birth control using her coding abilities, then she should be able to mitigate most or even all of the worst stuff that a normal pregnancy could give them.

She giggled as she let herself melt into Moriya's arms. She could imagine it already... Her carrying her beloved's child, all while suffering none of the pain for it. That would be any woman's dream!

"Well, just take care of yourself, alright?" he insisted. "Don't do anything rash."

"I know," she scoffed. "If anything, I should be the one saying that to you."

Guidance rolled her eyes. Truly, even if this world wasn't as robust as she imagined it, it was still her world, and she didn't care about anything else.


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