This Time, I Will Get My Divorce

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 539-540

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 539-540

This Time, I Will Get My Divorce Chapter 539-540

Chapter 539 Lu Qi’s Feelings

“It’s not suitable anywhere.” Rong Shu sighed and replied, “This title should only be called by close lovers, and we are just friends, so it’s a bit too much for you to call me that.”

Lu Qi smiled. He was a little sarcastic, “How could it be too much? I’ve been calling you that for more than ten years, and you haven’t said what’s wrong with me calling you that, but at this time you suddenly said it was wrong, yes Didn’t someone tell you something to tell me not to call you that?”

Rong Shu’s eyes widened slightly.

After seeing this, Lu already understood, and clenched his fists, “Sure enough, someone really told me not to shout like that, is it Fu Jingting?”

Rong Shu’s eyes flashed and she acquiesced.

“It’s really him!” Lu Qi’s face was ugly, “You really listen to him now, because he said so, you don’t even want me to call you for more than ten years.”

Hearing this, Rong Shu felt a touch in her heart. Apologetically, he bit his lips and replied, “Sorry Aqi, I admit, it was indeed Fu Jingting who asked me to do this, and he asked me to tell you, I hope you don’t call me that again in the future, because it’s inappropriate, but I also seriously considered it. , found that it was exactly as he said, such a title is not suitable for us.”

She didn’t feel anything before, but after Fu Jingting said it.

She finally realized that Ah Qi’s address to her was indeed too ambiguous, too ambiguous, and too intimate, which was beyond the scope of addressing her as a friend.

“No, it’s not that we are inappropriate.” The corner of Lu Qi’s mouth pulled out a sneering arc, “it’s that you don’t want to upset someone.”

Rong Shu’s expression froze, “What… what?”

“Nothing!” Lu Qi took a step back, then turned back to the driver’s door, opened the door, leaned over and pulled out the car key, “I’ll ask you again, do you really want me to give up this name for you?”

Rong Shu’s red lips moved, seemingly hesitant.

But at this time, Fu Jingting’s face flashed across her mind, the hesitation in her heart disappeared again, and she nodded.

Hearing her answer, Lu Qi’s heart suddenly sank to the bottom, and the expectation in his heart disappeared instantly.

There was a wry smile in his eyes, “Okay, I know, since you insist, then I agree, I won’t call you baby in the future, but you know, from the moment this name disappeared, between us The relationship between us will not be as close as it used to be.”

Rong Shu frowned, “How can it be, we just change our names, but the intimacy as friends will not change, right?”

“If it is true Of course our friendship will not change, but we are different.” Lu Qi clenched the car key in his hand and took a deep breath, “This baby is my exclusive name for you, because calling you this way, I You will feel that I am unique to you, and I occupy a certain position in your heart, but now you have deprived me of the right to call you that, which proves that in your heart, I am no different from ordinary friends, and there is no I think it’s so important, so… let’s do it!”

After he finished speaking, he put the car keys on the front hood of the car, turned around and walked towards the side of the road.

“Aqi!” Seeing this, Rong Shu hurriedly called him.

But Lu Qi didn’t seem to hear it. He didn’t mean to turn back or stop. He walked straight to the side of the road, beckoned to stop the car, and then got in the car and left.

Watching the taxi go away, Rong Shu felt a little complicated.

His words just now revealed a lot of information.

Among them, one thing she understood was that he actually had that kind of feeling for her!

Rong Shu clenched her palm tightly and shook her head slightly, with an incredible look on her face.

Obviously, she couldn’t believe that Lu Qi’s love for her was not a real friendship, but a relationship between a man and a woman!

If it wasn’t for him just stating it himself, she wouldn’t have discovered it at all.

No wonder he called her baby.

No wonder he reacted so strongly after not letting him call.

If they are really just friends, the feelings of best friends, and if he doesn’t let him call him baby, he may be sad, but the reaction will never be so big, and it even seems to be breaking with her.

“Aqi…” Rong Shu looked at the direction that Lu Qi was leaving, and read his name lightly.

Although she regrets her future relationship with him, she will not be as close as before, but she does not regret what she has done now.

If she hadn’t found out that he had a relationship with her, she might regret it, but she never regretted it now.

Because if it goes on like this, Ah Qi’s feelings for her will become deeper and deeper, and he can’t let go.

And she doesn’t love him, so she can’t respond to his feelings.

Then in the end, it will only bring him harm.

Now let him not call her baby, to indirectly tell him that she only has friendship with him, not a relationship between men and women, maybe he will come out of his feelings for her in time, and will not get deeper and deeper. , In the end, it was impossible to end

. Thinking of this, Rong Shu sighed, then walked to the front of the car, picked up the key that Lu Qi had just put down, and entered the apartment building.

On the other side, Fu Jingting finally returned to Fu Mansion after a period of time.

As soon as I got out of the car, I thought about my phone.

He raised his hand, motioned Assistant Zhang to stop the wheelchair first, and then answered the phone.

“Mr. Fu, we have delivered Miss Rong to Repulse Bay safely,” said the person on the other end of the phone.

Fu Jingting hummed, “Very good. Besides, have you found any wrong car on the road?”


Fu Jingting frowned, “I see, from now on, the two of you will squat beside Rong Shu in secret to protect you. Good her.”

“Yes.” The person on the other end of the phone nodded.

Fu Jingting stopped talking and hung up the phone.

When Assistant Zhang saw that he put down his phone, he pushed the wheelchair again and pushed him through the gate of the villa.

As soon as he entered the living room, Fu Jingting saw Wang Shuqin sitting on the sofa with his back to him.

She held a mirror in one hand and put one hand on her collarbone, as if she was stroking something, and she kept saying things like ‘so beautiful’.

Fu Jingting raised his eyebrows and asked, “Mom, what are you doing?”

Upon hearing his voice, Wang Shuqin’s face changed suddenly, and the mirror in his hand almost fell on her lap, smashing her. His legs hurt so bad, his face was twisted.

But Wang Shuqin didn’t care about this, she quickly put the mirror away, rubbed her legs, stood up with her collarbone covered, turned around and smiled, looked at Fu Jingting and said, “Jingting, why are you back suddenly? You haven’t come back recently. Do you all live outside?”

Seeing her panic, Fu Jingting narrowed his eyes slightly, “Come back and get something, Mom, what’s wrong with your neck? Why are you covering it all the time?”

Facing his scrutiny eyes, Wang Shuqin felt even more panicked. Now, the cold sweat is about to flow down, and her eyes keep flashing, “I…I have some allergies in my neck, so…so…”

Before she could finish her words, the phone rang.

When Wang Shuqin heard the phone ring, she subconsciously wanted to pick it up.

The moment she released her hand from her collarbone, she realized what she had done, and immediately cried out in her heart, it’s over!

been discovered!

“That’s the blue heart?” Assistant Zhang, who was standing behind Fu Jingting, looked at the necklace on Wang Shuqin’s neck and opened his mouth in surprise.

Fu Jingting saw it too, his brows turned into Sichuan characters, and he asked in a deep voice, “Mom, isn’t the blue heart in Rong Shu’s place? Why is it in your hands now?”

Wang Shuqin rolled her eyes when she heard his question. He hurriedly found an excuse, “This… this is fake, I bought a high imitation, a high imitation.”

Chapter 540 Wang Shuqin’s True Heart

“High imitation?” Fu Jingting’s face sank, and his whole body exuded an aura of displeasure.

Assistant Zhang even twitched the corners of his mouth, and the whole person was very speechless.

Is there a high imitation of the blue heart?

Isn’t this an obvious lie!

Wang Shuqin didn’t know Fu Jingting and Assistant Zhang, she already knew that she was lying, and thought her lie had convinced them, she nodded again and again and said, “Yes, high imitation, I went to the mall to buy it, a few thousand yuan a piece. What.”

“Mom, do you really think someone can imitate the blue heart?” Fu Jingting looked at her expressionlessly.

When Wang Shuqin heard what he said, her heart froze for a while, and she felt a huge sense of unease, “What… what do you mean?”

“It means that as soon as the Heart of Azure Blue was made, it went directly to the auction, and there was nothing to do with the outside world. The photos leaked out, so the outside world only knows that there is a blue heart, a priceless jewel, but they don’t know what the blue heart looks like, so tell me, where did the mall you buy from see the blue heart and imitate it? “Fu Jingting pursed his thin lips, and said indifferently.

Wang Shuqin’s face turned red and white, “This…I…”

She was so embarrassed that she couldn’t speak clearly.

Fu Jingting rubbed his brows, “Can you tell me now, why is the blue heart here with you?”

Wang Shuqin touched the necklace on his neck and looked at his sharp eyes again, knowing that everything could be hidden, so she had to say To tell the truth, “Rong Shu gave it.”

“Impossible!” Fu Jingting frowned and denied it directly.

Wang Shuqin eagerly proved her innocence, “She really gave it to me. The last time you were hospitalized, Rong Shu brought this to you. I opened the door, so she gave me the necklace and asked me to hand it over to you. You, but…”

“But you saw that it was a azure blue heart, so you secretly flirted with me behind your back?” Fu Jingting narrowed his eyes sharply.

Wang Shuqin bowed her head guiltily and admitted.

Fu Jingting took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, and then stretched out his hand to him, “Give me the necklace.”

“No.” When Wang Shuqin heard this, she immediately covered her blue heart tightly, and shook her head again and again. With a reluctant expression on his face, “Jing Ting, you originally bought this azure blue heart. It was so cheap for Rong Shu…”

“Huh?” Fu Jingting’s face turned cold.

Knowing his current feelings for Rong Shu, Wang Shuqin opened her mouth, knowing that she had said the wrong thing, and quickly changed her words, “What, this blue heart was stolen by Rong Shu, it was originally her fault, she is now With self-knowledge to return the blue heart, you will leave it anyway, how about giving it to me?”

“No!” Fu Jingting refused, and stretched his hand forward again, “Give me the necklace.”

” Jing Ting…”

Wang Shuqin was still trying to get one for herself.

Fu Jingting said without doubt, “Give it to me!”

Hearing the impatience in his tone, Wang Shuqin didn’t dare to really provoke him, she took off the necklace with gritted teeth, and handed it to him reluctantly.

Fu Jingting gathered up the necklace in his hand and was about to take it to him.

But when he pulled it, he couldn’t pull it.

He frowned, only to realize that after Wang Shuqin handed the necklace to him, she did not completely let go of the necklace.

“…” Fu Jingting sighed, “Zhang Cheng.”

“Yes.” Assistant Zhang responded.

“Go to order a set of jewelry for Madam tomorrow.”

“Yes.” Assistant Zhang nodded and replied.

Fu Jingting looked at Wang Shuqin, “Mom, you heard me, I have told Zhang Cheng to order you a set of expensive jewelry tomorrow, so can you let go of the blue heart now?”

He couldn’t forcefully take the necklace away .

Denial will be torn apart.

Wang Shuqin looked at the blue heart in her hand, and was not at all happy that she was about to get new jewelry.

Because she knows that no matter what kind of new jewelry, it is not as valuable as the blue heart.

Therefore, she still wants a blue heart more.

“Jing Ting, how about talking to you, Mom?” Wang Shuqin squeezed a smile on her fat face, “Rong Shu returned this blue heart, and since she returned it, it means she doesn’t want it anymore. , you…”

“No.” Fu Jingting sternly rejected her again, “Whether she came back because she didn’t want it or not, but for me, this blue heart can only be hers.”


“No However, loosen the necklace.” Fu Jingting lost his patience this time, and said in a deep voice with his thin lips.

Wang Shuqin finally let go of her blue heart.

Because she didn’t dare to really go against him.

Even if he was raised by her.

However, his aura was inherited from the old lady, and when he confronted him, she became embarrassed.

Taking back his blue heart, Fu Jingting’s stern face softened.

He carefully put the necklace in his suit pocket and put it away, then looked at Wang Shuqin, his eyes became serious again, “Mom, last time my grandmother should have told you that Rong Shu and I will remarry in the future. You shouldn’t have any opinions on Rong Shu in the future, right?” Wang Shuqin

nodded first, and then asked dissatisfiedly, “Jing Ting, do you really plan to remarry her?”

“Yes.” Fu Jingting nodded.

Wang Shuqin suddenly became unhappy, “What’s so good about her? Why can’t you just let her go?”

“Then tell me, what’s wrong with her, so you always have such a big opinion of her?” Fu Jingting asked without answering.

Wang Shuqin snorted coldly, “She’s not good anywhere, she…”

She was about to give some examples to talk about the bad things about Rong Shu, but when she opened her mouth, she realized that she couldn’t say anything.

This made Wang Shuqin very surprised and puzzled.

Why can’t she tell Rong Shu’s shortcomings?

Seemingly seeing what Wang Shuqin was thinking, Fu Jingting pressed his temple a little tiredly, “Mom, do you know why you can’t say it, because you know in your heart that there is nothing wrong with her. In the past six years, she respected her You, no matter how you treat her, she has never disrespected you. She takes care of Jinglin, even if Jinglin bullies her, she doesn’t take it to heart, because she doesn’t have anything out of the ordinary, so you can’t say that she has What’s wrong, so I don’t understand, why do you dislike her so much?”


Wang Shuqin lowered her eyelids, “Because her family background is not good, it will drag you down, so why should I like such a daughter-in-law?”

“The family background is not good?” Fu Jingting was very happy, “What is the reason?”

Assistant Zhang also nodded . .

He said he didn’t understand either.

Although there are indeed many mother-in-laws in the circle who don’t like daughters-in-law from bad backgrounds, those mother-in-laws are different from Wang Shuqin.

Those mother-in-laws were born wealthy and had a good family background, so they looked down on their daughter-in-law who had a bad family background. He could understand.

But Wang Shuqin’s birth was worse than Miss Rong.

At least Miss Rong is a proud family, although it is a short-lived wealthy family.

But Wang Shuqin was born in an ordinary poor family, so she looked down on Miss Rong’s family background, which was very confusing.

“Why is this not a reason!” Wang Shuqin akimbo, “I just don’t want you to marry a woman whose family background is far inferior to our Fu family, and who can’t help you. If you marry such a woman, you will be caught in the circle. You can’t lift your head up, Jing Ting, I really treat you as my own son, so I don’t want you to experience what your father experienced back then.”


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