Throne of Magical Arcana

Chapter 737 - Punishment of the God

Chapter 737 - Punishment of the God

Chapter 737: Punishment of the God

Translator: Henyee Translations Editor: Henyee Translations

The burning furnace in the hall drove the freezing coldness of the Month of Ice away. Heidi and her friends leaned against their chairs lazily with different books in their hands. They read the books while they enjoyed the special sweet food.

Although magic air conditioners had been installed in their rooms, making the winter warm and the summer cool, Heidi preferred furnaces, because the fire in the furnace brought warmth to her heart. It was the symbol of a real family for her.

“Magic is truly great. I don’t worry about getting fat no matter how much sweet food I take...” Heidi patted her stomach in satisfaction. “Fat Burning” did not only work on the enemy. It was rather popular among the sorceresses when it was controlled well.

Sensing something, she blinked to the side of the window and looked at the high sky, only to discover that shooting stars were passing the sky and falling like rain. It was truly beautiful.

“Look, a meteor shower!” Heidi could never resist such a wonderful view. She exclaimed at her companions.

However, her eyes were suddenly frozen at this moment. According to her knowledge in the horoscope and force field, the landing spot of the meteor shower would be...

“Allyn!” she blurted out.

The sorcerers who observed the stars on the Tower also opened their mouths. Shouldn’t the meteor shower land in the Boundless Ocean according to the previous observation and prophecy? After that, a lot of sorcerers would go out and search for the meteorites as materials for their studies and alchemy. Why had the trajectory of the shooting stars been changed, making them attack Allyn like a storm?

“Allyn...” Brook and Hathaway, who watched over the City in the Sky in replacement of Hellen, noticed it earlier than they did.

Brook intended to fly over and shatter the meteorites while they were still in the sky, but the meteor shower was unimaginably huge. Also, since the landing point of the meteor shower had been weirdly changed, he had a terrible feeling and did not recklessly go out to block it.

“Level-one alarm. The defense of Allyn is fully activated.” Hathaway activated the corresponding magic circles calmly. “We will focus on defense and destroy any shooting stars that might hit Rentato or any populated areas nearby with rays and lasers.”

The weirdness of the matter prompted her to increase the level of alarm. Otherwise, such a natural accident only deserved a level-two alarm at most.

Brook, on the other hand, spoke to his demiplane that remained connected. “Fully activate the defense circles of the magic towers in the local branches. The supervising legends will expand the range of alarm. The other legends will return to Allyn immediately and be prepared for attack and reinforcement.”

“Try to notify the legends who are out on missions and gather all our forces...” Hathaway added.

The two of them calmly carried out the countermeasures and informed Douglas, Lucien, and the other sorcerers in the northland of the matter.

Gigantic “raindrops”, in glowing light and leaving a bright trail behind, rushed and smashed at Allyn.

At the same time, an intense fog spread throughout Allyn, making the City in the Sky appear to be in a dream instead of reality.

Glimmering stars rose from the fog and connected each other into a vast starry sky around Allyn. Each of them took up a certain spot and circulated according to specific trajectories, forming different magic circles. Those magic circles then overlapped and integrated into a greater magic circle which boasted terrifying power.

That was the ultimate form of the defense of Allyn.

The “raindrops” were brighter and brighter as the burning, gigantic meteorites hit the foggy, starry sky brutally.

The stars were even more brilliant, and ripples spread out in the fog, but the meteorite was nowhere to be found.

The raindrops of stars fell nonstop with the world-destroying air. The fog in the defense of Allyn fluctuated, and part of the stars even died out!

Faced with such a pure natural accident, Brook and Hathaway could’ve adopted another magic effect—anti-gravity and deviation. In such a way, the meteor shower wouldn’t be able to cause any harm to Allyn at all. However, such a way of processing would transfer the harm of the meteor shower to the ground, and since the populated Rentato was not far away, they decided to resist it the hard way.

At the edge of the torrential storm, the meteors flew past the defense of Allyn, falling on the villages around and Rentato!

At this moment, in the foggy starry sky around Allyn, a pillar of crimson, thick light suddenly darted out and hit one of the meteors precisely.

Without a sound, the meteor was nowhere to be seen as if it had been burnt up.

Crimson lasers and greenish rays shot out of the defense, destroying all the meteors that might hit the ground.

At this moment, the citizens in Rentato had already discovered that the defense circles of the city had been activated. They looked at the sky in astonishment, only to catch the scene where shooting stars were falling and lasers were darting at them. They were too astounded to say anything. That was ten thousand times more spectacular than the magic battles as described by the bards and the plays! josei

Even the greatest number of meteors could not power a long-lasting storm. After the first wave, the meteors became sparser. Right when the sorcerers in Allyn were slightly relieved, a shooting star that seemed to be burning its life passed through the atmosphere. The ivory, holy light on the shooting star illuminated more than half of the sky.

The power contained in the shooting star was greater than all the shooting stars before combined. It was like a punishment of heaven and the god!

“Benedict III!”


Brook, Hathaway, Brook, and Oliver called out different names. Such a powerful attack could have only been launched by a demigod. Even the pontiff of the North Church, who was capable of God’s Grace, couldn’t have achieved that!

“Elemental Protection!”

“Magnetic Collapse!”

“Annihilation Ball!”

“Anti-gravity Field!”


Shocked as they might have been, their reactions were not slowed at all. They performed their legendary spells and activated the defensive magic circles, focusing everything available in Allyn to resist Demigod Viken’s “Punishment of God”!

Suddenly, a magic circle before Brook and Hathaway was triggered and manifested a screen. Inside the screen was the scene on the planetary orbit. Points of ivory light appeared and turned into Melmax, Philip, and the other Grand Cardinals. They were flying toward Brook and Hathaway quickly!

That was the perspective of the artificial planet. Therefore, their target was not “Brook and Hathaway” but the artificial planet!

Create chaos to distract and disperse the enemy’s forces, and then attack the enemy quickly so that there would be no time for reinforcement when they realized what was going on. That was exactly Philip’s plan, simple but effective. Nobody could ignore a demigod’s attack!

Of course, the emergency of the Will of Abyss in the northland made him even more delighted and confident of his victory.

The shooting star seemed to be carrying the will of the god. It arrived unstoppably, swearing to destroy everything. Brook and Hathaway were completely occupied and could not get out of the defense at all.


The shooting star hit Allyn, raising an enormous explosion. The colorful layer of Elemental Protection was immediately shattered, and Anti-Gravity Field vanished into thin air under the ivory holy light.

The dark, twisting magnetic field was broken; so were the brilliant stars and magic circles. Even the fog had been separated into several parts.

Although no significant damage was caused to the defense of Allyn and the two top legends, their reactions were indeed limited. Brook looked at the sky, as if he could see the pope who was standing at the periphery of the planet through the atmosphere and the darkness. The man walked slowly with the platinum staff in his hands, disappearing before the silver moon glowed.

“Inform Douglas and the legendary sorcerers who are watching over the branches...” As indifferent as before, Hathaway asked Prospell without the slightest frustration.

Inside the old-growth forest in the northland...

After Lucien cast the super-freezing ice spell and consolidated the bloody gate, the whole forest fell quiet, as if even the sturdy northland creatures had also sensed the coldness that did not belong to the normal world. They dare not act recklessly at all, fearing that the coldness might spread out.

It was difficult to maintain such an extremely low temperature. The frozen darkness gradually thawed and vaporized into a pure mist.

The mutated trees, the underground cave, and the pale and crimson fire near the bloody gate all became mist and disappeared, and the bloody gate was so narrow that it was barely visible. It was about to completely disappear, too.

At this moment, the most evil and chaotic roar echoed behind the gate again, turning the snow into a bloody mist. The bloody gate, on the other hand, was contaminated by the disgusting, wriggling blackness. It expanded quickly and exploded all of a sudden!


As if a whole abyss collapsed in this place, the rolling chaos and blood buried the surroundings. The gate was completely obliterated, but it still created a daunting attack in the end.

“This lunatic!” Lucien and the other sorcerers cursed. The Will of Abyss was truly unreasonable. He had truly “detonated” a layer of abyss, not considering how much power it had left after crossing the realm and how much damage there was left!

“Space Staff!” Ripples of light gathered next to Lucien’s hand into ripples, placing himself and the Monarch of Fate next to him in many universes away.

Chaotic evilness devoured the place, announcing the arrival of the most dreadful silence.


On the orbit, the few Grand Cardinals dispersed and stayed on alert, in case anybody blocked the space and attacked them, while Philip and Saint Melmax flew toward a silver artificial planet.

The artificial planet was fully engraved with complicated, obscure magic patterns, which seemed to have reached the central part.

“Let’s bring it away.” Delighted as Philip was, he still took out a Truth Cross prudently.

The cross did not glitter, and it looked as unattractive as if it were made of random stones. The emblem of the Saint Truth and the stars that represented angels had been carved on it.

“Elimination!” Philip raised the cross. Vague blackness glittered on it with a certain air of sacredness.

The darkness, which was entirely different from the darkness around, sprayed on the artificial planet, immediately eliminating the magic waves and putting out the silver magic circles.

It was a legendary item that corresponded with the blood power of “Elimination”! Philip feared that other traps were installed on the artificial planet and decided to get rid of them all at once.

However, as the last magic circle died out, something seemed to have been activated. Its core was not affected by “Elimination” at all and began to react on its own, resulting in an instant explosion.


Dazzling light that felt like the sun glowed, and a storm of energy consumed the environment!

“Well...” Philip had no time to react at all when he saw Melmax blinked to his front to resist the attack.


In the forest of the northland, Lucien and the sorcerers finally cleansed the chaotic power of the abyss. At this moment, something glittered in the night sky.

Looking at the unusual light, Lucien smiled at Fernando. “A nuclear reactor that loses control every time it is activated has its own usage. The only problem is that the artificial planet was not large enough...”

With his expression remaining graceful, Fernando did not offer any remark.

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