Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

Namgung Ho called for Namgung Min.

Young Patriarch! There are too many of them. Stopping them with our current forces is impossible. You have to take Hyun-Ah and get away from here.

What? Uncle, how can I leave you and our warriors behind and run away with Hyun-Ah? I will stay here and fight to the very end.

I know how you feel, but you are the Young Patriarch. Your life does not belong to you only. You are the future of the Great Namgung Family. We cannot lose you here, so do as I say.

Namgung Min clenched his fists. Namgung Ho was right. As the future of the Great Namgung Family, he had to survive here.

Understood! I will not say my final goodbyes. You have to return safely, uncle.

Dont worry. Go. Now. Namgung Ho smiled.

Namgung Min engraved the sight of Namgung Ho in his mind, then turned around. He grabbed Namgung Hyun-Ah, who was standing behind them, by the wrist and headed to the back of the ship.

We cant be the only ones running away. Hyun-Ah shook off Namgung Mins hand.

I also want to fight to the very end, but I am the Great Namgung Familys Young Patriarch. For the future of the Great Namgung Family, I cannot die here.

You should go alone, then, brother. I will stay behind.

Dont you want to see Young Patriarch Baek again?


If you stay behind here, those pirates will treat you badly. Now, be quiet and come with me. We have already wasted too much time.

No longer able to stay stubborn, Hyun-Ah headed to the back of the ship with Namgung Min and dove into the Changjiang River. They would have to swim for at least fifteen minutes to get to the riverside from the middle of the Changjiang River. However, that wasnt a big problem. After all, Namgung Min and Hyun-Ah were not only martial arts masters but had also learned how to swim at Chaohu Lake from an early age.josei

The Four Seas Gang began to attack not long after Namgung Min and Hyun-Ah dove into the river. The pirate ships quickly surrounded the Great Namgung Familys ship, preventing it from moving an inch. Afterward, the pirates jumped over and started attacking those on board.

Although they were surrounded, the Great Namgung Familys warriors were not intimidated at all, Rather, they cut down the pirates who crossed over without hesitation. In terms of foundational martial arts skills alone, the Four Seas Gang pirates couldnt hold a candle against the Great Namgung Familys warriors. Hence, despite their overwhelming numbers, the pirates couldnt overpower their opponents at all.

On the contrary, as soon as they crossed over to the Great Namgung Familys ship, they would be swarmed by the attacks from the Great Namgung Familys martial artists.

Commanders, take care of them directly!

Watching the fight unfold, the Four Seas Gangs Heavenly Dragon ordered their organizations five Supreme Commanders to join the battle. As instructed, the five Supreme Commanders jumped over to the Great Namgung Familys ship without delay. Namgung Ho, who had been relentlessly cutting down pirate after pirate, flew toward them as soon as he saw them crossing over.

Why dont you play with me instead? Rei-Chu, the Berserk Dragon, blocked Namgung Hos path unsheathing his saber.

This bastard! Shouldnt you introduce yourself first?!

I am Woon Rei-Chu, the Berserk Dragon of the Four Seas Gang.

To think the likes of pirates dare mess with the Great Namgung Family. You must be out of your mind acting so recklessly without fearing the consequences.

Whats so great about the Namgung Family anyway? It seems like the news hasnt reached you yet, but we have already annihilated your subsidiary family in Nanjing.

Youve just given me more reason to kill you with my own hands!

Kuhaha! I wonder how great the Five Great Devas truly are. Shall we have a look?

Namgung Ho put on a nasty smile in response, showing the expression he made whenever he was extremely angry. None of those who had seen it had survived the aftermath.

Namgung Ho disappeared from Rei-Chus field of vision faster than his nasty smile did. An intense aura penetrated from Rei-Chus side, forcing him to turn to the side and swing his saber. With a thunderous roar, Rei-Chu was pushed back. A swirling wind vajra qi struck down on Rei-Chu like lightning. Already pushed back as far as the ships railing, Rei-Chu quickly evaded to the side.

The swirling wind vajra qi struck down and completely destroyed the ships prow. Rei-Chu quickly tried to launch a counterattack, but before he could, Namgung Hos sword had already manifested and launched a wave of swirling wind vajra qi at Rei-Chu again.

This insolent bastard!

Namgung Hos ridiculous attack speed made Rei-Chu frown as he swung his saber again. The vajra qi enveloping it collided head-on with the swirling wind vajra qi, the shockwave shattering and causing the ships deck to burst. Subsequently, the swirling wind vajra qi penetrated through and shredded Rei-Chus saber energy.

Shocked beyond belief, Rei-Chu shook off his saber energy before retreating quite a distance away, having clearly realized from the previous clash that he was no match for Namgung Ho. He also finally understood why the Great Namgung Family was referred to as one of the Seven Great Families. Even though they were both Absolute Realm masters, Namgung Ho was in a totally different league. Rei-Chu knew now that he couldnt win against him alone. He required Hae-Sans help.

As if reading Rei-Chus mind, Hae-San jumped into the fray and interrupted the battle between Rei-Chu and Namgung Ho on his own accord.

The Five Great Devas are certainly of a different caliber, Hae-San said in admiration as he landed behind Namgung Ho.

I am the weakest among them. Even if only two of the Five Great Devas were to take action, I can guarantee that the Four Seas Gang will be completely erased from existence.

Well, no matter how great the Great Namgung Family is, they cant be as strong in the middle of the sea.

Its only a matter of time before you realize how wrong you are. No, you bastards wont even get that chance. My sword will cut you down today.

Namgung Ho turned around, finding no more need for idle talks. He unleashed waves of divine wind vajra qi from left to right. The swirling wind vajra qi engulfed space itself as it flew toward Hae-San and Rei-Chu. Rather than backing down, the two confronted the incoming attack head-on. A thunderous roar resonated from both sides as the resulting shockwave shattered the ships deck.

Hae-San and Rei-Chu soared into the sky and pincered Namgung Ho. The sword energy and the saber energy Hae-San and Rei-Chu had respectively unleashed reached Namgung Ho at the same time. In response, Namgung Ho unleashed as much internal energy as he could and manifested divine wind vajra qi, which then soared into the sky and collided with Hae-San and Rei-Chus attacks.

The shockwave further destroyed the ships prow, and Namgung Ho fell into the river along with the ships pieces. The impact messed up his internal organs so much that he couldnt return to his senses, and his inability to properly breathe underwater made it difficult to stabilize his insides. Unable to do anything, he continued to drown.

I cant die here!

As Namgung Ho sank deeper, his deadly determination returned him to his senses. He swung his sword underwater, unleashing a swirling wind aura that quickly propelled him above the water. However, as soon as Namgung Ho resurfaced, Hae-San and Rei-Chu, who were waiting for him, flew toward and attacked him.

Namgung Ho mustered up as much internal energy as he could, but he couldnt defend himself quickly enough due to his internal injuries.

Is this the end?

Namgung Ho closed his eyes in anticipation of his death.

Step on the shield!

Along with a familiar voice, Namgung Ho saw a golden shield flying toward him at a frightening speed. Immediately recognizing it as Mu-Guns shield, he jumped on it without much thought as it passed by his feet. As a result, Hae-San and Rei-Chu hit where Namgung Ho had been instead. Hae-San and Rei-Chu jumped down from their ship and stared at where the shield flew, finding a ship approaching from about a hundred feet away. Mu-Gun was standing on its figurehead.

Mu-Gun, who quickly left Wuchang to chase after the Great Namgung Familys ship, managed to catch up to their ship within a day and a half. However, by the time he arrived, the Great Namgung Familys ship was already surrounded and under attack by the Four Seas Gangs pirate ships. Still quite far from them, he watched Namgung Ho fight Hae-San and Rei-Chu on the ships prow and fall into the water when the ships prow was destroyed by Hae-San and Rei-Chus joint attack.

As soon as Namgung Ho resurfaced, Hae-San and Rei-Chu immediately attacked him again. The distance between Mu-Gun and Namgung Ho made it difficult for Mu-Gun to help Namgung Ho directly. Hence, he threw his Flying Golden Shield instead and shouted, Step on the shield!

The Flying Golden Shield flew like a ray of light toward Namgung Ho. Its tremendous speed made climbing onto it difficult, but Mu-Gun believed Namgung Ho could do it anyway. Proving him right, Namgung Ho jumped onto the Flying Golden Shield with perfect timing, barely escaping Hae-San and Rei-Chus attacks.


Sighing in relief, Mu-Gun unsheathed his sword and launched himself up from the ships prow. Activating the Thunder God's Shadow, he quickly flew toward the Four Seas Gangs pirate ships. Upon narrowing down the distance to ten feet, he descended to the river as he unleashed the Heavenly Sea Waves Saber Art toward the surface of the water.

The Heavenly Sea Waves Saber Art pulled in the waves of the Changjiang River and created a huge tsunami that was more than thirty feet in height. As it swooped over the pirate ships, the pirates grew flustered.

Unable to get away from the ships, all they could do was stare at the huge tidal waves that were raging above them. Two of the pirate ships were easily swept away, tilting to the side first before being broken to pieces.


Help me!

The pirates fell into the Changjiang River as the ships collapsed sideways. After knocking down two pirate ships with the Heavenly Sea Waves Saber Art, Mu-Gun launched himself off one of the sinking ships sides and soared high into the air. When he landed on the pirate ship that Hae-San and Rei-Chu were on, the two stared at him in astonishment. After all, he had just shown great prestige.

Who are you? Rei-Chu asked, unable to recognize Mu-Gun.

I am Baek Mu-Gun, the Baek Sword Sects Young Patriarch.

So, youre the Baek Mu-Gun weve heard so much about.

I didnt know I have become so much of a celebrity that even pirates know of my name now.

Was the technique you just used from the Heavenly Sea God Sects martial arts? Hae-San asked.

Thats right. On that note, shouldnt you bow your head to the Heavenly Sea God Sects successor? Youre just a pirate, after all, while I reign over the seas.

Unfortunately, Im having trouble doing that. Ill cut off your head instead.

Mu-Gun chuckled. Do you have the skills to do that?

The technique you used to create a tsunami is amazing, but it wont work while youre on the ship.

Thinking that Mu-Gun had to have access to water to create another tsunami, Rei-Chu grew confident that they could win. After exchanging looks, Hae-San and Rei-Chu attacked Mu-Gun at the same time. However, they couldnt pull off their combined attack.

Ill take care of the bastard with the saber.

Before they realized it, Hwang Rei had boarded the pirate ship and blocked Rei-Chus way. Leaving Rei-Chu to Hwang Rei, Mu-Gun began to confront Hae-San head-on.

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