Three Meals of a Reincarnator

Chapter 344

Chapter 344

Chapter 344

The fancy steamed seafood showed off vibrant colors. Not even a professional photographer could capture it to do it justice.

That was how beautiful it looked in person.

Aside from the visuals, the smell of the steam from the steamed seafood was so deep that it was surprising.

Min Sung enjoyed the visual and scent before moving his chopsticks.

The reason why his chopsticks went to the octopus first was because it tasted the best when it was still hot and soft.

He brought the perfectly cooked octopus into his mouth just because it turned pink.

Om nom!

Min Sung chewed on the octopus and knitted his brows.

That was because he couldn’t help but marvel at the flavor.

The octopus melted in his mouth. There were many restaurants that didn’t know how to cook octopus perfectly, but this place was not one of them.

The octopus was perfectly cooked.

And the difference between being able to cook it properly and not was substantial.

And the marinade was delicious, so it was just a moment later that his chopsticks moved to the bean sprouts next.

Min Sung chewed on the fresh bean sprouts as he enjoyed the not so salty and delicious marinade that spread throughout his mouth.

And after that, he chewed on a piece of crab, and when the soft meat entered his mouth, he was touched.

Min Sung sighed in awe.

The fresh flavor of abalone.

And the main attraction of the steamed seafood was the shrimp.

When shrimp was in season and was cooked perfectly well, it almost tasted like a brand new type of seafood.

Most shrimp had hard shells and heads that were pointy.

But when the shrimp that was in season was cooked perfectly, it gave off a surprising flavor.

The head that most thought would be hard, melted inside one’s mouth.

How was it possible for the head of a shrimp to melt inside the mouth?

That was why it was so shockingly delicious.

Since the head was this delicious, there was no need to even talk about the power of the body.

When he chewed it once, not only did he enjoy the flavor of the body, but the juices of the steamed seafood exploded, causing for a tsunami to overcome one’s body.

On top of that, the spice caused one’s mind to go blank.

A magic that allowed him to focus on the food.

This was the steamed seafood restaurant that Ho Sung Lee recommended.

Satisfied? josei

No, the steamed seafood was so perfect that it couldn’t be described with that one word alone.


The next morning at 10, Min Sung woke up. He drank some water and then opened the door to the yard before sitting down on the sofa.

Cold air came in, but Min Sung found it refreshing.

Min Sung listened to the birds as he took out his phone.

Ho Sung Lee texted him saying he sent mail, and once he checked the mailbox, he was able to find the documents that outlined what Ho Sung Lee found out about the hunter leaders.

The report detailed that the hunter leaders swept up the hunters involved in drug organizations and that they were now moving onto different countries.

It sounded like their threat worked well, seeing how they acted so quickly.

Min Sung threw his phone on the sofa and stepped out into the yard in his bare feet.

When he looked up, he saw the blue sky.

Min Sung enjoyed the sensation of dirt under his feet and enjoyed his leisure.


As soon as the news of Ho Sung Lee and the hunter leaders’ plan to wipe out the drug organizations spread through the news, the organizations began to hide out of fear.

The organizations decided to stay low and then begin moving again as the interest of the hunter leaders died down.

Since the hunter leaders were aware of this as well, they grew restless... because that was not what Min Sung Kang wanted.

The reason why this happened was because the hunter leaders didn’t stay low.

“They’ve all hidden away,” said Ho Sung Lee while shaking his head after entering Min Sung’s house.

Min Sung, who was enjoying his coffee on the sofa, opened his mouth while keeping his eye on the nature documentary on TV.

“How many have died?” Min Sung asked.

“47. The others have all been arrested.”

“Let them all go.”

“... I’m sorry?” Ho Sung Lee asked as if he heard him wrong.

“What did you just...”

“Let them all go.”


” Let them all go and then inform the media.”

“Inform them of what?”

“That no one will be arrested anymore. Hunters will continue to receive support from the government, and if they find evidence that they were involved in drug crimes, they’ll be killed instantly.”

Ho Sung Lee gulped.

“Isn’t that too harsh?”

“We can’t just chase after them blindly forever.”

Ho Sung Lee nodded at Min Sung’s fierce eyes.

“Yes, Sir.”

“And don’t forget to keep an eye on the hunter leaders and the hunter team’s hunters.”

“Yes, Sir.”

Min Sung waved his hand.

Ho Sung Lee bowed and left Min Sung’s house.


As soon as Ho Sung Lee delivered what Min Sung said to the hunter leaders through video chat, the hunter leaders sighed.

That was because they worked so hard to track them down and throw them in jail, so the command to let them free again made them feel discouraged.

“They’re going to be killed immediately now? The governments are going to be so happy,” grumbled the Russian hunter leader with a grimace.

It wasn’t just the Russian hunter leader, but the same emotions showed on the other hunter leaders’ faces as well.

While the dungeons were all gone, the sight of hunters disappearing left and right in the hands of Min Sung Kang was probably making the governments dance with joy.

That was because the government’s authority could never defeat the hunters’ force.

But once the number of hunters went down, that was a hint that a new generation would begin.

Seeing how the governments weren’t the type to get involved, they were happy to see the hunters go down.

And the hunter leaders were unhappy about this.

That was because no hunter leader could like such a thing.

“Sirs, you’re being recorded right now. What if Min Sung sees this?” Ho Sung Lee asked while looking at the hunter leaders with a straight face.

In response, the hunter leaders immediately went pale as if they saw a ghost.

They trembled in panic as soon as they heard the name ‘Min Sung Kang.’

In the eyes of the citizens, the hunter leader of a country was no different from a hero and a myth.

But as soon as the black tower appeared along with Min Sung Kang, all of the attention shifted to him instead.

And as Min Sung Kang took all of the attention, the hunter leaders were soon treated as if they were has-beens who only wanted money and power.

And now that things were getting even harder for them, they felt wronged, but they had no choice but to bow down to Min Sung Kang.

“Get a hold of yourself. You can’t forget who Min Sung Kang is. Let’s end the meeting here. You’ll have to yield quick and certain results.”

Ho Sung Lee ended the call and put a cigarette in his mouth.

“Why do I have a bad feeling about this?”

Ho Sung Lee smoked his cigarette through his nose and thought for a moment before shaking his head.

“I don’t know. I need to rest.”

Ho Sung Lee leaned back in his chair and continued to smoke.

“I’m so tired.”

Ho Sung Lee spent a day that was just as busy as those of the hunter leaders.


Just as Ho Sung Lee ended his call with the hunter leaders, the American president, Frezie, was in the middle of a secret meeting in his penthouse suite in New York.

“We finally have our opportunity,” said the American president, Frezie, with wide eyes.

In front of him was a screen, and within that screen were the presidents of other countries.

And on Frezie’s face were emotions that he had been hiding all of this time.

And they weren’t aware of what Frezie meant by the opportunity.

The ones who were the happiest were the presidents of England, France, and the head of state of China.

As politicians who always had to mind the hunters, this was their perfect opportunity and timing.

“If we plan it right, we’ll be able to get rid of all of the hunters excluding Min Sung Kang,” said Frezie with a smile.

If most hunters were wiped out and the only ones remaining were Min Sung Kang, Ho Sung Lee, and the hunter leaders, hunters were bound to be history and slowly disappear.

And that wasn’t the only upside.

If the number of hunters decreased, it would become harder for them to make political moves.

That was because their influence would grow weaker as a result.

They were unable to give up on this upside, and for that reason, their opinions solidified through the video call.

“But if we make a mistake, we could end up like the hunter leaders. Don’t you know what happened to them when they tried to get back at Min Sung Kang?”

In response to the American president, Frezie, the other presidents’ faces turned nervous, but that only lasted a moment.

They were unable to pass up the opportunity to get rid of the hunters.

“So we must prepare well,” said one president, and the others agreed.

“Let’s start getting rid of those fools one by one.”

In response to Frezie, the presidents smiled with satisfaction.

The presidents all shared the same feelings regarding their hostility toward how the hunters took over the world.

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