Thriller Night Talk

Chapter 139

Chapter 139: It’s time to return it to its original owner

Chapter 139: It’s time to return it to its original owner


Editor-PerpetualMreow, Proofreader-Star

Bei Quan’s tone was very relaxed.

But Comrade Jiang had known Bei Quan for a month and had a good grasp of him: generally, when Bei Quan smiled so warmly, the words about to be said would leave people dumbfounded.

Sure enough, Bei Quan said.

“Please ask Miss Su Rang to pull off a piece of nail, and then Xiao Jiang, you will glue the nail to the dummy’s chest.”

Everyone exclaimed in unison, “What did you say!?”

Even Wei Fuyuan, who was right next to Bei Quan, was startled and stared at him with an astounded expression.

“That’s right, a piece of your nail is needed.”

Bei Qian paused, adding word for word, “I mean, a complete nail.”

The expressions of the Su’s elder sister and brother-in-law completely changed, their faces were pale, they were about to lose their patience and flip out on the spot.

Jiang Nan’an knew that Bei Quan was serious, and that he must have had his own reasons for doing so. At this time, he could only keep a smile on his face and try to find a way to meditate.

There was a moment of chaos in the small bathroom.

Elder sister Su and brother-in-law both sticking close to the camera, trying to argue with Bei Quan about this unacceptable instruction.

Jiang Nan’an was trying to make things easier, hoping to get them to accept Bei Quan’s request.

Wei Fuyuan was arguing with Su’s family across the phone screen.

In the midst of all the noise, the person in question, Su Lan, was the quietest.

She sat in the pool of dirty, smelly water, looking fixedly at her fingers, not saying a word.

Su Lan was a small village girl, and her parents were busy with business, so they seldom cared about her.

However, Su Lan had been smart and capable since she was a child, her EQ was not low, she was pretty, and her brothers and sisters in the family were also very friendly. She went all the way from the local middle school to the city to study at Fengxing University. She had a good life and had rarely suffered any grievances.

Only this month, she lived a life worse than death and had gone through every possible frightening and life-and-death experience.

Su Lan had no time to pay attention to her own appearance when she was worried and frightened every day and had trouble sleeping and eating.

Now, when the person on the other end of the phone said he wanted a piece of her nails, Su Lan finally took a serious look at her hands again after a long time.

After only a month, Su Lan had also lost a lot of weight.

The rapid weight loss has made her hands thin and withered, a layer of loose, wrinkled skin wrapped in dry bones, and the diamond-encrusted platinum wedding ring was almost unwearable.

The nails that she had carefully prepared before the wedding had long since peeled away, and her nails, which had not been trimmed for a long time, were pitted and soaked in dirty water for most of the day, and the nail crevices were full of dirt.

Anyone who looked at them would doubt that they were a young woman’s hands.

——This is the kind of life that I don’t want to live anymore.

In fact, Su Lan has long been aware that Wei Fuyuan and Jiang Nan’an’s origins were not as simple as they claimed, and it was no coincidence that they were in her home this time.

But they were the only people Su Lan met who could really help, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that they were “life-saving straws”.

——As long as we can make it all end ……

Thinking of this, Su Lan fiercely gritted her teeth.

——As long as I can make it all end, I’m willing to do anything!


A miserable scream came from the bathroom.

The sound was too harsh and instantly overshadowed everyone’s arguments.

Jiang Nan’an and the Su family’s eldest sister and brother-in-law turned around together and saw Su Lan bending her head down, holding her hand, whimpering under her breath, seemingly in pain to the extreme.

The three of them hurriedly went over.

Su Lan covered her left hand with her right hand, and blood gurgled out between her fingers.

“Xiao Lan!”

Su’s eldest sister shouted out of breath, “What are you doing!?”

Su Lan didn’t answer because she was already in too much pain to speak.

She let go of her bloody left hand and reluctantly stretched her right hand to her lips, falteringly taking off a piece of nail that she was holding and handing it to Jiang Nan’an.

It was a pinky nail, pulled off at the root, the end dripping blood.

No one knew how determined the girl had to be so cruel to herself that she’d go as far as pulling out one of her nails with her teeth.

Jiang Nan’an swallowed his saliva, holding the piece of nail, and did not know what to say for a while.

Su Lan raised her head. Her eyes were wet, cold sweat was dripping, and her lips were pale. She asked with a shiver, “Is this, this… all right?”

Jiang Nan’an hastily returned to his senses, carefully held the bloody nail, held it up to the camera before anxiously asking, “What should I do next?”

Bei Quan replaced Wei Fuyuan, who had just helped himself to quarrel, and appeared on the screen.

“Xiao Jiang, you take the wooden man and nail out, and stay in the living room.”

He paused and then continued, “Miss Su Lan, please immerse yourself in the bath in three minutes without revealing your head and face, and try to stay underwater for as long as possible.”

Su Lan had just ripped one of her nails out with her teeth, and her hand was injured, so it was a bit hard to ask her to soak into the dirty and bloody water with injuries.

But, Su Lan had already made up her mind.

She endured the pain, and although her voice was weak, her tone was very firm.

“… OK.”


After all the chaos, Su Lan’s living room was a mess, chaotic as if a typhoon had passed through. The sofa was overturned, the coffee table was shattered, the chandelier huddled crookedly on the floor, the lamp was in pieces, and there was shattered glass all over the floor.

Holding the mobile phone in one hand, Jiang Nan’an followed Bei Quan’s instructions, carefully walked through the shattered glasses on the ground, and placed the wooden dummy against the wall next to a two-meter-high cabinet.

After making preparations, Jiang Nan’an turned his head back and stared momentarily at the wooden door of the bathroom.

Knock knock.

Two short knocking sounds came from the inside.

This was the code word he had agreed on with Su Lan.

Once Su Lan had submerged herself in the water, Big Sister Su would knock on the door twice in a row.

Jiang Nan’an hurriedly put the nail on the chest of the small wooden man, ran at a hundred-meter sprint speed, and jumped sharply over obstacles all over the ground, running to the bathroom door in one breath.

They did not have to wait long.

Jiang Nan’an, in his mind, counted thirty seconds, when the cabinet next to the wooden man suddenly moved.

It was as if an invisible person had pushed against the wall, and the cabinet tilted to the side at a completely abnormal angle and landed squarely on the little wooden man.

At the same time, Bei Quan, who was far away from Feng Xincheng City, reached out and slapped a long-written spell onto the bracelet.



In the two phones, the two sounds almost overlapped.

The standing cabinet smashed the wooden man, while the eastern pearl set on the bracelet cracked in half under the impact of the spell.

At that instant, Jiang Nan’an felt what seemed like an invisible wind, or some kind of force, brushing against his cheek.


A window glass only three steps away from Jiang Nan’an exploded, the broken glass blew out two meters away and landed in the courtyard outside the house.

Jiang Nan’an was shocked and hastily turned his head.

The window glass blew out from the inside as if a “person” had just broken out through the window.

“Okay, Xiao Jiang, it’s settled.”

Bei Quan’s smiling voice came from the other end of the phone, “You can ask Miss Su Lan to come out of the bathtub, and there will be no more danger.”

Jiang Nan’an subconsciously touched his face.

The feeling of being scraped by an invisible force just now was still so vivid that it gave him goosebumps.

“Oh …… good.”

He looked at the screen, barely managing to pull up the corners of his mouth, and still not quite at ease, he asked, “Are you sure …… it’s okay?”

Just now he experienced a huge force. If the “will” on the gold bracelet came back again, he had absolutely no confidence that he could protect Su Lan by himself.

“Don’t worry.”

Bei Quan assured.

“It has completed its mission. The bracelet that imprisoned it is also destroyed, and that was ‘it’ equivalent to freeing it. It won’t come back. ”

Only then did Jiang Nan’an finally breathe a complete sigh of relief.

“Remember to tell Su Lan that you must donate a golden body to the statue of the girl in the Moon Girl Temple on the mountain.”

Before hanging up the video call, Wei Fuyuan also made a point of admonishing.

“That is her family’s guardian protector ah!”


Wei Fuyuan tucked the phone back into his coat pocket, and when he turned his head to look at Bei Quan, he saw him pick up the gold bracelet on the table, put it back into the black velvet jewelry box, and close the lid.

He noticed that Bei Quan was not wearing gloves when he touched the gold bracelet, indicating that the bracelet should be okay.

“It felt like this bracelet was not difficult to deal with.”

Wei Fuyuan smiled. “I can’t believe that one talisman took care of it!”

Bei Quan listened with some amusement.

“It’s still a good match between Xiao Jiang and us.”

He patiently explained to his little boyfriend.

“To get this done, two conditions must be met: first, the ‘will’ on the golden bracelet needs to feel that it has killed Su Lan and achieved its ‘mission;’ only, when the ‘will ‘ kills someone outside and detaches itself from the attached bracelet, will this bracelet be so easily destroyed by me.”

Bei Quan smiled with a show of hands.

“If Su Lan did not ‘die,’ then even if the bracelet was damaged, it would continue to haunt Su Lan until it completed its task; If we were not fast enough, then it would have been at least ten times more difficult to destroy the will when it returned to the bracelet.” josei

“So that’s how it is.”

Wei Fuyuan suddenly realized that he was deeply impressed by Bei Quan’s ability to calculate everything in advance.

“You already knew what this bracelet was when you received my call?”

Bei Quan smiled.

“I just had a rough guess.”

He slipped the jewelry box into his coat pocket and said in a voice that was almost self-explanatory.

“It is very similar to what I have encountered before.”

Bei Quan said a word very vaguely, but Wei Fuyuan didn’t hear it clearly.

He moved closer to Bei Quan. He was so close that he was almost face to face, “What did you say?”

Bei Quan did not repeat what he had just said, but tilted his head and gave Wei Fuyuan a peck on his earlobe, and turned the topic aside for a second.

“Well, it’s time to return the bracelet to its owner.”

With that, Bei Quan winked at Wei Fuyuan:

“Let’s find Zhang Yiping.”

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