Through The Eyes Of My Alpha

Through The Eyes Of My Alpha Chapter 52

Through The Eyes Of My Alpha Chapter 52

Through The Eyes Of My Alpha Chapter 52

Through the eyes of my alpha Chapter 52

NADIA. My heart was clenching as I watched Riley in combat with one of his Elite warriors in a makeshift arena at the training grounds. I have always seen him during training and when he did boxing on his own at the gym. If he was looking sexy during those times, they were nothing compared to how my mate looked right now.

He looked like a god with his sweat glistening over his naked torso.

His face was showing his animalistic side, and I wouldn’t deny that the sight of his fierce side was making my core throb.

He was really hot and I couldn’t believe he was mine.

I flinched and almost let out a gasp when he was hit on the jaw by his opponent, but it didn’t make him falter or even lose his stance.

Instead, he countered the attack and in just a second, the warrior who was also showing mastery of the skill was already on the ground.

‘I can feel your emotions here, my love.

Don’t be terrified, I’m okay.

’ He reached me through our mindlink, and I could see him winking at me from a distance.

‘Did it hurt?

’ I asked, my voice laced with worry.

I knew he could take the blow, but my heart couldn’t take it.

‘It hurts more when you refuse to speak with me when you’re mad at me.

’ He chuckled.

‘Stop kidding around, and focus there.

I will put my wall up so I don’t distract you.

’ ‘Don’t do that.

I need to feel something to keep me going.

’ ‘But your walls are up.

I can’t feel you.

’ ‘I don’t want you to feel the blow, Nadia.

’ He chuckled.

‘So it means it hurts.

’ Of course, it hurts.

Stupid question.

I chuckled at my own words.

‘Yes it does, but nothing I couldn’t take.

And it’s something I don’t want you to feel.

’ ‘I know.

I was just being a brat.


And make me proud!

‘Yes, my Luna.

’ Another gasp left my throat, but this time, it wasn’t for him.

It was for the warrior he was sparring with.

Riley jabbed him in the jaw, and his body spun around before falling to the ground with a loud thud.

He wasn’t moving.

Everyone around us was clapping their hands and hooting, but the sight made my stomach churn.

Did he kill him?


Did you kill him?

’ I asked, scared of what the outcome would be.


I didn’t.

It’s a hard blow, but he could take it.

’ I saw Riley approach the warrior and crouched to his side.

He was fully covering him from my sight, so I had no idea what was going on.

“Luna…” Someone called my attention from behind me, and I tilted my head and found three young females, probably around fourteen or fifteen smiling at me.

“Hi…” I greeted them, a wide smile playing on my lips.

“We saw the Alpha wink at you earlier.

” They were giggling with giddiness, which I found adorable.

“He did?

” I feigned a surprise.

“I thought something was just caught in the Alpha’s eyes.

” They giggled, and one of them shook her head.

“I think the Alpha likes you a lot.

My mom said he had never really talked to females before.

” “Of course, the Alpha loves her.

She wouldn’t be our Luna if he doesn’t.

” One of them added.

“But she’s not our Luna yet.

Maybe she will leave too.

” I heard the smallest girl whisper, but I could hear it well and my heart clenched.

These girls knew about Andrea and that she had left him.

I didn’t know what to feel at the moment if I should feel bad about myself or for my mate.

“But she will be.

” The tallest of them said before she turned her gaze back at me, a warm smile on her lips.

“You will be the Luna of this pack, right Luna Nadia?

” “Yes.

I will be your Luna, and that would be soon.

” I winked at her.

I made up my mind.

I would talk with Riley tonight.

Maybe I was still not a Luna material at this point, but I would learn and I would do my best.

Riley deserved a Luna, and so did his people.

And they would get one, the rightful Luna of this pack RILEY.

I went over the documents in my hand, but I couldn’t concentrate.

Gamma Sebastian sent me a mindlink minutes ago that there was a manila envelope left at the border that was addressed to me, but it has Nadia’s name on it as a subject.

He had already sniffed and believed nothing dangerous was inside.

He asked if he should go and check inside, but I didn’t allow him.

Whatever was in there might be confidential and I didn’t want to risk anything being seen by anyone, especially if it had something to do with Nadia.

And now I was finding it hard to do my work while I waited for my Gamma to arrive.

I wanted the envelope in my hand and I wanted to see them before telling Nadia whatever was inside.

‘Where are you?

Are you still with Katya?

’ I asked her through our mind link.

She told me after lunch that she would visit Beta Dominic’s mom so she could learn more about the pack duties of a Luna.


Do you need me there?

’ ‘I need you every time.

’ ‘Stop flirting with me.

I’m asking a serious question.

She giggled.

Do you want me home?

’ ‘You can stay there.

I was just making sure I knew where you are.

’ ‘Okay.

Are you sure there’s no Andrea there in your office?

That if I just suddenly appear there, I won’t be surprised?

’ ‘No.


I learned my lessons the hard way.

No more secrets.

’ ‘Good.

You’re learning fast, Alpha.

’ ‘I have a very good teacher.

’ ‘Hmmm… Is that me?

Because, as far as I recall, I was the one being instructed on what to do and what not to do, like this morning when you told me where you wanted my hands…’ ‘Nadia…’ I grunted.

She always made it her hobby to tease me at the most appropriate times.

‘I thought no flirting?

’ ‘I wasn’t flirting.

I was seducing you…’ ‘Goddess, what will I do with you?

’ I groaned, she was making my dick twitch inside my pants and she was nowhere near to help me with this.

‘Many things… you can do many things with me.

No limits.

’ ‘I’m sure I will after all the teasing you are doing.

You need to be punished, my love.

’ Sounds exciting!

So tonight?

My punishment?

Let’s make it a date!

’ She exclaimed, her tone laced with excitement, and I couldn’t help but chuckle at her excitement.


She was overwhelming me at times.

But I wasn’t complaining.

‘Tonight then, let me get back to work so I can prepare for tonight.

’ ‘Okay… I love you, big Alpha.

’ ‘I love you too, my Luna.

’ She cut off the mind link just in time as Gamma Sebastian’s smell reached my nose.

“Come in,” I told him without waiting for him to knock, and the door swung open.

Sebastian stepped in and bowed his head before walking toward my desk and placing the manila envelope in front of me.

“Do you want me to stay while you open that?

Or would you rather have privacy?

” He asked.

“You can leave, I’ll be fine.

” .

He just bowed down and I nodded my head in acknowledgment before he left and closed the door behind him.

I sliced the envelope open with my letter cutter and spread out everything on my desk.

The first one that caught my eye was a picture of Nadia.

And it cut right through my heart.

I closed my eyes and pressed my fingers to them, trying to calm myself and slow down my heartbeat.

I then rose from my seat and walked towards the door, locking it before hovering back at my desk Pictures of Nadia and Benedict.

I took one where Benedict was holding Nadia’s jaw and they were looking straight at each other’s eyes.

It was fucking too intimate.

The one that took the picture must have been ten to 12 twelve meters away from them.


I knew of Nadia’s past.

Nothing would change.

Someone was out there to destroy us.

I swiped my gaze over all the pictures on my desk.

Eight pieces.

This was fucking nothing.

Even the one where she was hugging Benedict meant nothing.

I gathered them all up and shoved them inside the envelope, planning to just throw them to the fire and burn them when a folded paper slipped out.

I picked it up and unfolded it.

The letter was for me.

My heart shattered into pieces as everything started to make sense, The three months that she was gone.

Her sudden appearance.

Her acceptance of my past, like it was nothing.

And the Luna ceremony.

I didn’t know how I managed to finish reading the letter before I crumpled it and threw it in the waste bin as I wiped the tears that fall from my eyes with the back of my hand.

I didn’t know such pain as this existed.


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