This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 1033

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 1033

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 1033

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 1033

President Li’s Calculation

Fu Jingting was suddenly silent.

Unexpectedly, Li Jun’s current situation is so dangerous, but he still gritted his teeth and approved a loan of 200 million yuan to Rong Shu.

It is conceivable that these two hundred million loans were under the pressure of Li Jun to persuade the top executives to pay dividends.

Although he seriously doubted that Li Jun did this on purpose.

The biggest purpose is to take his relationship from Xiaoye’s side.

Li Jun, he still understands. When he was young, he did not major in finance, but in psychology. That is to say, Li Jun’s grasp and grasp of people’s hearts is quite powerful.

What does he need to guarantee the stability of his relationship with Xiaoye, so that he can lend Xiaoye with confidence?

In fact, Li Jun’s real purpose is to test whether his relationship with Xiaoye Ye is stable and whether he can achieve his purpose.

After all, Xiaoye Company encountered a problem. Instead of looking for him as a boyfriend, it had to borrow money to solve it. It was easy to think of whether there was a problem between him and Xiaoye, so of course Li Jun had to figure it out.

Only after figuring out that there is no problem with the relationship between him and Xiao Ye, can he achieve his goal, otherwise it will be no use.

Therefore, Li Jun tried to persuade Xiaoye Ye that there was no problem with the relationship between him and Xiaoye Ye, and that Xiaoye did not look for him, but instead borrowed money, and then he readily agreed to lend.

The biggest reason is to make Xiao Ye feel grateful and feel guilty for him.

Li Jun is a psychology student, and he is also a man. It is impossible for him to not know how he would react when he learned that Xiaoye Ye did not ask for help from his lover, but instead asked for help from someone else.

It was because Li Jun knew that he helped him persuade Xiaoye Ye.

At the same time, Li Jun can also take the opportunity to observe Xiaoye Ye’s reaction after listening to his persuasion. As long as he realizes that Xiaoye understands that he is not looking for his lover, but instead seeks help from outsiders, it will make his lover unhappy and then feel ashamed.

Li Jun can take this opportunity to attack Xiaoye more in-depth, and propose to let Xiaoye come back and have a good talk with him.

Since it’s a talk, Xiaoye Ye will definitely be unavoidable, and will tell Li Jun’s persuasion to her.

In this way, Li Jun has achieved his goal.

That is his gratitude to Fu Jingting!

Li Jun can read people’s hearts, and Li Jun also understands his character and knows that Fu Jingting doesn’t like to owe people’s favor, so Li Jun will definitely understand that after learning that Xiao Ye Ye was persuaded like this, he will definitely accept this favor and repay it. .

The outside world knows who he has in Fu Jingting’s eyes, that is, he will never treat the other party badly, and he will be generous in repaying the debt of favor. He is never stingy, and it is basically what the other party wants most.

If Li Jun wants to keep his position under his butt, he needs a large amount of deposit funds to be deposited into his total dividends, so that the performance of his head office and branch will meet the standards.

And in the entire sea market, only he, Fu Jingting, has such a huge amount of liquidity and can help him with this.

Therefore, Li Jun must not seize the life-saving straw of Xiaoye Ye, and use Xiaoye Ye as a stepping stone to take the opportunity to make Fu Jingting owe his favor, and then ask him to repay him to help keep the position of president of the head office.

I have to say, this step-by-step calculation is really beautiful.

No wonder Li Jun was able to go from a bank teller to the head of a branch in just ten years.

This scheming, this city government, this calculation, this scrutiny, this measure of grasping people’s hearts, has to be admired, making him want to dig people into his own group.

Of course, Li Jun’s calculation really made him very unhappy. After all, there are not many people who dare to calculate Fu Jingting.

But looking at Li Jun’s calculation, he also helped Xiaoye Ye, and also spoke for him at Xiaoye Ye, he can give up this calculation.

Thinking of this, Fu Jingting put down the water glass and asked again on the phone, “For Citibank abroad, is the deposit interest rate this year lower than last year?”

“Yes.” Assistant Zhang nodded, “There is a slight difference in foreign countries. The financial crisis caused by the financial crisis, so the interest rate of the bank will naturally decrease a little, but it will be fine after a while, and it will rise back, and the interest rate you have been reduced will be compensated by Citibank, so you will not suffer any losses.”

After all, Fu Fu It’s always one of Citibank’s biggest clients.

Citibank will not offend President Fu.

“Understood.” Fu Jingting hummed, and then indifferently instructed, “It happens to be during the day abroad. You inform Citibank to transfer one billion euros, transfer it to Li Jun’s head office, and note the deposit.

” Huh?” Assistant Zhang was stunned by Fu Jingting’s order, “Mr. Fu, why are you transferring your money to a domestic bank? Interest rates in domestic banks are not as high as those in foreign countries.”

And it’s not Huaguo Head Office, it’s just overseas The city’s total dividends.

I don’t know what Mr. Fu was thinking.

Assistant Zhang shook his head, expressing incomprehension.

One billion, or euros.

Although it was nothing to Mr. Fu.

But for him, it was something he could never earn in his life.

After all, if it is changed into Huayuan, it is almost tens of billions.

Tens of billions were transferred back to the country and deposited in the bank under Li Jun’s jurisdiction. Then Li Jun would have to be promoted, not to mention his position under his ass.

“I know.” Fu Jingting held the phone in one hand, twisted the corner of the towel around his neck with the other hand, tilted his head slightly, and began to wipe his wet hair, and said in a cool and indifferent voice, “I don’t care about the interest rate.

” Men’s understatement, Assistant Zhang was at a loss for words.

Yes, people are so wealthy and wealthy, and they are still short of the annual interest rate?

It’s that he’s too small.

Assistant Zhang twitched the corners of his mouth, and stopped saying anything, he just answered Fu Jingting’s orders.

Afterwards, Fu Jingting instructed again, “Isn’t the Lu family looking for a commercial port for a contract recently? Let someone go to the Lu family tomorrow to discuss the cooperation with the commercial port in the Comprehensive Bonded Zone with the Lu family. In terms of benefits, please charge less. .”

Assistant Zhang looked puzzled, not understanding what Fu Jingting was doing.

Just now, I had to transfer the money to Li Jun’s bank without interest rates, but now I have let the Lu family have a trade port, and I have deliberately charged a little less.

No matter how you look at it, there is a feeling that President Fu is deliberately helping these two families.

What did Li Jun and the Lu family do to make President Fu so kind?

Although he was puzzled, Assistant Zhang didn’t bother to ask.

He knew in his heart that if he asked, he wouldn’t be able to answer the question.

“Okay, Mr. Fu, I understand. I will arrange the deposit in a while. For the Lu family’s side, I will also arrange it before I get off work, so that someone will come over tomorrow morning to talk about the cooperation at the trading port.” Assistant Zhang pushed his glasses. Say.

Fu Jingting hummed and hung up the phone.

Assistant Zhang heard that there was silence on the phone. Knowing that the call was over, he took the phone off his ear, glanced at the screen that jumped back to the main menu, then took a long breath, clicked on an overseas call, and dialed it out. .

At the same time, in the conference room of Huaguo Bank Haishi Headquarters Branch, it was obviously three or four o’clock in the morning, but this time, the conference room was almost full of people.

Everyone was silent, but their eyes were fixed on Mr. Li in the main seat, their eyes were looking forward, or suspicious, or disdainful, or sneered.

All in all.


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