Thunder God's Reincarnation

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

Chapter 33

"Lady Shangguan! I am Huangfu Sheng of the Great Huangfu Family. I came at the request of Master Shangguan, your father. Stop this childish elope and return to the Shandong Merchant Association with us."

Baek Mu-Gun could roughly guess the situation when he heard the Great Huangfu Family and Lady Shangguan being mentioned. The crossdressing woman they referred to as Lady Shangguan was most probably Shangguan Bihe.

She likely refused the marriage proposals of the Great Huangfu Family and the Qingdao Sect because of the man she loved.

On the other hand, her father would have tried to form a connection through marriage with the Great Huangfu Family or the Qingdao Sect for the sake of the Shandong Merchant Association's growth.

Just like what one of the merchants from before said, it seemed that the Great Huangfu Family was the final choice. With her father’s coercion putting her in a position where she had to marry someone she didn’t want to, Bihe was eventually forced to elope to this place with her loved one. However, the martial artists of the Great Huangfu Family had caught up to her.

The Great Huangfu Family’s arrival reminded Mu-Gun of the grudge from his previous life. He was about to stand up but managed to calm himself down. Sticking his nose in other people's affairs in murim would do him no good. Moreover, he was on his way to the Medicine King Family. It would be problematic if he caused them harm by getting involved with the Great Huangfu Family.

"No, I have no intention of returning, so please go back," Bihe replied with a determined voice.

"If you keep acting like this, the person in front of you may get hurt, Lady Shangguan."

"If you think your threats would scare me and make me step down, you're greatly mistaken. You will never be able to take Lady Shangguan with you without my permission,” the man with Bihe said firmly.

"Kuhaha, did you just say ‘permission’? That's big talk coming from a guy who can't even take one of my punches.”

"Threatening me with your overwhelming strength and trying to forcefully take Lady Shangguan with you has made me realize that the Great Huangfu Family, a renowned righteous sect, is no different from the scoundrels of the evil sects."

"Lady Shangguan is a precious figure who’s already in an arranged marriage with the young patriarch of our family. We came to pick her up at the earnest request of Master Shangguan. And even if I kill you, a wicked man trying to satisfy his lust by seducing the innocent Lady Shangguan with your sweet words, who would dare curse our family?" Huangfu Sheng explained their justification with a relaxed demeanor.

"My father arbitrarily decided on the marriage with Young Master Huangfu without any regard for my feelings. I have no intention of marrying Young Master Huangfu. And don’t make things up. Young Master Seonwoo did not seduce me. I followed him on my own accord," Bihe refuted.

'Young Master Seonwoo! Does he carry the blood of the Medicine King Family?'

Mu-Gun's eyes shined. The Medicine King Family used the rare surname Seonwoo.

He wondered if Young Master Seonwoo, who was with Bihe, was a member of the Medicine King Family. If so, he couldn't just stand still and ignore them.

"Lady Shangguan, please refrain from saying or doing anything that would disgrace our family. We’re also just doing Master Shangguan a favor. And you all! What are you doing not attending to Lady Shangguan?!” Huangfu Sheng shouted at his subordinates, indicating that he had no intention of listening any further.


Young Master Seonwoo quickly blocked Huangfu Sheng's men, preventing them from approaching Bihe.

"Keep him alive.”

At Huangfu Sheng's words, the martial artists of the Great Huangfu Family nodded and moved to subdue Young Master Seonwoo.


Mu-Gun stopped them.

Huangfu Sheng glared at Mu-Gun. "This is a private affair of the Great Huangfu Family. Outsiders should keep their noses out."

Unfazed by his warning, Mu-Gun asked Young Master Seonwoo, "Let me just ask you one question, Young Master Seonwoo. Do you happen to know Master Seonwoo Pyo?"

"He is my father. Who are you and how do you know my father's name?" Young Master Seonwoo asked curiously.

"Then I can't just stay still. I think it's better for you members of the Great Huangfu Family to stop here and leave now." Mu-Gun politely told Huangfu Sheng.

Huangfu Sheng looked baffled. "It seems you’re acquainted with his father, but it would be best if you mind your own business and keep quiet instead of interfering."

Since they were still a renowned righteous sect, Huangfu Sheng held his anger in and gave Mu-Gun a chance to step down.

"What if I have to interfere?"

"You’d dare interfere with the affairs of the Great Huangfu Family?"

"Nothing’s impossible.”

”They say that fools rush in where angels fear to tread. I will show you the prowess of the Great Huangfu Family. Take this bastard down first!"

The Great Huangfu Family's martial artists, who were moving toward Young Master Seonwoo, turned and approached Mu-Gun. They belittled him because of his young age, but that was a clear mistake on their part.

Without hesitation, Mu-Gun charged at them with lightning speed and stabbed their main blood vessels with the Vajra Exorcism Finger. The two martial artists in front of him collapsed to the ground like rotten straws.

"He's no ordinary man! Attack him with all your might!" Huangfu Sheng cried out in a hurry.

Even without his orders, the Great Huangfu Family's martial artists had already put their guard up and decided not to hold back upon witnessing Mu-Gun's capabilities. Nevertheless, their situation didn’t improve much. They were helpless before Mu-Gun’s Aerial Steps, which he executed while leisurely avoiding their attacks. At the same time, he thrust his hands forward alternately, consecutively using the Vajra Exorcism Finger.

Five out of the remaining eight martial artists collapsed in an instant. Huangfu Sheng's expression stiffened, having realized the extent of Mu-Gun's abilities. His subordinates alone wouldn’t be able to defeat Mu-Gun. He had to join them. Huangfu Sheng rushed in without hesitation and threw a punch at Mu-Gun.

Along with a thunderous roar, Huangfu Sheng's fists flew toward Mu-Gun's chest. He had just used the Mountain-Splitting Fists, one of the Great Huangfu Family’s representative ultimate techniques. A fist technique developed with the sound of thunderclaps as inspiration, it disturbed the opponent's strength with its unique thunderous booms and overpowered them with a fist force faster than a bolt of lightning. As for Huangfu Sheng's Mountain-Splitting Fists, it was powerful enough to shatter even sturdy monoliths.

Mu-Gun frowned upon sensing that. He could feel the murderous intent in Huangfu Sheng's fists.

'So he's coming at me with the intent to kill, huh.'

Mu-Gun didn’t evade it, however. Instead, he extended his hand to face it head-on. Using the first technique of the Heavenly Descent Thunder Strike, Mu-Gun delivered strikes twice as fast as Huangfu Sheng's fists as their attacks clashed.

Much to Huangfu Sheng’s surprise, the power behind his punch was dispersed as soon as it clashed with Mu-Gun's hand. However, that wasn't all. After deflecting the Mountain-Splitting Fists, the Heavenly Descent Thunder Strike’s force flowed through Huangfu Sheng's fists, spinning like a whirlwind.

Unable to overcome its power, Huangfu Sheng’s arm was forcibly bent and twisted, with an eerie sound. His wrist and elbow were shattered one after another.

"Kuarghhhhh!" Huangfu Sheng screamed as he held his right arm, the elbow and wrist of which had been broken.

"This is as far as I am willing to tolerate."

Remembering Huangfu Tianyue, the previous patriarch of the Great Huangfu Family and one of the people that caused his previous incarnation’s death, Mu-Gun wanted to beat all of the Great Huangfu Family's martial artists to death. However, it wouldn’t be right to pass on the sins of Huangfu Tianyue to the martial artists of the Great Huangfu Family.

Hence, he stopped at just breaking Huangfu Sheng's right wrist and elbow. Huangfu Sheng had malicious intentions anyway. If he didn’t, Mu-Gun would have stopped after just overpowering him.

"Kuhkk! You think you’ll be safe after daring to interfere with the affairs of our family? The masters of my family won’t leave you alone."

Despite being in pain and having cold sweat trickling down his back, Huangfu Sheng still threatened Mu-Gun by flaunting the power of his family.

Mu-Gun had an interesting idea the moment Huangfu Sheng threatened him. With an arrogant look, he said, "I am Sima Bi of Yangzhou’s Great Sima Family. Not just me, but the entire Great Sima Family is not afraid of the Huangfu Family."

Now that he had disguised himself as a figure from the Great Sima Family, he hoped that the Great Huangfu Family and Great Sima Family would fight each other under the pretext of this incident. Of course, the Great Huangfu Family wouldn’t just blindly believe Mu-Gun’s words and outright attack the Great Sima Family. However, it would yield great results for him if they did. If they didn’t, they’d at least have trouble finding him. After all, the Great Sima Family was outstanding in its own way.

"Sima Bi of the Great Sima Family... I'll remember that name clearly. Everyone, retreat."

Huangfu Sheng left the restaurant with the help of his subordinates whom Mu-Gun hadn’t attacked. Young Master Seonwoo and Bihe sighed in relief, seemingly freed from the tension they had felt when the Great Huangfu Family's martial artists appeared.

"I’m Seonwoo Kang of the Jinan Medical Clinic. Thank you for your help, Young Master Sima."

Seonwoo Kang revealed his name to Mu-Gun and expressed his gratitude. The Jinan Medical Clinic was opened to the public by the Medicine King Family, and the Medicine King Family often practiced their medical techniques and medical arts through the clinic.

Once they had reached a certain age, the Medicine King Family's successor was supposed to stay in the Jinan Medical Clinic and take care of patients to gain clinical experience. The same applied to Seonwoo Kang.

Seonwoo Kang had been working in the Jinan Medical Clinic since a year ago. At some point, he had met Bihe by chance, and the two of them had fallen in love at first sight.

Just like Mu-Gun had guessed, they had encountered the Great Huangfu Family's martial artists while eloping to the secret valley of the Medicine King Family in an effort to avoid the opposition of Shangguan Qing, Bihe's father. If it wasn't for Mu-Gun, Seonwoo Kang would’ve been beaten to a pulp and Bihe would’ve been dragged away helplessly.

"With all due respect, I am not from the Sima Family."

"Then what was that before?" Seonwoo Kang questioned.

"I made it up in order to hide my identity."

"I see. That worries me, however. The Great Sima Family could be harmed because of what you said."

"It may seem wrong that I sold out the Great Sima Family now, but you’ll understand why I mentioned their names today once more details are revealed in the future.”

"That means there are circumstances that I still do not know."


"On another note, how do you know my father?"

"You can confirm that in the Medicine King Family’s secret valley."

"Do you perhaps also know where that is?"

"It's in the Heavenly Underground Cave of the Thousand Pine Valley."

Seonwoo Kang looked surprised at Mu-Gun's accurate answer. There were only a handful of people who knew about the Medicine King Family's secret valley.

Through that fact, Seonwoo Kang realized that Mu-Gun had gone beyond just simply having a connection with Seonwoo Pyo. Rather, he knew about the Medicine King Family as a whole quite well.

"Young Master, did you come here to visit my family's secret valley?"

"Yes. I have a feeling you two are also heading to the same destination." josei

"That's right."

"Then we can go there together."

Mu-Gun decided to stay in the inn tonight as planned and go to the Medicine King Family the next morning together with Seonwoo Kang and Bihe.


Just like its name suggested, the Thousand Pine Valley was a valley with a thousand pine trees. It was covered with clouds and fog all year round, making it look as if the pine trees were floating on the clouds. Mu-Gun entered the Thousand Pine Valley along with Seonwoo Kang and Bihe.

Inside the Thousand Pine Valley was a trap array called Thousand Pine Maze Array, which made anyone who entered without permission wander around the maze full of pine trees.

Since he possessed the Thunder God's Heavenly Eyes, Mu-Gun could easily find the life path of the Thousand Pine Maze Array. There wasn't a need for him to do so, though. After all, Seonwoo Kang was right in front of their party, guiding them.

Seonwoo Kang didn’t doubt Mu-Gun, who knew not only the name of his father, Seonwoo Pyo but also the exact location of the Medicine King Family’s secret valley. Hence, he took Mu-Gun with him.

After safely leaving the Thousand Pine Maze Array, the trio entered a cave located on a high cliff. The cave was connected underground. After over fifteen minutes, they found an exit that led to a place surrounded by mountain streams. It was as if it was from another world.

This was the Heavenly Underground Cave of the Medicine King Family. Since he had been here before, Mu-Gun wasn’t that surprised by the sight. However, that wasn't the case for Bihe.

"Wow! I really didn't expect that there would be a place like this. It's so beautiful."

"Do you like it?"

"Yes. If I can stay here with Young Master Seonwoo, I think I can throw away all the wealth and honor that I have enjoyed so far."

"Thank you for saying that. Well then, shall we go inside?" Seonwoo Kang sounded quite happy, perhaps because of what Bihe said. He led the two to the residence of Seonwoo Pyo, the patriarch of the Medicine King Family.

Seonwoo Pyo's residence was located in a place where spring water flowed in the front and a cluster of green pine surrounded the back. Despite being the residence of the Medicine King Family's patriarch, there wasn't anyone guarding the place. The lack of need for a guard made how safe this place was quite evident.

“Father! It's me, Kang."

Upon arriving at the entrance of Seonwoo Pyo's residence, Seonwoo Kang announced his visit instead of entering immediately.

"Come on in."

Only when he received permission did Seonwoo Kang enter. Mu-Gun and Bihe followed him inside.

Seonwoo Pyo, who was reading a book, looked puzzled upon seeing his son and the two individuals following him.

"What happened? Why are you here when you should be at Jinan Medical Clinic? And why do you have two people following you?

Seonwoo Kang first explained matters regarding himself and Bihe. Seonwoo Pyo didn’t look too good upon hearing Seonwoo Kang's explanation.

Seonwoo Kang bringing Bihe with him despite her arranged marriage with the Great Huangfu Family was worrisome. Nevertheless, he didn't say much because the relationship between Seonwoo Kang and Bihe seemed to run quite deep.

"Let's talk about that later. Who is this handsome young man next to you?"


Seonwoo Kang thought Mu-Gun and Seonwoo Pyo were acquainted, only to end up staring at Mu-Gun in bewilderment when Seonwoo Pyo looked like he had no idea who Mu-Gun was.

"Let me tell you that myself. However, it is something that outsiders aren’t allowed to hear." Mu-Gun glanced at Bihe.

"I'll go out and wait for a while."

Quick-witted, Bihe left the room.

"I'll also go out with her." Seonwoo Kang requested, hoping someone would accompany Bihe since he couldn't leave her alone.

"So be it."

Seonwoo Kang left the room following Bihe, leaving Mu-Gun alone with Seonwoo Pyo.

"Now then, tell me."

"Do you remember the Thunder God's covenant?"

Mu-Gun’s question surprised Seonwoo Pyo. The only one who knew about the Thunder God's covenant was the Thunder God's successor. That meant the man in front of him was highly likely to be the Thunder God's successor.

"Are you perhaps the Thunder God's successor?"

"That's right."

"Can you show me the symbol of the Thunder God?"

Mu-Gun immediately invoked the Golden Thunder Flower Seal and showed it to Seonwoo Pyo.

"I've confirmed that you're the Thunder God's successor."

"What do you plan to do with the Thunder God's covenant?"

"Since it is a covenant pledged in the honor of the Medicine King Family, we will of course adhere to it. However, we will need some time to procure the materials needed to make the Divine Thunder Essence Pill."

"How long do you need?" Mu-Gun asked.

"It will take one month at the earliest."

"I'll wait. Please allow me to stay here until then."

"Of course. And as per the Thunder God's covenant, our family would like to ask a favor from the Thunder God's successor."

The Thunder God's covenant wasn't one-sided. In exchange for concocting the Divine Thunder Essence Pill for the Thunder God's successor, the Medicine King Family could ask one favor from the Thunder God's successor.

It wasn’t as if all types of requests would be entertained. Only the favors that were within the abilities of the Thunder God’s successor, as well as those that did not violate the agreement, were doable.

“What is it?”

“Please protect the Medicine King Family from the Great Huangfu Family.”

Seonwoo Pyo knew how important honor was to the people of murim. He also knew very well how cruel they could be just to get what they wanted. If Seonwoo Kang and Bihe continued staying together, the Great Huangfu Family would lose the opportunity to obtain the entire Shandong Merchant Association for themselves.

In addition, if it became known that Bihe, who was in talks of marriage with the Great Huangfu Family, had fled in the night with Seonwoo Kang, the Great Huangfu Family would be humiliated and lose face and honor. The Great Huangfu Family would never leave Seonwoo Kang alone after he humiliated them and deprived them of the opportunity to gain the Shandong Merchant Association’s financial resources.

Although the Heavenly Underground Cave in the Thousand Pines Valley was said to be a secretive location, if the Great Huangfu Family made up their mind, they could find it whenever they wanted. The Medicine King Family didn’t have the power to stop the Great Huangfu Family.

However, that wasn’t the case if the Thunder God’s successor was brought into the equation. As the Thunder God’s successor, he would be able to take responsibility for the safety of the Medicine King Family, allowing him to protect them from the Great Huangfu Family.

“I would have done that even if you didn’t request it as a favor under the Thunder God’s covenant.”

“No. As the Thunder God’s successor, please put everything on the line and protect the Medicine King Family. I think I would only be relieved if you do that.”


“The covenant has been formed, then. I’ll give you the Divine Thunder Essence Pill within a month.”

“Thank you.”

“Ah, have we met before?”

“Today is the first time we’ve met.”

“Be that as it may, the vibe you exude is very familiar.”

“I was told that I have a similar aura to Guyang Hwi, the previous Thunder God’s successor.”

“Now that you mentioned it, I see the resemblance. Your vibe is definitely similar to Guyang Hwi.” Seonwoo Pyo nodded as he recalled Guyang Hwi, whom he had met a long time ago. “Now, then, please take a rest. My son will let you know where you can stay.”

“It was nice to meet you.” Seonwoo Pyo’s son, Seonwoo Kang greeted Mu-Gun.

“The same goes for me,” Mu-Gun replied.

“Then, please rest up,” Seonwoo Pyo said his last words before gesturing his son to bring Mu-Gun to his room.

Mu-Gun left Seonwoo Pyo’s residence and was guided to an empty residence by Seonwoo Kang.

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