Three Meals of a Reincarnator

Chapter 340

Chapter 340

Chapter 340

As long as they realized it was Ho Sung Lee, it was hard for them to keep the same attitude they had going.

“Let me warn you. If you try to run away, I’ll kill you. Only those who stay will live.”

Ho Sung Lee jolted his eyes wide open. He moved quickly and swung his fist.

<hr />

Inside the large house.

The hunters that Ho Sung Lee was after were on their knees bound by rope.

Ho Sung Lee rubbed his head with a stressed face while rubbing his bald head and glaring at the hunter who was now the new boss.

The head of the organization, who took over X-HIT’s leader’s house, minded Ho Sung Lee and lowered his eyes.

Ho Sung Lee looked at the hunters with swollen faces and bodies and let out a deep sigh.

He tied them down to keep them under control, but just the thought of it gave him a headache.

After securing evidence, the team from the association had to deal with the organization, but now that he was involved, things got a lot more complicated.

Even if he was to get cussed out, he seriously wondered if he should report it to Min Sung Kang.

And the decision Ho Sung Lee made was to take out his phone and call Min Sung.

As soon as he briefed him on the situation, Min Sung didn’t get angry like he worried.

Don’t mess with them. Just leave them and get out.

“But if rumors about me get out...”

The rumor’s already out.

“I guess you’re right.”

Just get out of there.

“Yes, Sir.”

Ho Sung Lee hung up the phone and sighed.

He thought he would get scolded for not doing his job correctly, but he didn’t, so he felt relieved.

“I should consider myself lucky.”

Ho Sung Lee then left the house.

The hunters were on their knees and tied up. They looked at each other in confusion, and as soon as they heard Ho Sung Lee leave through the front door, they immediately tried to free themselves.

<hr />

Once Ho Sung Lee got out of the house, Ho Sung Lee picked a black sedan that he liked and started the engine.

Just as he departed, his phone rang.

It was Commander Ji Yoo Kim.

Ho Sung Lee answered the phone while driving.

“Yes, Commander Kim.”

I have some news to tell you.

“What is it?”

The hunters have been dispatched. They’ll give you additional information from now on.

“That’s good. It was a little tricky trying to do this on my own.”

I’ve already talked to Min Sung about it, so it should go smoothly from here.

“Okay. But I’m in Rio, Brazil right now. When will the association’s hunter team arrive?”

1 in the morning in Brazil’s time. That’s when it’ll begin.

Ho Sung Lee checked the time.

“That’s not long. Okay, thank you.”

Good luck, Ho Sung.

They ended the call.

Ho Sung Lee pressed down on his temples and fell deeply into thought.

The association’s hunter team would arrive in the middle of the night, but would they commit a corrupt act?

Ho Sung Lee laughed.

“Unless they’re that gutsy, how could they...”

Ho Sung Lee stopped mumbling.

The rumor that the head of X-HIT got dragged away by him probably got out already.

But despite knowing that, the organization immediately took over the X-HIT head’s house, which means that human greed was not to be messed with, and the hunters of the association were probably no different.

Both the Brazil association’s hunters as well as the other association hunters who were set to come to Brazil would arrive at 1 in the morning.

Ho Sung Lee shook his head.

There was no way the association hunters would immediately commit corrupt acts.

No matter how much humans loved money, they weren’t that blatant.

After all, there was Min Sung Kang.

That was what Ho Sung Leee thought.

But if they were to make a stupid decision, the price they would have to pay would be fatal.

<hr />

Du du du du du!

6 helicopters landed on the ground.

From 3 of the helicopters, hunters wearing protective equipment filed out.

They walked quickly with straight faces. josei

They were all hunters of high levels.

They got into the SUV that was prepared, and as the car took off, dust spread everywhere.

<hr />

Ho Sung Lee, who got out of the hotel shower, checked the time and slowly got ready to head out.

In order to blend in with the nighttime, he put on black pants and t-shirt, and he finished it off with black shoes before sighing at his reflection in the mirror.

Because of his burnt off hair, it felt like his heart got ripped out.

“Those assholes.”

Ho Sung Lee smoked his cigarette and put on a black beanie.

“At least it looks good on me.”

Ho Sung Lee smiled at his reflection, and when he felt his phone vibrate, he took it out of his jacket.

The caller ID was unknown.

Ho Sung Lee peeked out of the curtains while answering his phone.


Hello, Mr. Lee. This is the team leader of the association.

“What’s the matter?”

We heard that you had a confrontation with a PAC organization. Are you currently in Rio, Brazil?

Ho Sung Lee grimaced and grabbed his forehead.

Just as he suspected, the association team heard word of his whereabouts.

While he tried to come up with excuses...

We have something to tell you. Can you come to our department of operations?

“What is this about?”

It’s a secret. But if you tell us where you are, we’ll send a car your way.

Ho Sung Lee checked the time.

It was currently 10 PM.

There was only 3 hours left until the mission began, but now there was some secret information?

Ho Sung Lee thought for a moment, but he came to the conclusion that if he backed out, he could end up looking suspicious.

Ho Sung Lee told him his current location, and they assured him that since they weren’t far, it wouldn’t take long.

He sat in the chair with a cup of coffee and looked out the window.

By the time he finished his cup of coffee, he saw a black SUV parked outside.

His phone vibrated.

Ho Sung Lee put out his cigarette and left the hotel.

As soon as he took the elevator and left the lobby, the door of the SUV was open, and one man was standing in front of it while saluting.

Ho Sung Lee glanced at him and got into the car.

The door closed, and he immediately returned to the driver’s seat and headed out.

After lighting another cigarette, Ho Sung Lee lowered the window and exhaled the smoke before opening his mouth.

“How long will it take?”

In response, the hunter, who was driving, immediately answered, “About 30 minutes.”

“30 minutes? That’s different from the amount of time it took you to come here. Didn’t it take less than 10 minutes to get here?”

“That’s because the main force immediately went to the department of operations while I came straight here.”

Ho Sung Lee knitted his brows and thought for a moment.

The fact that they immediately received word once they arrived in Rio, Brazil meant that someone from the association had a source.

“The association’s hunter team was much slower than I expected. Is there a reason you were so late?” Ho Sung Lee asked.

In response...

“I simply follow orders. If you go to the department of operations and ask yourself, you’ll hear the answer you want.”

Ho Sung Lee threw out his cigarette through the window and clicked his tongue.

<hr />


The SUV that Ho Sung Lee was in stopped.

Ho Sung Lee opened the door and got out.

The department of operations almost looked like a run-down factory, and for that reason, it was very large.

Inside the department of operations, there was a long table with lots of documents scattered all over it, and on the standing chalkboard was information regarding the hunters in the drug organizations.

The association team’s hunters, who were chatting nearby, later noticed Ho Sung Lee and saluted.

Ho Sung Lee nodded. He accepted their salute and walked over.

“Who’s the team leader I talked to on the phone?” Ho Sung Lee asked while scanning the group of association team hunters of around 12.

“He left for a moment. If you wait here...”

While one hunter answered, he heard footsteps.

When he turned around to the sound, a man was walking through the entrance that he entered through.


When Ho Sung Lee said that...

Slash, slash, slash, slash, slash!

A dozen swords stabbed through Ho Sung Lee in the back.


Ho Sung Lee coughed up blood, and at the same time, Ho Sung Lee broke the swords through his back with his hands and turned around.

While the association team’s hunters looked at him in surprise, Ho Sung Lee moved his body as soon as he felt an Aura behind him, but it was too late.

That was because a gold magic square was shining up below his feet, and there was nowhere to hide.



His arms and legs stiffened due to the gold light.

This wasn’t Ethan’s vision skill.

There was no way Ehan’s vision skill alone could penetrate through Ho Sung Lee’s powerful magical resistance.

Ho Sung Lee looked around him while his body was frozen in place by the gold light.

He saw a group coming in through the entrance of the factory.

Behind Ethan were the hunter leaders of each country including Russia, and they all had expressionless faces.

Ho Sung Lee smirked while staring at them.

“These crazy bastards...”

Ethan leaped off of the ground. He reached Ho Sung Lee in no time and swung his fist.

Pow! Pow! Pow!

Ethan’s fist slammed into Ho Sung Lee’s rib cage and abdomen.

As a result of the powerful impact, Ho Sung Lee’s body slightly shook, and he coughed up thick blood.


Blood spilled out of Ho Sung Lee’s mouth, but since his body was frozen by the magic square skill, he couldn’t collapse even if he wanted to.

Ho Sung Lee glared at Ethan with bloodshot eyes while blood dripped from his mouth, and he gritted his teeth.

Ethan grabbed a hold of Ho Sung Lee’s chin and smiled.

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